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Guest f***2f***

...and NY city. I was driving on the Queensway and missed it. When I got off the road at Woodroffe the traffic lights were all off and people were being stupid at intersections.....PEOPLE WHEN THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS ARE OUT IT MEANS TREAT IT LIKE A FOUR WAY STOP!! I know I should put this in the pet peeves thread but honest to God!! I watched one lady on her cell phone breeze through an unregulated intersection at Baseline and Centrepointe at speed and nearly get T boned by a guy who was observing the proper etiquette....she never even knew it happened as she was blabbing a mile a minute on her phone!! grrrrrrrrr

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I was working in a highrise at the time and it must have felt worse. Everyone stood up shouting earthquake earthquake. I had seen worse so I was okay. It was 5.7 on Richter scale with its epicenter 50 kilometers north of Ottawa, not that bad on international scale but whenever earth is moving I am sure it is not very comforting. Thank God, so far no report of casualties or major damages.


Is it a coincident that this is my 888th post and is about earthquake!!!. I thought the number is supposed to be a lucky number. I was hoping to review a beautiful girl with this post over the coming weekend.

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Ottawa just had a major quake!!!!!..I am not kidding....the building shook.....freak me out!!!!!


Sounds like you are going to need a bigger box of kleenex antlerman! ;-)

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Emily I heard your condo shakes alot like that hehe



My whole condo in downtown Toronto shook and I am 18 floors up. Not something I wish to relive any time in this life time.

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Just got home... if you don't need to drive now, don't. Between the street closures for the President/PM of China and the added stress of everyone in gov't buildings leaving early, the streets are a mess.


Cell signals are intermittent.

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Guest c******n****h

I guess this is what it is like living in San Francisco or other areas where tremors and quakes are far more frequent. I was in a diner and when I realized that the building had not been hit by a truck, that we were indeed experiencing an earthquake. It sure got my heart rate jump started!!! Hopefully everyone is ok and there is little damage. It will certainly give people something to talk about for the next little while.

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Of course you all know that there have been a lot of baked beans consumed on this, the first day of ribfest. We should be mindful of aftershocks and gas leaks... heheheheh

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Of course you all know that there have been a lot of baked beans consumed on this, the first day of ribfest. We should be mindful of aftershocks and gas leaks... heheheheh


Shaaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol:

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Guest S***e

At about 1:40ish this afternoon I was cycling in the Gatineau Park decending quickly on the Gatineau Parkway by Black Lake going about 65 kph...almost bailed into the trees on my bike. Quite a little rumble for sure. LOL No orgasms, however!

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was at my son's school talent-show and the whole cafeteria shook....screaming kids everywhere, lol, they evacuated and calmed the kids down thankfully.


my mom was getting her teeth cleaned in a dentist chair and they had to evacuate, lol.....she told me this on the phone later but all i could do was imagine her drooling outside the building amongst the chaos, lol!!!

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Yep, the downtown buildings shook at bit, coming from Vancouver, it was not much, nothing was falling off the desks or cabinet, but they evaculated the building, did a structural investigation, but had it close for several hours. More of a pain than anything, but many seemed quite distressed about it. It amazes me sometimes what can affect different people.

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I was indulging in my other hobby, that being finding a way to not look like I was sleeping at my desk....

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I was at a work retreat, it interrupted a presentation. We didnt think it was an earthquake at first.

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Was in a fairly old building today, on the third floor, in a meeting with a group. Everybody stopped talking and we look at eachother. We then proceed to get out. Must tell you, it was fast.


I prefer shaking of pleasure...

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I have been know to rock a few ladies in my prime........:bddog:


man that was a great week.......heheheheheh

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Happened while at work. I was curious to see how long before the news would hit the internet. Within 11 minutes the first google hit I found was the USGS website who started posting technical data. The Canadian NRCan site had so many hits, it no longer was able to handle the volume. Within twenty minutes, USGS had maps.


For those interested,


NRCan http://earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/recent_eq/2010/20100623.1741/index-eng.php


USGS http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqinthenews/2010/us2010xwa7/

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Was anyone indulging in their hobby when it happened!?


When I felt it, I thought you and Nicolette were doing another duo!!!

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When the earthquake happened, I was in a MP enjoying a happy ending massage. Because we were both naked, neither of us wanted to run onto the street - and by the time I got into my underwear, the whole thing was over anyway. Unfortunately, I lost my erection and wasn't able to get it up again.

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Guest S****tha Ott*wa

I was at work at my desk when the quake hit. Some of my co-workers ran out of the building. I was live on the air with drivers so I had to listen incase something bad happened. The rest of the day was a busy because of it.


My son txted me and ask if I felt the earth quake his grandmother told him it happened. He is working at his grandmothers house near Carleton Place and he was in a big digger shovel machine pulling up trees.. said he never felt anything lol.. haha I wonder why.


You know now who at your office you have to help in an emergency. We had two ladies crying there eyes out. We had one gentlemen who ran for the door and pushed his way out.


I cant get to my cottage till Sunday. It is in Low,Quebec..I am worried what I am going to find in damage since I saw that picture of the bridge near gracefield. It is not far from Low. GREAT!

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