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Everything posted by mrgreen760

  1. I recall the times and they were quite recent that a bbbj was virtually non-existent. It never occurred to me to request this service prior to booking, during the session or after. But I would say almost all the providers (more than 30) I saw performed them unsolicited. I was quite surprised. One of the reasons I didn't write many reviews or reco's was I didn't think it was appropriate to comment on something that at the time I didn't know was regularly provided. I guess I thought I was special....lol Now it's openly spoken about, offered, advertised, often expected and maybe even a deal breaker for some. Not real sure why or even when this shift has occurred but it did, maybe a newer generation of players are just more open about it. Peace MG
  2. A supply management system like a marketing board?....Manitoba Sex Workers Marketing Board or MSWMB for short. Though price fixing and collusion might be an issue for the customers. Peace MG
  3. In the end it'll always be about money. Peace MG
  4. Text or email.....even though I have a great phone manner and a dulcet tone I prefer electronic communication. I have only spoken to a one or two SP's on the phone and those were requested confirmation calls. I don't get offended if some one doesn't return my email or text inquiries, I just move on. Peace MG
  5. Pretty much non stop advertising now. Peace MG
  6. I like people wearing confidence.....after that it doesn't much matter. Peace MG
  7. Business is business and each one should approach it as they see fit, dependent on their goals. I've seen girls who wanted to pay off bills or student debt or build a next egg and this is a very temporary situation for them, not a career. So I expect they market themselves in the manner that achieves their goals in a time frame that their comfortable with. No harm no foul I say, the more the merrier. There's plenty of room in the market place for all. Peace MG
  8. She is......looking forward to the learnings.. :) Peace MG
  9. This is brutal on both a professional and personal (safety) level for these women and aside from the loss of quality SP's as a result of all this nastiness I find I'm feeling pretty embarrassed to even be associated with an industry that attracts such despicable people. I guess my naivety is showing but this was supposed to be fun..... it's not anymore. Peace MG
  10. If no rate is posted....then ask. If a service you're interested in isn't listed....then ask. If some one is offended by that then move along. Peace MG
  11. Sure seems like folks of way too much time on their hands, perhaps it's the slow unfolding of spring. It is what it is and there are cycles to everything and good and bad prostitutes and good and bad Johns come and go all the time. At the end of the day none of this really matters much at all. Peace MG
  12. In the end it's called sex work for a reason, because it's a job and we are customers and not friends. Be pleasantly surprised when or if some one texts or emails back a social message. Twitter can make social communication easier. Peace MG
  13. "A downward spiral that has created a situation that has decreasing reputable locals in business, at least advertising for new clients and participating on the boards." Reputable locals have developed their business model and have no need or interest in participating on the boards. It's the old story, if business is good then why draw attention to yourself and attract jealousy, competition and perhaps inquiries from clients you'd have no interest in seeing. The smartest ones say nothing at all. Peace MG
  14. "Not just the SP situation either. There is some kind of general malaise about Winnipeg that is getting worse, especially in the last couple of years. This town is so fucking grim." It's called the NDP :) Peace MG
  15. I think there's going to be changing of the guard or a turn over as it were. It makes sense some of us are longish term players and anything can get stale about a period of time. There are obviously new players arriving on the various scenes daily but it does feel different. Not better or worse necessarily just different. "To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn) There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn) And a time to every purpose, under Heaven" From Turn Turn Turn. Written by Pete Seeger and made famous by The Byrds. Peace MG
  16. I hear ya. And I believe there's an expiry date. Peace MG
  17. Unfortunately and sadly this is very true. And I'm fascinated by it. I tend to pay attention and am often bemused by the me-first attitude of folks illustrated daily. An exasperated person in a line up will then not even acknowledge the staff assisting them as they text, email or chat. Folks seem so angry, so stressed, so unhappy and will rise up and be confrontational over any perceived and minor slight. It's too bad really as most of their crap is self-imposed and rather than look for someone else to blame they should just look in a mirror. Peace MG
  18. My 60 year old brain hurts...... uncle :) Peace MG
  19. All I want is a true representation. I'm some one who prefers women who wear no or very little make up including lipstick in my real life and surreal life. So glamour-type shots may in fact have the opposite effect on me. Peace MG
  20. I prefer things natural, though I do get why some opt for professionals. And I do appreciate well done and well thought out photo's particularly black and whites, it's just some times they're almost too perfect. Peace MG
  21. Put a of For Sale sign at a friends house place the day before they returned from vacation. I got a fun phone call once they realized no one could sell their house but them. Peace MG
  22. Popularity contests will most of of the time cause some sort of drama.... Seem pointless to me. Peace MG
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