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This Guy is NOT A FOLK HERO !

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I have been in the airline industry for 30 or so years since my late teens, and the incident involving the flight attendant at jet blue this week, is certainly one of the more bizarre ones.....


First of all, why is the media glamourizing what this guy did, and portray hims as a folk hero ????


Are we THAT desperate for Hero's ?


Those of us in the industry are shocked and quite dismayed that such RECKLESS BEHAVIOUR AND UTTER DISREGARD for safety of others is being hailed as one person's VALIANT fight against corporate America.....


WHAT ???


What this CLOWN did was endanger the lives of his passengers, crew AND unsuspecting ground personnel.


If anyone has seen the deployment of an emergency chute, not only is it a violent reaction ( because it deploys so fast ) but anyone underneath in all likelihood would be injured OR KILLED if struck by it.....


Was the FA a victim of ABUSE .... most certainly !....however, the FA's recourse would have resulted in SEVERE CRIMINAL and Civil actions against the passenger, who in all likelihood could have been charged with a felony for improper behaviour and endangering other passenger's during the flight , and THEN A CIVIL LAW SUIT for injuring the FA with the falling bag, which injured the FA.....


The Law, FOR VERY good reasons, deals harshly with those causing any sort of problems on an airplane....this FA, should have done the intelligent thing, which was to report the passenger to the Captain, who would have alerted the authorities, who at the end of the flight would have boarded the plane, and escorted the unwieldy passenger IN HANDCUFFS......wouldn't that have been a sweet payback ?


Forgive my rant, but the more I see this guy in the news being hailed as a hero, the hotter I get......it's bizarre.......:ablow:


Here is the link.....



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I was just going to comment ... but I can`t give you any more rep points. aarrgh! ... anyway my comment was. This guy is no hero, he is just a dumb F**k.

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I spend a great deal of time flying (not like flyer777) so I absolutely value the safety of the industry. I think the guy is an idiot and should face all the severity of the law that might be coming his way. But if for a moment we take it out of the context of an airplane, I think simply the frustration many people face in the workplace is what many are finding affinity with. Alot of people hate their jobs, yet keep plugging away or face what they believe are semi-abusive clients and colleagues.


Now back in the context of the situation and the need to retain some form of professionalism - he's still andidiot and no hero of mine.

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Problem is that this type of loss of control under more dangerous circumstances could result in far more serious consequences. e.g. in flight. This guy should be facing some very serious charges, but he would probably plead temporary insanity.


In any type of job like this, you have a certain duty to those you serve. Hope the airline is looking recruitment requiements, and at their ongoing employee reviews to find out why they didn't weed this guy out.

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Guest s******ecan****

As soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew who it would be about and also who the authour of the thread would be. 777Flyer I couldn't agree more.

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The guy's being hailed as a hero by people who also hate their jobs, hate dealing with the public, and fantasize about making a dramatic exit like that from their jobs. It's not that he did anything heroic. People just wish that they could quit their jobs too, but know that they need the money; so they just live vicariously through someone like him, without having to take the risk of being unemployed in this economy.


Not everyone gets to have fun jobs where they get to be their own boss like I do. :)

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Let me suggest that it is possible to do something both stupid and illegal, yet be applauded for it by a number of people. In this case, what the flight attendant did was reckless and dangerous, as pointed out by 777flyer, and he will be punished accordingly. However, many people are rooting for him because he's one of the few examples of someone in the service industry standing up to the rudeness and abuse that they have to put up with every day.


As more extreme examples of questionable "heroes", there's the citizens who are charged with assault or murder when defending a home invasion, or the vigilante parent who takes justice into their own hands in punishing their child's abuser. In each case the behaviour is illegal, but is indeed applauded by many as something which should be done.

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Take This Job and Shove It - but don't endanger people's safety and lives.


Mechanisms were in place to deal with the offenders. He was trained to know that. Yes, he had a meltdown, but still, to do what he did - totally reckless. He should be reprimanded severely.


If he was that determined to quit his job, he could have grabbed some beers at the destination after his shift and then said "bye, bye".


(But then how would he get home....okay bad joke).

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do not get me started on this........:twisted:

Too late......


he is an idiot........I agrere with Flyer.....those slides are wicked dangerous......his actions could have easily caused a panic escpae from the plane injuring many people....


I see so much in common with this as I do with going "postal" or as known in Ottawa as going "OC Transpo"......the only real differanc eis no one was killed......lucky.....


as for the passanger.....there must be some sort of charges possible for failing to follow safety guidelines on the airplane

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I think I hear that song in the background "Take this job and shove it" but this type of support for this man from the public is not right. While he was clearly frustrated and being in the airline industry is not easy, he could have taken other steps to calm himself ddown. I have had many jobs and some of them (being an SP included) there are days where I wanted to strangle someone because of what they've said or done or just want to yell at them but I knew I couldn't. There are other diplomatic ways to deal with an irate passenger or even telling a client to get the hell out due to their behaviour or actions. It definitely wasn't very becoming of him.lol. At least now he'll have his 15 minutes of fame. Not sure if this entire incident will come back to haunt him or not for other prospective jobs in the future.

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another way to look at it is he did prove that the emegency slides do work........................ and they are fun with beer!!.....

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777flyer, your post is not a rant - it's right on the money. Everything you say is correct. The FA is in no way a hero. I hope he gets the help he needs.

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Our world can be very stressful for many folks. For some, the flight attendant in question is a hero - someone who threw political correctness (and aircraft safety) out the window. For others, he's an idiot for what he did (deploying the emergency slide and endandering the aircraft, ground crew and himself).


It's a sad reminder for all of us that a build up of stress can lead to disasterous decisions, as in the case of this flight attendant. I don't agree with what he did, but I sort of understand his reaction.



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I agree with your sentiments Flyer. I do however understand what has happened in the media. They always look for the angle that resonates with the "average Joe". Many people, especially in the service industry fantasize about being able to do this. They should, however, do it in such a way that does not endanger anyone.

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Perhaps an adequate sentence for his recklessness would be to live a full year with the passenger who sent him over the edge.


It may prove proper punishment for both of them. It may have to be served in a state that has the death penalty though cause I'm pretty sure they'd kill each other.

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