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Everything posted by chavez

  1. BCguy I am sorry, you missed this point . This is about honesty. If someone is offended and want to tear a strip instead of trying to understand, I'm O.K. with that. Maybe it is something that they needed to do. Maybe I am helping by provideing this oppertunity. We all want to be liked, but maybe this is how "cyclothymia " is different than true depression. "Sticks and stone" don't hurt that much. If you can help someone , that is important. This is my suggestion (I won't say advise), try for honesty.
  2. Although the straight Girl , guy, Girl duo , ( which is actualaly a trio if done correctly) is no longer high on my priorities I think the first thing is to have the ladies meet each other. I have long respected Elizabeth's experience and enjoyed Soleil's companionship. I am sure that the last chicas's party was the first time they had the chance to meet each other. Circumstances were such that it was not the meeting that I hoped for but one can only arrange so much and the rest is open to chance. If anyone is able to experience the fruits of my efforts, I would love to know how it went in a PM. chicas
  3. On your advise I took the test and actually right now I am much worse off that I expected. The thing is it doesn't matter that much . I have a condition refered to as "cyclothymia" or sometimes Bipolar lite. For me the downs are never that bad, I function through them and the ups feel wonderful but I think I can controle them. Atleast I use to think I could controle them. In all my years I have never had so many people say they were offended by what I have to say as the ladies here( and the occassional guy) So why don't I leave. Well this is the thing. And I would like to know if you and others share this. Sex is the best cure for my ups and downs. I thinks that medication might bring the ups down but sex brings me in to a stable zone. Does anyone share this oppintion , or am I wistleing in the dark?
  4. I like babies, not as much as the women that I work with who will drop everything to go hold, couchie coo and oogle over any new baby that comes into our work area.( lots do). I'm O.K. with that too, because what follows is little children. Little children are a blessing to the world. They are cuite , honesty and refeshing. Most can wipe their own bums , but if they can't and you are get pressed into service , consider it training. After that comes childhood and if you do this correctly it helps to keep you young. Then the teenage years and you just have to remember, they are individual that you don't control you just help to guide into adulthood. If you did all of that in a more or less descent manner you can be proud of the outcome and they just might bless you with a grandchild; and that is even more fun and less work and comes at a time when you could use more fun and less work. I'm waiting for my second one , but that is something I don't controle: AND that is the point of children. They are put on this earth to show you that you are not the center of the universe. Remember they don't have to be your own children though. Save some love for all the children of the world
  5. Kissing. It may sound trite but for me it isn't. A three way kiss is something I have always included in a three way. I don't know how the idea popped into my head , but during my second duo the three of us stood in a hug sharing a three way kiss. We were all naked at the time and after about a minute of this shared kiss I whispered in the ear of one on the ladies asking her to side down and give me a little oral, while the other lady continued to french kiss with me. My sweet lord !.... that was the best oral I ever recieved at the same time as the best kiss I ever had!!!!!! THAT WAS THE TRUE ESSENCE OF A DUO. As you might expect the first was the best because I didn't know what to expect, but each time after I have requested the same thing and each time it is a highlite of the night for me. It is possible that this could be improved with the lady going down to give a little digital stimulation to the kissor at the same time. Now I need to say, the guy has the responsibility to play no favorites. Make sure each ladies experience is a good as you can make it. If you decide that you prefer one of the ladies skills over the other, don't say so. Just make a appointment later on. ok '''' When I started this responce there were no other responces. Possibly the 2 ahead of me have answered this question better that I have. I only wished to point out 1 aspect that you might want to include
  6. This is not such a childhood term and is one that we hear today. Most users people would be horrified if they understood the meaning of the phase when they use it. The term is " well let's call a spad a spad". It sounds like a term that came from playing poker or maybe even a game of hearts with your grandmother and is ment to mean 'let's be honest here'. Actually it comes from a complete disreguard for useing a hurtful slang term of racial description. I know that when people use it they are calling for honesty and I respect that, but I wince inside when-ever I hear that phase and am torn between informing them of the original meaning of the term, and keeping my mouth shut knowing that they are ignorant of what the just said. May this phase fall from our dialect. If not may all of us take this secret to our graves and have it die a natural death. I have not helped by shareing this with you , but maybe I have if you expunge this term from your own vocabulary.
  7. You are right Ottawaman. This is about 2 men provideing pleasure for 1 woman. Also I believe the lady needs to call the shots on the DP. My experience would say that this is not the easiest thing to do well, so it is something that you might want to plan as an option and not the sole purpose of the encounter.
  8. Fair question CB , The answer is no. Loopie, I suspect you are right. I will have to look into doing that thing. Eliz and Scott, that comment in indeed an "lol"..... lmfo thanks for everyone's input.
  9. Actaully this is a follow-up from a comment that a good friend made in the post ' would you mary a pornstar?" (I don't expect the ladies to reply but most likely they will tell me what an a. hole I am.) My friend said that he enjoyed sex with his wife, expected that this would be exclusive but also enjoyed sex outside of his marrage. He understood that this was selfish but it was what it was. Thumbs up for honesty! On the otherhand I do not enjoy sex with my wife. It is far too rare and far to boaring. Neither of these are my fault. As a result , totally I don't have sex with her. I don't touch her sexually , I kiss only on the cheek. If she were to touch me sexually I would draw away. She has become my sister. I care for her but sex is not in the equation. In the last year I have began to feel sorry for her. I'm not sure that she would be sexually interrested in anyone or that anyone could be sexually satisfied with her but if such a person exists ( even as one of 6 in a heirum), I would be glad if they found each other. If she wanted to share her experience I would listen; if she wanted to keep the secret I am o.k. with that. I would still keep her and all her needs. She is an important part of my life, just not a sexual part; and that was her choice. This is the point of my post: Is there anyone else quite willing to share their wife , not for their enjoyment but for her's ?
  10. This I could do. Certainly not by someone who's point is inflicting pain. In mybooks that is bull shit. But by someone that is interrested in licking and sucking my super clean balls and understands cautions, who has experience in waxing or will take directions well. I am all for the sensual experience for each of us. Not at all for the abuse. Once again Samantha has a good handle on the topic. You know what, even better would be a ball waxing ( carefully done) with several ladies having an oppertunity to experience the results. Samantha , the ibuprofen an hour before, I totally agree, maybe a little anesthetic and antiseptic afterwards. Gentlemen this lady knows of what she speaks.... chicas
  11. I don't like the term ' no restrictions' and would stear clear. I do like to see the term full service but before booking an appointment I ask about that. " by full service do you mean everything covered-up ?" by full service do you mean anal included ? Are you o.k. with kissing? This allows that lady to define what she means by full service. Honestly the ads ladies use are like the ads you see on TV. They are they to catch your eye, better to ask . For example: paper towel have been advertised as " thicker, stronger, more absorbant", since the 1940s better ask what they mean by " no restrictions "... then decide if that is what you want.
  12. Hey Soleil, I'm sorry that your trip didn't work out 100% for you. This explains why our brothers in S'toon have to rely so much on traveling SPs. It is a shame but it is what it is. Gentlemen 10 is so right. A door closes and a window opens. I know that you have all the the positivity, ability and attitude to make this work. If you need a hand over the bump, let me know. cuidate...
  13. Wonderful! Love your buisness modle & helped me understand.
  14. How do I feel ? ENVIOUS. There are many of us that have to plan and scheme for the oppertunity of an encounter. The Sun the Moon and all the Stars have to align just so for us. So when the oppertunity comes we don't want to knock off a 75% of a hour for this special event. I have only ever had 1 - 1hr appointment( an that was followed as quickly as I could with a 2hr with the same lady; and 1 - 1&1/2 hr appointment with a duo and that was unsatisfactory so I followed up with a 3 hr with one of the ladies. Everything else has been 2or 3 hours or an overnight. I think that I speak for a signifigant portion of the market, we are happy when we see a 1hr. rate and a discount of 2 and 3rd hr rates. There is justification for this too. There is no need to clean up the room; no need to redo the hair style, no need to pick up discarded clothing, no need for of change of wardrobe, no relighting of candles. There is time for a co ed shower to be part of the encounter and not just clean-up time. Naturally there is an allowance for a pee break(both teams). Tea break can be a part of the multiple hour encounter. On a lighter note , condom expenses might be the same but lube might get double duty. On the ladies side, honestly I think that longer time allows for better rapport and hence more repeat buisness, because you have time to sell the value of your service. That is just my view of the interaction. Maybe the buisness is all about; knock em out one after the other , quick as you can. Maximize profit per minute. This just isn't the way I have ever done buisness. When I see an ad. that offers multiple hours at even slight discounts I alway take a second look because I think ' this lady has something to offer me and knows she can do so if given an oppertunity. I vote for discounts on multiple hours.
  15. Jabba, I think that you do not realize the danger you have placed yourself in by not shareing this knowledge. Have you ever heard of " water boarding " my friend. There are entire nations that want this information and may stop at nothing in getting it. Better that you share .... NOW!!!! lol chicas/chavez
  16. Return to the Board in Winnipeg one of my all time favorite ladies! I couldn't be happier ! Came at a perfect time too, 'cause I was feeling pretty down ( bad case of mental blue balls) Her return is kick starting the sensual part of my mind. OOHHH happy days!!!! ahhh name?...........Porscha.
  17. Thanks Roaming Guy. That was terrific. I have someone that needs this right now. I will pass it on!....
  18. It depends a great deal. After a chicas party I don't need to do it for a week or 10 day. Each week after the interval becomes shorter. Each time it is shorter it is less satisfying. An appointment with a lady is more satifying than self satisfaction and lasts almost a week. I have determined that for me it comes down to how much I have shared. Self satisfaction = no share. Spending time with a lady= good shareing, Organizeing and particuipateing in a chicas party = big time shareing;.... Shareing = satisfying my sexual needs. Castle put this another way. He said over a lifetime we send 1 year of our life brushing their teath. If we consider that the average smoker smokes 20 to 25 cigarettes a day at min. 10 minutes / time to satisfy their needs then that means I could manipulate my equipments 12 to 15 times a day to satisfy my needs. I'm not even close. So if you are wondering if you are useing too much time in your day... forget it. If you want to cut back on your smokeing habit, consider more sex especially the shareing kind. ps, most of this is tongue it cheek. I prefer my tongue elsewhere but we do what we can. right?
  19. Oshean's name came up briefly in discussion at our recent party. You might PM Leana for some relevent information. .. just trying to help make connections.. just trying to help....
  20. This is the way I see the problem. On this board we can only give recommendations. I am o.k. with giving a recommendation but only if can am allowed to pan poor performance. Allowing only recommendations puts in question my honesty. If under a national socialist state I am only permitted to say the 'Volkswagon and the Mercedes are great cars that give fantastic exceptional performance , each in their own class. They both have exciting options and well worth a test drive or several test drives. Further, one might consider a lease on either of these beauties' .But I am not allowed to say that 'the Porsche over promices and under preforms. She, I mean it, has has rushed my experience, jumps from gear to gear before reaching maximum rpms, seems uncontrolable in the corners, generally has a attitude of superiority and give German motoring a bad name.' Then I am not going to say anything publically . To do otherwise I am pardoning this policy. If you ask about a certain lady that I have experience of I will offer my oppinion in a PM, good or bad. Unfortunately if a member makes a request for information and recieves no response publically all readers assume that it is a negative responce . This is not nessicarily the case. I might be giving a fantastic review. Under the guideline we have , I won't do so publically ... My sincere appology to Porscha. I was well into this hypothetical scenario when I realized that I may seem to be implying something about an experience with her. Nothing, absolutely nothing ; could be farther from the truth.
  21. Hi Humper, I will PM something to you.
  22. Hi Humper, I will send you something PM.
  23. For about 20yrs of my life I wished that I could play a banjo. I always thought it would be so cool to walk into a house party, sit down on the floor with my banjo and a bottle of beer and do my share of the entertaining, and never have to get my own beer again.. In the last 20 years most of my friends can't sit down on the floor, and I don't think they could get that feeling back. Now my greatest desire is to master the Spanish language. Not just the words that will get me food at dinner time, a beer in the evening and a bed at night. I want to talk with the momacita, argue (friendly) with los hombres, y play con los chicos; but most of all I want to talk a senorita into my bed at night or me into her's.(I am not too macho). That would be the real test of my abilities and my Spanish, and the reward; every bit as good a not having to buy my own beer at a party.
  24. First I need to thank all the participantnt is the Third chicas party. Especially those that added their comments on this board. We are getting there. I esecially need to thank milfhunter for his input and Soleil for her leg work ( and what wonderful legs those are) Your input makes my work so much easier and so much more believable. To Soleil's summary for Badger, I need only to add a few comments. The limo ride was new this time. I think it added something special and I hope the ladies did too. If we are going to continue this I need some feed back. I didn't actually give the ladies free reign at the Love Nest. They had a guideline of $500 and theycame within 10% of that guideline. Not bad at all! We never had the rules for Dirty minds so we made up a few of our own. It was kind of like , "Dirty Mind" meet "who wants to be a millionaire" on a much smaller scale. I am very happy to say that all the ladies took the ' ask a friend option' That option added to the fun. There were a couple of partyers that were very good at this game , but it didn't matter , everyone and I mean EVERYONE was a winner. About the panty auction and panty toss. It ain't easy. This is an event that we had in the last 2 parties and DAMN IT next time I am going to get to play!!!. I thought I stacked the deck so I could do it this time but I guess not. The shadow dance and gory hole was not the sucess it was last time but as Jose Bautisa. will tell you , you can't hit a homer every time. Still I love the silouette of a lady's body moving to the music so we will try this again. Do I like having my equipment played with by a lady on the otherside and not knowing who it is? YES!!! I may be the only one but that only means the rest of you are pervs (lol) Soleil tells you that Liane was out of this world on the Sabian. Absolutely true. However there were no slouches. Every lady should have this oppertunity. Every man's life is not complete without seeing this. I am so glad we can offer this. The hook-up worked very well. This is part of the party I don't have to worry much about. If you don't hook-up that night you at least have a change to arrange something later. There are 2 things about Soleils post that I need to clarify. She said that watching Lianna on the Sabian was worth the "price of admission" . There is no price of admission. That is something done in Ottawa. It is nothing we have ever done at a chicas party. Soleil gives me more credit than is due for chooseing people that are compatable. The ladies are easy. We just excude attitude and there are dozens of ladieswho qualifyFor the men I am simply looking for men that indicate they want to attend &who I am sure are safe. ( that is not as easy) .Best thing is long term membership on the board a number of posts. give me a few ladies that you have seen, Hopefully I will have seen some of them but as was pointed out to me a few months ago here " you can not possible have seen an many ladies as I have seen clients"Fair enough. and I will never have the pleasure of seeing her nor she me.
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