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Everything posted by rickoshadows

  1. I guess that I would be an Agnostic Athiest then.
  2. You missed "Not religous". Some of us do not live by the edicts of an imaginary being, let alone anyone elses.
  3. I don't think banning all agencies on general principle would be productive in any way. Having come from the Wet coast where I have dealth with professional agencies, I know it can be done. I have not actually dealth with any of the escort agencies here because thier internet presence is amateurish to downright dodgy. With all the web design talent available, I can't believe some of the agency sites I see. What are they doing with the money their providers are handing over to them. As a result, I have not engaged the services of any agency girl here in Ottawa to date.
  4. Oh how I miss the 70s. I was a young pup in the Navy then and didn't worry about catching anything. If the tiffy couldn't cure it on board then the next Naval base we hit would have something that would work. Of course you were confined to ship until the tiffy gave you clean bill of health.
  5. Masturbation is quick, cheap, convenient and you don't have to walk home in the cold, but its lonely.
  6. You know that you masturbate too much when you can switch hands and gain a stroke. :D
  7. I have to agree with Emma here. I have been to "establishments" around the world, and those with the "Lineup" have always been the most awkward experiences for me. New Zealand and Australia do it the best in some of their upper end establishments. You walk in and it is kind of like a bar lounge area, though most don't have a liquor license. You can sit down with a refreshment and any girl interested in you will come over and introduce herself and chat a bit. It is a great way to meet a girl who you will likely have a connection with, and I usually had a list of girls I would have to come back and take up the next time. ;) The bars of Thailand and South America are the most fun way to meet a likley girl but getting "Ficha Fawked" can be expensive. Picking out a girl in a lineup just doesn't do it for me anymore, perhaps becasue I also need an intelectual connection as well. Afterall your primary sex organ is the brain.
  8. Unfortunately, I can not make a resolution for myself for the coming year. It's not that I don't have any faults or don't need some self-improvement, it's just that last yearr I resolved to be less critical of myself. :-D (plagiarized shamelessly from a "Betty" comic in yesterday's paper. What can I say, it hit a note)
  9. 0 to x wasn't an option. I always hope there is chemistry and I do my best to create/encourage it, but in the end, it really is about me (selfish bastard that I am). If it doesn't happen for her, I don't beat myself up over it. I don't know what has happened earlier in the day/week, nor should I if she is being professional. Now having said that, I am probably more likely to repeat if there is chemistry and she obviously enjoying herself too. But the overall experience for me is mostly what determines a repeat visit.
  10. ROFL, I just made a comment in another thread abouy nooby questions that relates perfectly to this thread. There are some people that have no idea. but kudos for at least asking the questions a lot of people wouldn't have the balls to.
  11. Sometimes people ask really basic questions because the question is so basic that everyone asumes everyone already knows and the information isn't actually out there. I can think of many cookbooks that are unsuitable for an absolte neophyte because they make assumptions about what the reader already knows. And yes there are people who are really that naive out there. A good example is a thread a while back on how to initiate extras at a massage place. For a person new to the hobby, it was invaluable
  12. It can be difficult for someone who is new to the online version of the hobby world to make contact without seeming like a real klutz. It is much easier if you have contributed for a while in the general conversation and perhaps provided some info which shows that you are a bonafide hobbyist. If the person is a true newbie, even this is difficult. Then there are some who simply don't realize that you have to be way more polite in email than in normal conversation because there are no visual cues the to show the true meaning of what is being read. I find it easiest to make initial contact with MSN and chat a little bit, without wasting to much time. Keep the small talk to minimum, if the lady thinks you are trying to waste her time, you may as well go jerk off in a corner. The ladies know too weel, that there are many out there who want more than to pay for play and carry on as per normal, and you just have to find a way to set yourself apart and show that you are worth the risk.
  13. Last week, I had the pleasure of enjoying an hour and a half with Emmanuelle. She is more of an "Emmy" than an "Emmanuelle" as she is a young spinner with a flawless frame and proportinate breasts. She is youthfull and enthusiastic. Contact was made via ▼▼▼▼ and followed up with a pnone call to confirm location and timings. I arrived at her apartment in James Bay and was buzzed in. Her apartment is small and undeegoing renovations but I had no issue with cleanliness or tidiness. She offerred me a glass of wine as we settled onto the bed and started playing. After a few moments she went down on me with a very nice sloppy blowjob including lots of attention to the boys. I then returned the favour, not that it was an imposition. Not only are digits allowed, they are encouraged/demamded. There are few better places to spend some time than between the thighs of a fresh tasting girl like Emmanuelle but eventually, my neck got sore, so we switched to 69 with me on the bottom. The main event was great and we lay together in bed and cuddled and talked for the remaining time. There would have been time for another round but 50 years on this planet, time zone shifting and some exhausting meetings left me a little short of gas. Emmanualle can be very entertaining to talk to as she is a good listener and laughed at all my jokes. I enjoyed my session with Emmanuelle and will repeat when I return to Victoria. I have no problem providing my endorsement of Ms St Claire.
  14. The Yoga Centre Telephone : 613-###-8998 ??????
  15. One newcomer to another, welcome to Ottawa. Don't let the drivers here get you down. I find they are generally more courteous than most places I've driven but the lack of basic driving skills is appalling. And you are right, people here aren't that friendly to strangers on the street. However, if you smile at an attractive woman on the street, 90% of the time you will get a blush and a sheepish smile back. It's very entertaining.
  16. Half the fun in places like this is watching someone go with a girl and betting beers on how minutes he would be gone. My absolutely favorite place in the world to do this: http://video.aol.com/video-detail/adelitas-bar/3883679197
  17. Over the years I have found there is little to absolutely no correlation to the quality of the experience with the price that is paid. It is way to dependent on the persons involved. Higher prices will usually get a more attractive SP, but not always. Looks can be subjective. Service improves, somewhat with the price but often times chemistry has more of an influence than price. Attitude has no correlation whatsoever. For myself, and I doubt I am alone in this, seeing a SP is wholly dependent on opportunity. When the opportunity presents itself, I check my jeans to see how much cash I have. The likelihood of having $200 uncommitted funds is greater than $300 of uncommitted funds. I have never quibbled on the price in Canada and willingly pay the posted rate, after all, it is my choice to partake or not. I have also been to places where negotiation was foreplay, I thoroughly enjoy myself in that type of environment, I usually don't get the price down too much as I try to get extras thrown in. (And getting ficha fawked the whole time) In the end, the market will set the price. As long as Ottawa remains fairly conservative and intolerant, the number of providers will be low and the price will be higher. Places like Montreal and Victoria have way more providers and a correspondingly lower price.
  18. Good to see another old-timer on this board, although I have relocated to Ottawa, I do keep an eye on West Coast as I travel there often.
  19. I have been around review boards since the "alt.sex.prostitution" newsgroup or ASP for short. (Anyone remember penis christ?) Since then boards have come and gone. Those that are not moderated well usually have a short lifespan. It is unfortunate that the intentions of the the originators to create a board where discourse can occur with no "censorship" is usually thwarted by those who use the board for their own ends, whether to satisfy an urge to be an online bully or to discredit competition when they can't compete fairly. Successful boards are maintained by very dedicated people who put a lot of time into keeping things on the up and up. Some boards have some financial self interest involved, others less so. But all boards have their undercurrents of agenda seething below the surface. Having said the above, I find this board to have a level of civility which I find refreshing and for the present, I spend more time on this board than any other. It is not to say I don't visit other boards when I want to see another point of view or take on a subject. The final point is never to accept all your information from one source. It is important to review as many sources as you reasonably can, because the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.
  20. Yesterday I was on chat and mentioned I was heading out west for a few days and mentioned smoe of the distractions available in Victoria. The subject turned towards the differences in attitude and enforcement differences between there and here. Here we have busts going on in Hull, most SPs set up in hotels or do outcall only becasue of the fear of unwanted police attention. Whereas Incall agencies have operated openly in Victoria for years. Just to show whee the debate is compared to here, here are some links to media stories in the west coast papers (compliments of the SweetVIPs website) http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/story.html?id=01c8a779-7aa8-4462-92d6-0e43a88d5000&k=63643 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070901.wbrothel0901/BNStory/National/home http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonist/news/comment/story.html?id=3eac369b-6e07-482c-a3c7-fba88cc49d82 http://www.businessinsurance.com/cgi-bin/article.pl?articleId=25558&a=a&bt=profession It just shows that as a country we can not get on the same page.
  21. When it gets to the point that one can change hands and gain a stroke, it's time to take up a real hobby!:mrgreen:
  22. Every twenty-year-old wants to be thought of as "mature", Meanwhile you won't find any of us over 40 who will admit to being mature! :mrgreen:
  23. I guess you can blame the lack of medals on sticky controls:mrgreen:
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