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Everything posted by fortunateone

  1. His point i think is that it was simply being in the incall that led to charges. The charges were and still are (well up to the last couple of months) the main charges laid against any sps and any clients found in them. At the end of the day it doesn't mean much that the charge isn't actually against paying for certain activities that was against the law, only that the place you went to in order to pay and receive them was. I don't think many care that being in a bh is a different criminal charge that leads to time in LE custody and court time than simple paying an escort gets the same results.
  2. I tried accessing it not that long ago, and all that happens is the site logs me out. I can't edit if i get logged out, but will try it again to see if this issue has been resolved.s update, yup it is resolved, so was able to make a few changes. :)
  3. From what i can see, part of the paranoia comes from the fear mongerers who don't understand the bill. They claim that there are things in it that LE can charge sps with, and so in exchange for getting info on clients and to testify against them i suppose, these mythological charges will be dropped. They are unable to come up with what those charges would be tho, if you press them. Some may vaguely imply that the sp could be charged with running or being in a bawdy house, but seem to forget that 210 is being dropped due to the SCC ruling. No 210, no bawdy house charges. There is some suggestion that abolitionists with long time handles on some forums are now posting in a style to create fear, and paranoia.
  4. I've put one link in my signature in fact, anyone feel free to click the link
  5. Before the online ads, there was paper ads. In one of the 2 or 3 available weeklies, there was someone doing the 3 person scam in my area. Sp in the ad makes an appt, client shows up, pays $$, sp as is normal takes $$ out of room, when she returns she apologizes for a delay as she got a call from a friend in distress, friend within a minute or two is knocking on the door, another apology while sp 'deals' with friend but she'll be right back, and so she is, but yet now someone knew is banging on the door, open up, male voice, oh oh, the BF of the distressed friend, oh, dear client, you had better leave, as "BF'; makes a lot of threatening noises. does client get a refund? nope, he gets the offer of 'i'll make it up to you". and off he goes. 3 person scam, also repeated via online ads. The weeklies are very legit, the person advertising at the time had to come in and show proof of age, supply real name information, and the phone # had to be legitimate and working. All the verifications process you could hope for as a client. Even spending up to 250 a month on the weekly ad, some still do the B&S and scams. Of course these costly paper ads include the B&S and scamming agencies too. So even just the fact anyone can put up an online ad same day and start a racket doesn't mean that the other venues aren't still open to illegit type operations.
  6. i think you are being paranoid. Firstly because the law is not in effect yet. And secondly because you are probably assuming that everyone who works, advertises or responds to advertisements even knows about C36 I would say that the vast majority will carry on as before in complete ignorance that there are any laws, just as they do currently.
  7. Yup, sps who don't use one of the most well known and well used site are basically making a business mistake over the long term. It is easy to get caught up in the bp bad hype hysteria, but it is, after all, only an advertising site. Another thing to look for is if she has clicked to show her other ads. Most sps have more than a single ad in rotation, possibly in more than one category. Looking at an ad and not seeing a list of their other ads might be a red flag if they don't have other ads.
  8. BP is one ad site. Going forward, and part of doing your research, is ensuring that sps you are interested in have ads on more than just one site.
  9. This is far too logical and makes too much sense. And i would add that the chances today, compared to 5 to 10 years ago, and beyond, of finding someone who does not do a range of activities is very slim. there are some who do not do uncovered mouth action (i am trying to write this without getting censored lol and it did not work, no idea what the word was), but other than that, i think most can be reassured that most activities are available with most escorts. it is not like before when the vast majority did the basics and nothing else, or at least rarely anything else, and if it was OK, it would be extra 50s for each one. and as for covered or uncovered , why should that be a deal breaker if the escort is a fine companion otherwise. there is an opportunity here for escorts to start protecting their own health, it is possible they see not advertising certain things as a way to take back control over their personal risk. In that case, like 5 to 10 years ago and beyond, clients will simply have to deal with it.
  10. it is quite clear that they need a warrant, Even if they wanted the info due to investigating a violent crime, having to get a warrant protects the site from revealing info that they have promised to keep private. Escorts get or can get city licenses, so it is unlikely to now be considered confirming something other than time and companionship. i imagine some may get licenses they might not otherwise have gotten, in order to further protect clients. A client could reasonably say the escort is licensed by the city to not provide naughty services, therefore he most certainly did not contact her for the purpose of getting naughty things done to him. Photos on most advertising sites already have to comply with non-graphic rules. I consider this a good thing overall. There is no need for closeups and full spread out nudity, it isn't like it is a mystery as to what is under the lingerie.
  11. The last type of person many many escorts try to avoid. that's why the OP is having trouble finding one willing to post that they are available at late times. given that alcohol impairs performance, plus guy is liable to act up, plus he's struck out so frustrated, not many escorts willing to be available to late callers. Call at an earlier time, see her at an earlier time, establish yourself as reliable, then ask, at an earlier time, to make an appt for a late night call. that;s what many escorts do to stay safe, and still accommodate different schedules.
  12. I think mod is saying that if your site doesn't comply, it is your site name that will be banned (like all the blocked words). so all that will appear is .......... when you put in your site link? might be wrong, but that is what i think i read.
  13. Anna, i think that if you had just been more direct, and not so roundabout hinting at this and that 'stuff', maybe the reactions would have been more acceptable for you? As it is, you jump onto one reply, one of the things you complain about others doing, i think? So basically what i am getting from the OP is that you feel that some members are reporting ..'s ads or sending mod info about their ads on other sites, in order to get them banned from using cerb. In a malicious way, of course, and you want these people to mind their own business. If that is what you are saying, i wholeheartedly agree. People are busybodies about other sps ads. i don't know where you are seeing these digs about sps advertising extras elsewhere tho. is it possible you are reading more into what you see? for example we are discussing the whole topic of advertising and what to include, what to exclude. to do this we use examples. From time to time, we may use an example of a site that allows more graphic ads, and wonder why, or maybe explain why they do. how do people know things if they don't discuss, and ask, and debate?
  14. The video does not include the person who called to report the .. might be a victim, He, i think, reported anonymously. The video is here
  15. There is an abolitionist group who figured they could determine how many bp ads were 'trafficked' underaged victims. They based their calculations, like this guy, by looking at the ads and deciding they could tell how old she was based on the picture. Nothing like good old fashioned BSing to create hysteria. It's funny because LE in the US also does an operation called cross country, where they contact advertisers specifically looking for victims and underagers. There stats of rescue is seriously low, in many cities they find none, in most cities of all the ads contacted they find one. meaning that you cannot tell just by looking. In almost all of these cases, in the Cross country operation, LE arrested all of the providers they found. i think they arrest the under 18s as well. example as you can see from the list of arrests at the bottom of Atlanta's report, the vast majority of arrests are of sps. in spite of really looking, and they did claim to find 11, many of whom are like any underage .., i am sure, willing. but nevertheless, illegal. they arrested a total of 71 people in this operation. which begs the question, if they were seriously searching for under 18s, and they were looking at the ads, they had to know that setting up to visit someone whose real age is 33 should not have been one of their targeted ads. i've also seen instances of a woman arrested, the sister of an .., for driving her sister to an appt. The charge is pimping. http://www.fbi.gov/atlanta/press-releases/2014/eleven-recoveries-of-juveniles-71-arrested-in-georgia-as-part-ofnational-law-enforcement-operation-targeting-commercial-child-sex-trafficking
  16. Wow, talk about finding all the mythology of Sweden's laws and putting them into one article! Massage parlours disappeared? since when, they have tripled in numbers since 1999 Trafficking is nil? then why are police in a recent news video responding to a client report that he thought a particular non Swedish speaking .. was trafficked and coerced. And why is the Swedish police themselves reporting figures for it, suggtesting the numbers have not changed at all. and in fact are higher than Germany's figures. street work decreased by 2/3. welcome to the world wide web dudes. they moved indoors.
  17. I met someone, well more than one, who don't even track their appts in anyway, like how much, how many, what their income is at the end of the week, or for the entire month. Not tracking expenses i get, but not tracking income makes no sense to me. And of the phone calls received during the day, they had no clue which ones were chronic time wasters and which ones were the ones who actually came to see them. You can't plan for the future unless you understand what has happened in the past. You should be able to look at last week compare to this week, last month compare to this month, Wednesdays compared to Saturdays, October 2013 compared to October 2014. It's the only way to plan ahead, if you need/want time off, if you think things are falling off, comparing tells you that you are at exactly the same level this year as you were last year.
  18. Review sites in Sweden also seem active, but tend to not be explicit to public view at least.
  19. Most sps would accomodate this, but those who haven't had the requests may not actually have any pantyhose on hand. First contact your fav sp or someone you want to repeat with, or someone new, ask them, make the appt, and bring at least 2-3 different pairs (you may have to guess on sizing, you see) in 2 shades. I have met a few guys with similar interests, it is always helpful when an sp is very short notice sp that the guy takes the time to bring a package with him, just in case. If it is not needed, then it goes in her collection for the future or the next appt. dollar stores sell these for a buck or two, it isn't expensive.
  20. [url]http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/we-condemn-attacks-on-women-at-work-unless-its-sex-work/article21533142/[/url] [B]We condemn attacks on women at work, unless itâ??s sex work[/B] [QUOTE]In a fortnight marked by intense media focus on sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, another news item â?? also bearing deep-seated gender implications â?? has moved far more discretely through the Canadian public circuit. Bill ...., the federal governmentâ??s proposed new law to govern sex work, passed through Senate last week, and is now set to receive royal assent. This will be the final step in the legislative process before the bill becomes a new law. This latest development in the trajectory of Bill .... occurred largely under the public radar. The story was obscured by scandals serving to illuminate how sex can be used to intimidate or harass women at work. This is true even when women hold jobs in prominent public places, like national media outlets, or Parliament Hill. Bill ...., and the various steps in its progression, could have offered similar insights about sexual dignity and security at work. But that was a missed moment. The Supreme Court decision that led to the billâ??s inception told us that criminalizing sex work exposes sex workers to unsustainable threats and dangers. Prohibitions push those who take part in the sex trade to social and geographic margins, where preventing or seeking redress for violence and abuse is impossible. As such, the Court found these prohibitions to be unconstitutional. The Conservatives subsequently introduced and moved Bill .... forward, ostensibly as a response to the Supreme Courtâ??s concerns about the security of sex workers. But as many sex workers have asserted publicly, even in parliamentary hearings, this proposed new law offers no promise for attenuating the risks they face in their work. Sex work generally remains criminalized through Bill ..... In the result, the threats of sexual and physical violence to which sex workers have always been exposed will persist. How, then, in the same week that Canadians were so publicly incensed about workplace harassment and abuse, could a new law that promises to sustain violence in a work context for a particular class of women move quietly through the Senate? The answer seems to lie in the kind of women, and the kind of work, that galvanize public attention. Sexual harassment and assault in an office or boardroom are rightfully the objects of public scorn, distaste and calls for action. In contrast, social reactions to such conduct in other contexts, especially within sex work, are typically muted or inexistent. It begs the question: Do sexual dignity and security mean something different in a white collar setting than in a brothel, or on a street corner? Contrary to abiding myths, violence â?? whether sexual or physical â?? is not an inherent or tolerated part of sex work. Consent to sex is as relevant within sex work as it is to any sexual encounter that is unassociated with an economic transaction. The lawâ??s job is to maximize security and opportunities for real consent in sex work. Continuing criminalization of sex work and associated activities, unfortunately, goes no distance in that respect. An opportunity was missed last week when the Senate approved Bill ..... This could have been a moment to reflect on the realties of sex work in light of the national conversation unfolding across Canada about intimidation and violence through sexual assault and harassment. That reflection would have allowed for Canadians to contemplate â?? and perhaps expand â?? their collective commitment to ensuring womenâ??s sexual dignity and security at work, regardless of type of work that they do. [/QUOTE]
  21. This is really the heart of it. many clients and sps are very comfortable with the fact that they can operate without LE interference. And yet every day, we all offer our ....... and clients happily come to visit us. Both of us can face very real criminal charges for being in that incall. An incall is super easy to prove. Far easier to prove than paying or offering to pay anyone for anything. But people continue to beat this around, like there are no real risks now, and any risks of ... are completely new, unusual and terrifying. Well, no, it is just as much a risk to be in a bawdy house, to be charged with being in one, and just as likely to happen to someone. But the fact is, no one is charged with that. LE does not sit outside of a private indy incall and monitor the comings and goings into the apartment building, trying to decide is that guy a client, or should we talk to this other guy and try to get him to admit something. When it comes to 'reporting by nosy neighbours', that is one of the least likely things to happen as well. Again, if it isn't happening to us now, why suddenly overnight is it going to happen. After all, reporting someone running a bawdyhouse will be pointless. a bawdy house is not going to be illegal. I find a lot of fear mongering is based on false ideas of what is going to happen, not reality at all. When we try to discuss the topic, it goes around in circles, with the emphasis seeming to be on indy incall sps as being higher risk than other options. currently indy private incall sps are the least risk option, to the point of no risk which has been proven over decades. To suggest that we are now high risk or even THE highest risk does us all a disservice, and is simply not true.
  22. I hope you have success. I was involved in attempts to get a slanderous blog removed, both via Cease and Desist letters and reports and communication with the host, and clearly more effort was needed since the person who created it, a hateful spiteful creature, refused to comply. The C&D btw was sent by at least a half dozen sps, one site owner/admin and a moderator or two as well. They also reported to the host company. The host company continued to play a runaround game of not acknowledging the proof of slander sent to them, similar to what they have done to you. Last resort could be coming, with legal intervention, further reports to LE, lawyers, etc. It would be nice if people like this would do the right thing and not post the slander in the first place. It would be even nicer if when presented with the truth, they were embarrassed and humiliated by having their lies exposed. If they did, they'd do the right thing and take it down. I don't find sociopaths have the capacity to either be embarrassed by their actions, or do the right thing. Sometimes the response is to create your own blog, exposing them as liars, and providing the proof and evidence. However in your case, we also see real private details, and that is not cool. There is good chance a report to the appropriate LE dept would help. I read further down, I think you have a good case for copyright infringement. You own your photos, and you did not give permission for their use by this blogger. The site would necessarily be in legal trouble for allowing the photos on their site, and you might be able to get them removed by pushing that aspect. your photos are not considered publicly available, they are owned by you the second you took them, or had them taken for you
  23. Even that video is really extreme, but Sweden has the law for 15 years, and they have set up their decision to lurk outside of ....... like that to enforce it. Since that is the 'norm' there now, it isn't unusual there. but it is far from being the norm here, they don't do it now, they could do it now, and could have done it for the past 30 years but they do not. even in the video example, first they received a phone call from a client who found the ad, contacted the sp, and believes she is the victim of trafficking. he reported the ad to LE, who followed up. In this case, first there is a desire to help someone who may be a victim, not harass an adult consenting sex worker. In almost every article that i've seen so far with LE being asked about enforcement or concerns, almost every single time they redirect the questions to the street trade. That has been their focus. I would bet that the LE in Steve's story is also talking about street work. When it comes to the term 'cleaning up', no one is talking about sex workers and clients they cannot see, they are only talking about traffic and people on the streets.
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