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New Year's Resolutions

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Do you have one yet? I have several goals relating to my education, finances, and health. I try to choose relatively modest goals so I don't give up. What are you goals for 2012? Do you remember your goals for 2011?

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In 2012 I plan to:


- Take some on-line courses.

- Loose 50 lbs.

- Volunteer more.

- Make new friends.

- Eat healthier.

- Have more sex.

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-Shread the last 10 lbs I need to loose

-continue pole dancing

-^pick up yoga when my gym membership expired

-travel to the States

-be happier

-laugh a little bit more

-take a cooking class

-finish my back tattoo before May

-be more focus on work

and maybe fall hoplessly in love:P

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I actually try to stay away from resolutions, to avoid disappointing myself lol.


It is fun tho to reflect on the past year and find any way to improve on the coming year, great for personal growth and change.

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I actually try to stay away from resolutions, to avoid disappointing myself lol.


It is fun tho to reflect on the past year and find any way to improve on the coming year, great for personal growth and change.


I agree 100%. Instead of resolutions, I have wishes and hopes :)

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Guest sh****s****r

In 2011, I wanted to be less of a procrastinator and after thinking about it for the first 3 months I started to put my plan in action. I'm happy to say I've taken great steps and I feel good about where I'm at now with my procrasination. It's something to me was important because you lose a sense of trust with close friends and family. You juit say your going to do it but really you won't. I'm happy to say almost everything I stated I would do, I followed up on it within the timeframes I stated :).

As for 2012, I'm looking towards new discoveries in love (relationships or friendships), culinary delights and travel locales. As for my internal well being, continuining to work on my procrastination and just rejoicing in all the wonderful things that this world has to offer.

Haha the 1 thing is if I discover love then no more CERB :'(.

Megan-were you successful with your resolution in 2011?

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Guest E*******h S******s

I am going to endeavour to stay away from things or people that cause me stress. I also need to work on listening to those who hold me in high regard rather than trying to please people who are quick to find fault with me.

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My biggy...lose weight. Exercise and diet...well not so much diet (from what I've been reading) but eating right, drinking lots of water, and coffaholic that I am, I can't quit that, but I'm going to take my coffee black instead of with cream as I do now

Exercise, well walking, starting small, 1/2 mile, then up it to 1 mile, then 2 miles.


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My resolutions are all the same ones as last year, which is to say I followed through on none of them! Aren't the holidays just fantastic?

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Guest cl****ald***ge

I have a few resolutions, maybe writing them down will help me do them! LOL.

1) Stop procrastinating (this will help with most of all my resolutions)

2) Get back to the gym so I have more energy and am healthier + tone up a bit

3 ) Spend some time with sick kids at Cheo. I love kids, none of my own - but I want to make a difference in their lives.

4) Learn more about the world and history! I am often faced with questions I don't know a lot about.

5) Start getting my personal business going... (fitness and nutrition)

and lastly....

6) Do not drink for ONE YEAR! Sounds ridiculous, but recently realized how much money, time, energy it takes from you.. and not to mention "the bod"... So that will be the hardest for sure... but I just want to dedicate one year so I can have more ambition to commit to my other goals this year.

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Mine would be:

1. More gym time

2. Establish bigger client base for work

3. Make more time for personal growth

4. Cook more meals and try more exotic recipes

5. Get out and about more.

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New Years resolutions have never been something that I spent time making, much less working on. My 2011 resolution would have been simply to make it through the year, and lo and behold, here I am, so I guess that one was successful.:)


Going into 2012, I believe that I shall make several resolutions.


1. Begin to eat more regularly and in a more healthy manner in order to gain back some of the weight that I lost in the last year.


2. To renovate another room in the old farm house that I live in.


3. I resolve to come to a resolution on where I am going with Cerb.

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My biggy...lose weight. ... I'm going to take my coffee black instead of with cream as I do now

Exercise, well walking, starting small, 1/2 mile, then up it to 1 mile, then 2 miles.



RG --


I'm by no means an expert, but that's exactly how you do it ... not to exxagerate, but even if its to the first corner of the block and back ... then a little more in a day or two, etc., etc.. A lot of people stop exercising because its uncomfortable ... put on your iPod and make it more enjoyable. That's how I do it. Even walking around more at work and not plopping back into a seat at the first opportunity.


Alternately, you can exercise by lifting up some of our wonderful spinner ladies here!

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Mine is to drink less alcohol. This way I get healthy, lose weight, and most of all I'll have more money for spneding quality time with the lovey lady Service Providers.

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It's interesting that the title to the thread is NY resolutions but very few seem to be able to actually make a resolution. So, I'm just going to have a few objectives.


Being retired I have been doing a lot of travel, so I'm going to try and improve my foreign language skill, probably working at my Spanish. and maybe improving my French. They say if you sleep with a French woman some of it will rub off, so looking forward to practicing as much as I can.


Now one that is rather serious. It's some time since I have been a regular at church, so maybe it's time to give it an other try. I'm not getting any younger so maybe it's time to check out that insurance policy.

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To be kinder and more conciliatory.

To fix a broken friendship with someone I value, or least to try.

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1. For better health for me and the ones close to me.

2. Actually take some ME time this year, that does not involve a trip to the hospital.

3. More time to spend with my friends here!

4. Get back my wash board abs, I miss them!


haha and of course to share more laughs with all of the wonderful members of Cerb!


Happy Holidays everyone, play safe and have lots of FUN!

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To stop being so much high heels.


I got a lot now...a bit too much...I just need a pair of red and purple...after I am done... I swear...




But wearing them sure highlights your nice set of legs.

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My New Year's resolution is to have as much sex as humanly possible. Any ladies willing to help me out with this one?? *lol*

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Chuck Norris doesn't make New Year's resolutions, the New Year resolves to make Chuck Norris' year!!


Lol, seriously though, I prefer to just resolve to do something as soon as I think of it, not to wait for a certain day of the year, goal setting is always important, not just on Monday or the first day of the year!


Currently my goals are to run a 10K in spring '12, make healthier choices (damn you AYCE sushi!) and other financial based goals. I will be looking to this thread for more ideas on goals I can add- constant growth and education is definitely key to a happy experience in our short time here!




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Guest sh****s****r

1) Stop procrastinating (this will help with most of all my resolutions)

6) Do not drink for ONE YEAR! Sounds ridiculous, but recently realized how much money, time, energy it takes from you.. and not to mention "the bod"... So that will be the hardest for sure... but I just want to dedicate one year so I can have more ambition to commit to my other goals this year.


As I sit having a rum/egg nog and wondering when I should respond, I realized I was procrastinating so I just got to it.

Drinking is all about moderation, 1 glass of red wine is a healthy choice. Great for your heart. Nothing finishes off a beautifully created meal than the right choice of wine. Also champagne to me is a reflection that many positive thing are happening in my life because I always like to celebrate any achievement with champagne, wait that might lead to excess and not moderation :).


Stay the course Adriana :)

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