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Everything posted by Kyra.Graves

  1. There are apps and add-ons that will notify someone if you un-friend someone, if they are a heavy social media user or use it for work purposes they likely have installed an app for their metrics otherwise it's not likely they are keeping tabs. That being said you still have to ask yourself if it's worthwhile or not, do you see them at family events? Does your immediate or extended family still have contact with them? Will you be causing any undo stress for yourself or others by what is essentially a small (or depending on their sensitivity large) gaffe? I would weigh the outcome with the options, you can unfriend them and not have to deal with them permanently or you can simply keep them on your friends list but remove them from your newsfeed and remove all permissions so they cannot post anything to your wall nor contact you, essentially keeping them as a friend but on the restricted list.
  2. I think there is a grey area to this and often timing is the issue. I myself will send a thank you email (email is my preferred and often only form of communication) to my dates after having met them, not a week after but often an hour or day after. Sometimes if I have had extensive communications with someone then I am well aware that sending a message is not only okay but often welcome so I will send a message at a random time, simply because I saw something that may be of interest to them but that is a date that I've been exchanging a number of messages with and I know it's a welcome thing. Some ladies message after a date to genuinely thank you for your business and for spending (quality) time with them, this is likely their way of letting you know you were an enjoyable guest. Other ladies likely message you after a date as a marketing tool, a way to drum up business when times are slow, if you find that it's an unwelcome way for a lady to market herself then you may want to let her know that you are not in a position to receive these messages and in future would appreciate no longer being contacted. You can also decide if it was a serious enough violation of your privacy to no longer see her and eventually she will see that it is not an effective marketing strategy. If however you believe it was a genuine thank you then perhaps give her the benefit of the doubt and take it as a compliment, she likely does not reach out to everyone and you can smile to yourself that you are one of the few that 'made the cut.' You can still let her know that though you appreciate the thank you it put you in an awkward position but since there was no harm this time (it doesn't sound like you were caught by anyone) then just smile about the thanks and enjoy the ego boost that she felt the need to write you a personal note of thanks. :-)
  3. I have to admit I hate doing photoshoots, I am a nervous wreck before them and am never happy with them. I have a regular photographer I use that I think is excellent, she makes the experience as enjoyable as possible, (and I like her work) she also does a very good job directing me, without her I'd be an awkward mess. I generally know how to move my body and am okay at styling a shoot but when it comes to doing it by myself it's the task I dread the most. I'm just not comfortable with my own images, my own body and like having a second opinion there. I always see things I want to change, that I want done better... I am my own worst critic and I generally don't turn that voice off when it comes to photoshoots so getting me to do them is like pulling teeth. I shoot a few times a year but the reality is my body doesn't change all that much and I don't have a lot of new clientèle in Canada, rather the pics are more for those I know so they have something fresh to look at and hopefully enjoy.
  4. I have always wanted to wander the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul then relax in the evening sipping wine or tea on a patio overlooking the Bosphorus. I too would put Angkor Wat on my list of places as well as Phnom Penh, so much history I think I'd just want to wander and soak it all in - both the good and the bad. I've also wanted to visit Prague for sometime now, nothing in particular I wanted to visit there but it has caught my eye and won't let go.
  5. Kyra.Graves


    Well she is a member here. ;)
  6. We are evolved to lie and we all do it, it's something that has benefited our species for a very long time and I suspect you'd have a hard time going back far enough to find the "good ole' days" when humans didn't lie if it ever existed at all. http://simbio.com/blog/post/language-lying-and-evolution http://www.forbes.com/2005/10/19/lying-dishonesty-psychology_cx_lr_comm05_1024lie.html
  7. Get well soon! I promise to water the trees until your return. :icon_eek:
  8. Less than 5% but I am not Ottawa based and I am not in Toronto all that frequently either. If I were in Toronto full time that percentage would probably be a little higher and if I were in Ottawa that number would be a lot higher. I have found that for my target market I have a much higher conversion rate on Cerb than Escorts Canada and for Ottawa rather than Toronto. Still even if it isn't ones main sales tool it can be a great board for the ladies and gents that participate on it. Though I don't generate much of an income from it there are other benefits from being a (relatively) active member such as but not limited to the shared information about the changing Canadian legislation, the regional sections being all on one board (a huge help for those that travel) and of course a provider section.
  9. A raw collard wrap with jicama, sprouts and a nut cheese, a kale and beet salad and a glass of moscato to wash it down.
  10. I don't know I've done a number of first time dates as overnighters (or longer) and generally I find it's easy to gauge an out of bed connection in advance. You really need to talk to her, be conversational when you are booking a date and don't be afraid to email periodically. Often just the process of setting up the date (hotel, food, entertainment) will give you an idea of the person you will be meeting and if you have doubts then don't book a long date, try a shorter one or another lady. In general I think it's important to plan an activity and be sure you have some sort of food 'plan' whether that be going to a nice restaurant, ordering snacks in, etc. An overnight varies per lady but often they are longer than 12hrs and that can make for a couple of hungry people if you don't make arrangements in advance. Wine is one of those things that would be up to you both as individuals (does she like wine?) but be sure to have water, juice or some additional non-alcoholic beverage available as it's a long time to go without anything thirst quenching. Think of an overnight as a date that is going really well. The best longer dates I've had are where my suitor remembers I will still walk out if he behaves like an ass; treat her as if you have no idea if you'll be getting some later on in and she'll treat you just like the hot guy she picked up at that bar and really wants to get to know better (or the gentleman you are - whatever suits your fancy). Finally remember every lady is different, find the one that interests you and someone that you believe you might have something in common with as that will determine the connection in a full evening. For example if you can't stand pop culture and would prefer an evening at the opera then don't select a lady that lists "Bieber" in her interests and "Katy Perry Part of Me" as her favourite as it could make for a very long night. If however you share those interests then an evening of Katy Perry in 3D might just make for a perfect date night escape for you both.
  11. All the best as you move onward. Your contributions are valued and I am sure whatever path you seek with your new found Cerb freedom the people gaining a bit of WIT are lucky to have the opportunity. Cheers!
  12. This is Water, David Foster Wallace Pt.1 Pt. 2 He says it far better than I ever could.
  13. Enjoy your holiday, hopefully you are off to some exotic destination and will meet a natural redhead with a lovely bunch of coconuts!
  14. Thanks all, I couldn't have done it without you... really everytime I try to give myself rep points I am told I have to share the love so my options for self-gratification on this board are limited. ;)
  15. I am a big fan of Agent Provocateur and Marlies Dekkers, very different but both showstoppers. In fact my current avatar is me in some Marlies Dekkers.
  16. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201206/devoted-single-beaver-father-does-it-all
  17. Like everyone else I would want to know in advance and wouldn't mind but it's something I would prefer to prepare for. Lingerie is a significant expense and if someone were to just walk out with part of it I'd be rather upset. I find a lot of men aren't familiar with the actual cost of lingerie, I have a number of sets that cost around the $1k mark and offering me $30 is hardly going to cover the expense of getting new knickers to match or retiring the set, if it's something you are hoping to take home then it's important to cover the actual expenses involved in replacing the set. I have had more than a few gents send me a gift certificate to Agent Provocateur before we meet, then I'll pick out something sexy to surprise them with and something that they can take home or share with me.
  18. I think this is a chicken, egg scenario, does the lady make the encounter or do the clients dictate it? From the OP's post it's clear he prefers a date that goes beyond the physical act however not all ladies target that market. Most ladies are capable of providing that to some clients (maybe not all if that isn't their forte) but how would they know that is the experience that you seek unless you indicate it? The majority of clients that seek out a lady of 19 are doing so because she has a young, hot body, some clients think it's a bonus if a lady of that age can connect with them on multiple levels but a number of them don't care. The provider often knows this, it's in how she is approached by a number of clients - they don't have much in common to talk about (he could be Grandpas age and have no idea what band she is off to see that night) so the encounter is primarily physical. The majority of clients that seek out an older lady (I'm defining "older" as 25+ as this industry is very, very youth-centric) are doing so because they want to have some sort of common ground, it's a bonus if she's sexy, hot and has a body that puts a 19yr old to shame but it's not their primary concern. These clients are seeking a different experience and the lady generally knows it. There is certainly some crossover; younger ladies that offer more of a connection, older ladies that advertise as the 'hot model' type without a focus on the intangibles and clients that enjoy both experiences at any given time but in general I believe it holds true that clients typically seek out different age groups for different experiences and a lot of what you might see is reflective of market interest/demand.
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