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non reviewed sps

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had my first experience in ottawa with an sp. Had taken my time and selected someone well reviewed who I thought would be excellent. No doubt she will be, but today cancelled at the last minute. And so, in the frenzy of having waited all day for it - I called an agency - and saw a girl with great recommendations from them. Not so much. Literally had my coat in her hand at the door when finished washing up from a lackluster less than vanilla service. It could be me - but thats unlikely - I am extremely lovable (Oh yeah - I also gave a tip up front). Anyways - lesson learned. There are many sps in agencies who are not reviewed - and now I am thinking its for a reason. My guess is that if an sp had been working in the area for a while and not been reviewed. its because negative reviews are nt allowed. Maybe the cowboy needs to report on this, not quite a b&S but not what advertised either.

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My guess is that if an sp had been working in the area for a while and not been reviewed. its because negative reviews are nt allowed.


Or guys too lazy to write recommendation, which happens more often then you think.

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First, don't let the last minute cancellation leave a bad taste in your mouth...as it was phrased to me in an email, "life happens"...and one day in the future you may be late or have to cancell too.

As for the review/no review...remember, underlying all reviews is a ymmv, since encounters are with two people, and the chemistry between an sp and hobbiest won't be the same with the same sp and another hobbiest

Also, irrespective of any reviews/or no reviews, I go into each encounter with a positive attitude, and a toftt philosophy. That's because besides reviewing the lady, who reviews the reviewer. The reviewer's opinion is only his opinion on his time with the lady, and is subjective (hope that makes sense)

And some ladies don't want to be reviewed btw, so no reviews are not necessarily a bad sign

Some thoughts


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Reviews and recommendations should always be taken for what they are; someone elses opinion. Every guest has their own fancies that are as individual as DNA. I agree with RG, just because an SP has great recommendations doesn't mean she is everyones cup of tea and those who have no reviews may be outstanding.

Read the recommendations and get a sense then book with someone you think you will fulfill your requirements then see what happens. You will learn which reviewers share your tastes as your intuition developes. Give your self time to work thru the learning curve. This one experience doesn't neccessarily reflect future fun...


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I would give the well-reviewed lady a second chance. We may seem like Goddesses to you guys LOL, but we are still human and shit happens. As long as there is not a pattern (cancelling last-minute more than once), it was likely an honest thing to do.

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We may seem like Goddesses to you guys LOL


May seem?????..., I always thought, and still do think, you ladies are



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I totally sympathize! I had a similar experience in Ottawa. Had a date cancel at the last minute. I was actually at the door and she said she was unable to keep our date. I walked away dejected, disappointed and a touch angry. But hey, sh*t happens. In my haste, I booked another SP who was not reviewed and it turned out to be disaster. It was THE worst experience. I booked an hour, but only stayed about 20 minutes. I couldn't wait to get out of there. I understand that ymmv, but I went to see her, gift in hand for Christmas and thought that would help to break the ice, but to no avail. She was awful. Like I said before, sh*t happens. The only thing that's upsetting me now is that I can't really warn other hobbiests about her. Oh well....live and learn.

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Its all live and learn isnt it? Part of the fun to discover who is and is not a dream in our own fantasies. I imagine there are a few ladies that are not worth visiting, but I also suspect there are a few cerb guys who the ladies would rather not see.

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I agree that recommendations are someone else's opinion, however, in my view, if a lady has been around for a while without any recommendation at all or ladies from certain agency or agencies lacking recommendations then there is a good chance that there is a reason for that. Afterall, that is one of the reasons (among many) as why we have this recommendation board to see who is highly recommended but also who is NOT.


Even those with recommendations can be ymmv and it is important to note that ymmv is not only about you but also on the ladies' mood and feelings at the time as they are too only humans as long as it is not a consistent behaviour in which case they won't have recommendations.


This attached link may also shed some lights as a likely similar topic has been discussed recently.



I would totally agree that the lady who cancelled last minute deserves a second chance. In fact I would have waited for her rather than calling an agency.

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r

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As others have said just because someone is not reviewed or recommended does not mean they provide bad service. Don't make the same mistake as others have by being frustrated by the rules of this board. You can still contribute effectively while respecting the rules of the house.


Learn from your bad experience and move on, stewing about it and dwelling on the negative instead of focusing on the positives of a potential future date with a well recommended provider is much more effective use of your energy :)

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and with CL gone and no one REALLY taking that spot, it will be a smaller pond for all of us to visit m aking it less likely that we will have the chance to have lousy "dates"

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Guest o*****a*****r

I've had many cancellations over the years, ironically always from ladies I was a regular with :?, and I found out that for me "plan B" never works... the last time I did that I went to plan B with no satisfaction and then to plan C with the same result! IMHO if you're waiting to see someone and they cancel it's best to let the "palm sisters" take over if you're up for it.

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I've had many cancellations over the years, ironically always from ladies I was a regular with :?, and I found out that for me "plan B" never works... the last time I did that I went to plan B with no satisfaction and then to plan C with the same result! IMHO if you're waiting to see someone and they cancel it's best to let the "palm sisters" take over if you're up for it.


That can work if you live in a major city and hobby locally, but in my case I have to travel to either Toronto(2 1/2 hours) or Ottawa (3 1/2-4 hours)...if a appointment cancelled, I'd be disappointed, but with a paid hotel, I'm going to plan "B"


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Guest W***ledi*Time

Different folks react differently to life's situations. There are members here who are all for the "Plan B" scenario in case of their "Plan A" going awry. This works well for them.


I myself, on the other hand, find that I am better off if my "Plan B" is something completely different. If I am stood up, I head for the bookstores or ice cream parlours instead. This is because I have found it hard to recapture my sense of open optimism shortly after being left at the altar. There inevitably remains a niggling unrest in the back of my brain. I know my mind is not likely to be 100% committed to any last-minute "Plan B" lady -- which is not fair to her or me.

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Truthfully I dont mind the cancellation at all. Never did. I agree shit happens and it is at least honest. I wouldnt want her there if she really didnt want to be there and so I harbor no resentment whatsoever. I have had to cancel people or be late. It would be bad karma to be upset with it happening once. Moreover, in all likelihood the fact that i was raring to go compromised my judgment and had me with a hair trigger to pull.


The sp I saw however just wasnt all that into it. At all.


The advantage to CERB is that you can read the posts and get a sense of the sps. I am a reluctant hobbyist for a few reasons. One of them is that there is always the nagging fear echoing the standard complaints that sps are doing it for reasons other than a clear headed decision (History, circumstance, etc.). Reading sp comments on CERB you see the obvious intelligence and purpose and it makes you feel more secure and alright in a decision to see someone.



The unrated agency sp does not offer that advantage.

Not getting a sense of person before hand also makes it harder


Having an experience where the person is going through the moves monotonously brings a harsher reality home.

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Guest S***dst***

Some good advice in this thread for everyone.

I personally agree that a "Plan b" is not a good idea. It has never panned out well for me, as WIT says, there is just that thought in your mind about your "plan a"; why, what if etc etc


Already bought her a gift? You can still keep it for next time :P (baring food of course :/)

Rearanged your schedule, IMO, enjoy the time to relax. Read a book (you know, those almost extinct groupings of paper collecting dust on your shelf :P) go see that movie that's in the theatres you haven't had time to see; or something else you never had time to do.


The indy vs agency argument..has played out so many times, and so often, it's lost it's teeth and continues in circles. TRUE agencies do not dictate a ladies schedule, they are hired to advertise and book according to her wishes (although lack of communication can make a huge difference) It's ultimately the escort that makes or breaks an encounter; obviously a bad client(s) is the other side of that coin.


On the topic of a non recommended lady most guys are scared to write recommendations. For whatever reason they think you need to be J.R Tolkein or Shakespeare to do so; which is not the case.

Some are just too lazy to write one..which is their own perogative...

Some never participate on the board, and hence literally can't write one (I believe you need a certain number of posts before you can start/submit a recommendation)

Some ladies, particularily with agencies as they can have a high turn over, are just new to the scene and it takes time to perfect what they are trying to achieve.


Personally I've seen a few recommended ladies (from agency and indy alike) and was not content with the atmosphere or level or service (service being not just the physical activities taking place) That's not to say she is not worthy of her recommendation(s), it's just not what I'm looking for; or I'm not what she's looking for.


I've also seen non recommended ladies (again, from agency and indy)and been more than happy to give them one. Generally a bit of research is also a good idea (hence another reason a plan b is not a good idea..IMO)

Consorting CK's diary, maybe some initial contact with her directly (email, or pm if she's on cerb) can provide valuable insight..also listening to more than just the words when you speak on the phone.

As I've heard from many various ladies, this is one of their most valued pieces of information.

I agree with that statement.

For example (and not meaning to thread jack) I stated in my reco of Angelina, I was absolutely confident in my decision to see her for the first time, based purely on how she conducted herself over the phone.


I apologize for having written a novel for everyone to read lol

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I agree with roaminguy that we all have a different chemisty and sometimes things just don't click. I have some clients who I have a wonderfull connection with and who I have a genuine mutual affection with, but I have had others that for whatever reason, are just not a good match. That said it is all about learning and growing in your sexuality and as a human being in general.

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I've had many cancellations over the years, ironically always from ladies I was a regular with :?, and I found out that for me "plan B" never works... the last time I did that I went to plan B with no satisfaction and then to plan C with the same result! IMHO if you're waiting to see someone and they cancel it's best to let the "palm sisters" take over if you're up for it.


I would hope that if you go with plan B that you wouldn't mention this to the "B" lady. No one wants to be 2nd choice. If you did mention that she was only a last-minute substitution then of course the session won't go well. You'd be lucky if she didn't ask you to leave right away.

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If you are looking forward to the experience, and you are visiting from out of town (which is my situation, and I suspect many others), you have a limited time opportunity available and you really do need to have a plan B or at least a reliable agency you can generally rely upon. So, waiting is not a practical option.


For me, and I know quite a few other contributors to this board, we check more than one forum as part of our "homework." You can respect the rules of this board and use all of its resources, but its still just one of the tools available.


And as to the reviews posted, in my experience its not a good sign if a lady is not reviewed here especially if they have advertised here a lot and are generally "known" on this board. On the other hand, if the lady is someone who is a regular poster here you certainly have the chance to get to know the lady by reading their posts. And from my experience, the ladies post a lot more here than on the other boards. Also, because cerb is good at keeping almost a real-time track of who is available (the shout box is the latest example of that), it should be pretty easy to develop a plan B.


Oh ... and remember the most timeless acronym here and on any other board and on most things in life: YMMV.

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Personally I never had anyone cancel on me. But as I see it some people like relish on their hotdogs and some people don't. It's one of those cases that you could be looking for something, that others might not of. I think this this is what the reviews are made of. You will not see something bad about a SP, only what the person liked. But maybe the SP might have not met those certain things that you were looking for in your appointment.

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Guest o*****a*****r
I would hope that if you go with plan B that you wouldn't mention this to the "B" lady. No one wants to be 2nd choice. If you did mention that she was only a last-minute substitution then of course the session won't go well. You'd be lucky if she didn't ask you to leave right away.


Lol! No never mentioned it of course... remembering back, as it was quite a few years ago before incalls were common, I did rent a hotel room and wanted to make use of it so I understand how some users feel.

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Guest Ni**t*****t

In many, many encounters I have been stood up twice. One was a SP with who I had an incall appointment and the other was a MA who left before I arrived for my appointment. I understand it can be upsetting but, as was previously mentioned, it can happen and there is nothing you can do about it aside form turning the evening around and doing something else. Personally, I am not a big fan of making up a plan B but, on the last occasion I went to Barbs and had a lovely evening.

I am not upset at the girl but disappointed. We also must understand that this situation can go both ways and that the girls also deal with no shows.

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I've had several gentlemen tell me I was their "Plan B" and I've never been offended. Frequently they've made the mistake of seeing a B&S provider, etc. I'm happy when they share a bit of their experience with me so I know what it is went wrong and I can make sure it doesn't happen again.

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Guest o*****a*****r
I've had several gentlemen tell me I was their "Plan B" and I've never been offended. Frequently they've made the mistake of seeing a B&S provider' date=' etc. I'm happy when they share a bit of their experience with me so I know what it is went wrong and I can make sure it doesn't happen again.[/quote']


Wow... I would think that you could only be a "Plan A"... you're to hot to be a plan B :grin:

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