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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/11 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I would like to warn the ladies of Halifax not to see HARBOURSMOKE. He is a c.e.r.b member with 80+ posts and I'm not sure if he has even booked with anyone else but he has booked with me TWICE now and wasted my time both times. He books for 2hour appointments and makes requests for outfits he'd like you to wear (in this case lulu lemons). The first time he booked with me the night before and we exchanged many pms here on cerb, then the next day confirmed and when I gave him my address he said I lived too close to him and cancled at the last possible second. Then today he booked with me again through pm and text. I asked him what about living near me and he said it's ok he lives WAY up the street so he wants to come. After many text messages and me cutting my lunch short to run home and see him he stands me up! I have repeatedly texted him and now he won't answer my texts! What a jerk. Just a warning ladies, this guy has wasted my whole afternoon twice. Hey harboursmoke- Don't bother to try again with me.
  2. 3 points
    Unfortunately there are still racist people out there. I for one have been told I am too "ethnic" or when I have had an add in the paper, upon asking if I am white and I reply no, have been hung up on or a hasty "ok thanks" click. I'm not knocking people who prefer Caucasian ladies, but they don't have to be rude to me. As far as it "being all in your head" being treated different as a minority, it's not.Unfortunately some people are still stuck in 1950 lol. The fact is, some people are still very close minded and still believe us beige/brown/red/yellow/black people are inferior to them.However, the best advice I got on this issue was from one of my professors in school a few years back. She said" You have to accept your skin is a different colour, and some people, no matter how nice, smart, funny or kind you are to them will never get past the fact you look different. You can't please everyone. So make yourself happy in knowing you're a wonderful person." That always stuck with me. I am mixed race, and I am from a place where it's VERY interracial. I judge people on how they treat me not the colour of their skin or circumstances.I don't care if you're plaid, as long as you're good to me I'll return the favour :) Even though I have had bad treatment in my life, i know that it is their issue because they close minded, and I am a beautiful person and it's their loss not mine. There's alot of wonderful people in this world who care for me and see my differences as an asset, not a reliability or a fault. So to answer your question, yes my views have changed since I entered this wonderful world, I never knew people could be so judgemental and cruel based on my skin and the way I look, but then on the other side of the coin I have never met so many wonderful people who are fascinated by our cultural differences and treat me like a rare exotic gem they are entranced by. It feels so good to be me!!!
  3. 2 points
    A friend recently asked me if it didn't weird me out, not knowing who could be behind all of the usernames on cerb. How it could be ANYBODY. Isn't that weird, she asked? I realized, for me anyway, HELL NO. I love it. I find it exciting that the people on here, the ladies who hide their face as well as all of the men, could be anyone. They could be someone who've hired me at my last job; they could be someone I've fired at a previous job. They could be my next-door neighbour, an old boyfriend, my favorite waiter at a restaurant. For all I know, some of these ladies could be people I'm friends with in real life. I can't exactly say why I love it, but I do - especially because, in my case, if you know me in real life and you've come across me on here, it's not hard to put two and two together. Now the thrill changes of course if someone I know personally were to book an appointment and arrive without warning me. In no way is that okay - if you know me, and would like to see me, that is a case where I should be given the opportunity to decide to see you as a client as well. But even then, each time I've actually had that presented to me, my response has been HELL YEAH! It's fun having that 'dirty little secret' with someone you see in real life from time to time. Anyway...that was just on my mind so I thought I'd share. Am I the only one who has this little thrill?
  4. 1 point
    In addition to the other comments brought up, you may regret being hasty in making such a comment. I remember having a lady being a no show on me and after driving across town to her place came home really upset. She was not even home and never told me about it. Same as described here I sent her text and got no reply. I was so mad I was letting everyone know in chat how I had been stood up by this lady without naming her however. She got in touch 3 or 4 days later. Turns out she was hospitalized and could not move so was unable to text. I felt like a real jerk and rightly so for having vented up quickly in chat and not wait and trust that she would get in touch when she could. Jumping to conclusions is not the right thing to do.
  5. 1 point
    I hope this is permitted as it is not negative. I have had a very positive experience with this gentleman and found him to be very polite, generous and on time. Again I hope I am not out of line but feel when there is something good to say it needs to be said. I hope I will be able to see him again in the future.
  6. 1 point
    It can be thrilling to think that you know people here that you deal with in your everyday life or from the past but it's another thing when reality sets in and they actually do know you. A part of me doesn't like to think that I know people on Cerb because I like ot keep my business and personal life seperate. However, I'm sure there are people out there. Unfortunately Ottawa is not a big city where you could use anonymity to your advantage. And speaking of knowing someone on Cerb and then realizing that you know them has happened to me and while it was a surprise, there's really nothing you can do about it. I recently had someone PM me saying they think they know me yet they gave me no clues as to how I know them. I haven't heard back from them. Taking this discussion one step further, I think if you recognize an SP from the past or present, I think you should just leave it at that. It is one thing to book with someone and not realize it was someone you know but it's another thing to recognize someone from their pictures and intentionally meet with them for that purpose. That to me is wierd. I'm not keen on the idea of someone going out of their way to try and meet with me claiming they know me and putting me in awkward position while that person is still free to remain anonymous until if and when they decide to show up. This isn't high school and frankly I'd rather forget about some people from that era.lol. Trickery will get you nowhere. Discretion is a two way street and I would rather not be outted in such a manner. I am positive that many men here wouldn't appreciate an SP making their lives difficult by claiming that they know them from somewhere. I try to be as private as I can possibly be and realize there are risks in this business and attempt to minimize them as best as I can. While I commend other SPs who are 'out' there, I have chosen not to do that for various reasons. And even though we have put ourselves out in the public eye, it doesn't mean that we don't deserve privacy. If you see an SP's pictures and think you know her, it would be in my opinion to keep it to yourself. That's the thrill of this whole business is to keep those secrets, not expose them.
  7. 1 point
    Before you send a whisper, check to ensure the person you are sending it to is still logged in. Otherwise, it becomes public & is not a whisper anymore.
  8. 1 point
    Definitely agree. It's fun not knowing who you are going to meet and each time it's like a surprise grab bag.
  9. 1 point
    I am really intriqued by this comment...there's a prize in there? Wow I go to McDonald's all the time for a kid's meal just to get the prize. Maybe I should be looking to SP's for a prize. lol Additional Comments: I know what U are saying Meg, I could use a bit of growth down there too but not necessarily in the hair department, if U know what I mean!!
  10. 1 point
    Bargain seems to be the word these days, so heres my new chart for rates... Yes, I will meet you for 25% of my rate: I will be bitching at you for the 2 minutes we're going to meet, and then, kick you out. Can I do a BJ for half the rate since you don't want FS? I could but I won't. Is 75% ok for half hour? Sure! I'll play the dead fish and rush you out, since there's somebody who is willing to pay the full rate for an unforgettable experience that you won't have... 100% of the rate? Just for being polite, meaning not negociating my rate, it will be a pleasure to meet you with a smile! (no extra for the smile) Unless no grinch screwed up my day by dealing my rates. I know my rates are a little expensive, but they are very cheap for the kind of service I'm providing. I did'nt meant to bitch at you, but it was meant to the guy there who think SPs are flea market and they can deal... Cheap rates= cheap service! Think about it twice before asking...
  11. 1 point
    I really don't like where this thread is going but there's a lot of ''none said'' that are going out. Guys, what we are trying to tell you is that our rates are what they are... If you want to compare, you'll always get better or... Worst. The only thing is, this is a luxuary service, as said before, and not a need. Anybody can get a free fuck, but you're going to get what you asked for (Talking about here, I don't really care about CL...). If we tell you my rates are 200.00 extras available, this opens the door, 140.00 all inclusive, or when a lady takes the time to write that our rates are not negociable, this is the way it is... Why argue about education or whatsoever? There's no point! It's her choice, and yours to call, but rates are what they are, not less...
  12. 1 point
    I had a session with Sasha at Acqua a few weeks ago. (She rotates from one A.L.O. spa to another, and is usually available on weekends.) She's beautiful and has a tall, well-proportionned Ebony body. We had some good, intelligent conversation, she's got lots of humor. She's also fluent in French.
  13. 1 point
    I think all the obvious expectations have been stated. I think the most important being that I expect my gentleman callers to have proper hygiene. I always have soap (pump style) and fresh hand towels available. A shower is also available if need be, but please respect that that is part of the time we are together. I have gotten to the point where I almost never allow Digits unless I already know the client and he has washed his hands and has trimmed nails. I am not going to take the chance of being jabbed with dirty and or long nails. I always say, push the pads of your fingertips, not the nail! Even guys who do not intend to hurt you that way can if they're not careful. I only use my own condoms and I put it on to ensure it is on correctly. If I perform oral with a condom, I will change the condom if we go to intercourse. I have only had a condom break once and it was after a guy fiddled with it by pulling the end tight and not leaving a little slack. That was years ago and has never happened since. If I don't want to kiss you, perform oral without condom or suck your balls, think about why that is???? If I have to spell it out for you, I will. If your a smoker, I will not allow CIM..I do not like the taste of nicotine. If you have an issue I should be aware of (ed, premature ejaculation, prostate problems (blood in semen), etc.), please let me know. I will not judge or laugh at you. By telling me, you may be sparing us both embarassment or frustration during the session. I am fairly assertive and for the most part do not get men who are "rough" with me. I don't know if it's because I'm older, but I rarely experience someone trying to cross that line with me. Sometimes guys get a little excited, so I have to watch they don't pull out too fast and have the condom go flying etc. Since I state my boundaries up front (no head pushing, no real deep throating, no coming in my mouth without telling me you're going to bust), I rarely have to give warning. Please, don't go near my bum. Exit only. Don't try to negotiate that with me. I am old enough to know I do not like it and, yes, I have tried it and no, I do not like it. Don't think you're going to be guy who is going to show me how to enjoy it because those other guys didn't know what they were doing. You know nothing about me, so don't even go there. Luckily, this does not happen very often. Finally, don't aske me if I'm "open minded". What the hell does that mean? In my experience, most of the time it means, do you do anal, but hey, not always. I have been surprised at what "open minded" means to people. That's like saying, do you like food? Be specific. What exactly is it you are trying to ask me. I am a big girl. I can handle being asked a question, it's just the way you might ask me: "do you do anal" is a lot different than "can I fuck your ass". Finally, please respect the time limit. I am not a clock watcher and I do not rush my clients, but if you have paid for a half hour session, please do not try to push the envelope by continuing to "try" after the half hour is up. I may go over a few minutes, but if you would like to stay longer, then you need to up the donation. Thanks for this thread Grasshopper..good one.
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