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Everything posted by ulixestrojan

  1. Discretion is the greater part of valour. Discuss.
  2. Sorry boys - although there were plenty of responses to this idea, I have to say most of them just bored me to tears. I think playing with Erin and a camera will be my own game.
  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, Erin and I have been talking about doing a little/large photo session en groupe. Erin being the subject and you bring your libidos, cameras and hard drives. Send me a "pm" stating that you are interested and I will send you the details. I shutter at the possibilities. U.
  4. I was driving down the 401 yesterday and decided to take a break, have a beer or two, and watch a few ladies dances. Brockville - nada. Prescott - The Limit. It is an "exotic lounge" although I am not sure what that means. There are no stages dances during the day but beer is $3.90. The private dances are $15.00 but no touching. The people are friendly and a howl to watch. The bartender was the sweetest little thing who was named after her dad's favourite stripper in the very same club. I asked why she wasn't a dancer and she said she makes more behind the bar. The beers were cold. The people were friendly. The one dance I did see was a dance on a stage with clothes that came off. Better than Mickie D's or King Ralph. Now you know.
  5. The NuDen can be a little tough to get into but at first glance you have the looks. They want you to show up, dance on stage when wanted and keep the customers happy but not too happy. You have to go outside the club for that.
  6. Oh my - I am so glad the pictures were attached. The headline - blue hair - made me think of blue rinse - a la 70's 70+ set http://s3.amazonaws.com/hgl/assets/3346/blue_hair_blog.jpg Suri - you are very hot. I have sat at the table in Les Deux Magots once reserved for Sartre - does that count? I tend to be more focused on Habermas, Latour, Teilard de Chardin, Leydesdorff than Sartre.
  7. My European friends and I share stories all the time, especially French and Italians - part of their culture. I also share stories with my gay friends - they are sleeping with an assortment on a regular basis anyway. I think we should bring back the courtesan as an honoured profession. Love live and love the Courtesan!
  8. I am in Vancouver about 10 times a year but often travel with or to a girlfriend - have wanted to sample what Vancouver has to offer but never had an opportunity.
  9. Is this a chronic problem with the Asian locales? I have stayed away and will stick with Bangkok on the rare occasion.
  10. All hail dummpy - we all should get some Pornstar stimulation packages - Please Mr. Harper!
  11. There is something to be said for simple, hearty, down to earth places to hang out with friends and share a few naughty stories over pints. I remember the Lafayette when it was a real pub.
  12. Thanks Gerri - were you one of the wild, wild women in the club that night? I was a little surprised because all my business dealings have been so polite but the Fox Den really livened things up.
  13. I was just looking at the schedules. There does not seem to be anyone working in Kingston tomorrow evening - at least not advertising. Would like to hear what my options may be for a little romp down on the Harbourfront tomorrow.
  14. Cap - what is the dynamic tension between a smart ass and a dumb ass?
  15. If you are looking for a quiet dive with no privacy but dirty girls willing to do almost anything - Club 61
  16. Too bad - thanks for the tip about the hard oil anyway
  17. For those who like to study: http://www.sexscience.org/uploads/media/ed_ops3mstrs.htm
  18. I will ask if she is into women - not sure. It might be fun for all to slide open a few coconuts.
  19. Veronica is a freak in the bedroom - all that spanking from private school matrons. Betty will still shine Archie's pole as long as he throws a little cash her way
  20. My heart's desire is going to cum true - a lovely black dancer has suggested that we get together and I OIL HER UP. The thoughts of glistening dark skin, shinning in the day light just has my juices going!!! This is going to be a sticky situation.
  21. To be ecological for a moment - all healthy ecosystems require diversity to allow for resilience to shocks that occur to systems. Vive la difference!
  22. CAp - come on, you felt a little better about yourself afterwards - at least you leave the "oh my" to the private spaces of play and pleasure
  23. Sounds to me like the underlying rules are communication, respect, and playfulness. This sounds a lot like the rules for good sex. Hmmmm.
  24. This might work: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJEfTr_0iEc&feature=related
  25. How many guys end up with club dancers offering private dancing with massage and a more "intimate" activities? Not sure if it is the economy or what but in the last two weeks, this has become something of a regular "surprise". Since I am in town, I will stop into a club for a break and a bear. Dances with favourites lead to conversations, and now: a trip to Vegas, a night at the W**tin, and an adult theme party in Montreal. Just curious.
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