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Everything posted by BownChickaBown

  1. ...nor a Free Market (nor Free Sex - but I digress). Basic laws of economic supply vs. demand are always at play in the marketplace. Lower demand with static or increasing supply (ie: competition) changes market interactions, as the cross-section between the 2 usually determines the price the market can bare - and some suppliers simply price themselves out of the market, while others move with the market and maintain business. As demand lowers, some suppliers have to lower their prices in order to keep up the volume of sales, or else fall behind the curve. Conversely, when demand is high, suppliers can increase their prices while maintaining their volume of sales. A noticable trend is some ladies having discounts in order to stimulate sales during the low season, while returning to 'regular fares' upon the market returning to normal, if you will. Great (simplistic) example is the varying prices traveling SPs charge for different cities. In my observation, less busy markets in some cities beget lower prices while other busier and more affluent cities can support higher prices. Of course, to note, there are many other variable which attract customers - good marketing, good reputation, improved quality of services, specialty niches, moxy and the X factor, among other things. One tip for any service provider, albeit sexual, internet or otherwise, is to provide Top Notch customer service (ex: polite, customer-orientated, deliver above expectations), as time and time again, surveys have shown, people are more than willing to pay higher prices for good customer service (with other factors relatively the same), and they will repeat business with such quality and satisfaction (I know I do). Best of luck and success in all your endeavours!
  2. Twas a pleasure to have met LadyCindy - Best of Luck and Success in All Your Endeavours!
  3. I like how Lindsay removed the tags from all her lingerie knowing it was a turn-off for me, and how she is an assertive woman who knows what she wants in life and takes enjoyment in going after it - all the while staying a down-to-earth, classy, effervescent lady with an insatiable lust for life. Long may your big jib draw Lindsay! :) I also like how great apple juice and orange juice taste together - I call it applorange juice - it rhymes with orange!! ;) Last for this post, but not lest - I also really like how so many ladies like to duo with other ladies :D Double the pleasure, double the fun!! ROWRRR!!
  4. Happy Tapioca Pudding Day Malika! :P ...and Enjoy Your Birthday too! ;)
  5. In my experience over the years here on CERB, there's as much B&S here as anywhere. Bought and paid for 'recos' devalue any real recos. people may write. My example is that of a 2-faced liar taking money for video services and never delivering on the videos despite her repeatedly saying she would after coming back to Ottawa several times since - yet anyone says anything about such things and they are 'not a good CERB community member', as there are cliques here on CERB who do not like being exposed for playing by a different set of rules that others follow. Regardless, people who act like this degrade the whole industry for everyone, and if others would rather just turn a blind eye to this type of behaviour for the sake of 'that's not nice to say on CERB the bad things people do', rather than learn the Truth - then, in my opinion, it does a disservice to us all, and very unfortunate. It does not give people confidence to much anyone says here sometimes when such protection and denial happens - ex: the thread about the guy and girl trying to profit off the plight of Aboriginal people by trying to fanaggle millions in water contracts, where many people whined about how it makes their industry look bad to talk about such evil, while ignoring the fact some Aboriginal groups live in 3rd World conditions due to such selfish greed from people like Carson and his floozie. Oh, but as long as the industry looks good, who cares about safe drinking for Canadians eh? So my rhetorical question is: Since when did being honest become so bad? The truth shall set people free! Thanks for the rant :) ...and of course, always play safe!
  6. Little Lady Amanda. She set the bar for me not only for the 'hobby', but also as a lady all around. Truly talented in so many many ways, and very down to Earth. Never forget the formal limo date driving by Parliament; removing tags from lingerie; singing 'Killin Me Softly" ala Fugees; Spinning; Bustiers; Her Assertiveness; ...among many many other things! Long May Her Big Jib Draw! NOTE: OPPS! I didn't notice this was under the 'MA' section until after I posted, as LLA advertised as a SP, not MA, and thus not of this topic (as much as her hands were magical wfor massage, and beyond) - Sorry! I have never been to a MA, but with this thread can see what I am missing. :) Cheers!
  7. ...the same way I dislike cigarette smoke scents on anyone.
  8. BownChickaBown


    No! Don't! Stop! hehe - I said: No, don't stop! :D Great photos Hailee - Great shape!
  9. The exponential rise in the greatest global pandemic ever seen with the unabated spreading of transcendent self-centered greed and profiteering (that is, greedalization, not globalization) which is aimed at the destruction of the community, spirit and respect for all life in favour of self-aggrandizing individualism and capitalism for a bunch of selfish elitist who only want to dictate and enforce their wrongeous idealogical agendas on everyone else in the universe - unjustifiably leading to greater mental disease and failure by intent on a world-scale than ever before imho. That sucks :( (ps: Watch out you don't step in it - it's all around and wreaks!) Oh, and I also find it sucks when sexy ladies leave the 'tags' on their lingerie while working, as it ruins the fantasy knowing angels shop at la senza, and not just the angel store :( That sucks too :P hehe, makes me think they are waiting to do a return :S hahaha Are you? :| (hahaha - that was rhetorical)
  10. Best 'Rawrs' on your Happy 'Meow' Day Cleo! :D *big ball of yarn emoticon* To many more... and Long May Your Big Jib Draw! :) *cupcake w/ candle emoticon* Enjoy the Birthday Bumps, Lumps n' Humps! ;) *dick-n-boobs-n-a-box emoticon*
  11. I live for the moment... Carpe Peaciem: Seize the pleasures of the day while paying little or no attention to the consequences of the future and not harming those around you.
  12. To Whom It May Concern: There appears to be a mis-spelling of the word 'British' as 'Britsh' within the titles of the first 4 cities listed on the http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/index.php page under the provincial heading of 'British Columbia'. Abbotsford, Kamloops, Kelowna & Nanaimo Just thought I would mention it in case you may be so inclined to correct. Cheers!
  13. Schwing! A woman after my own heart - except I smoke copious amounts of tetra hydro cannabinol daily to enhance my calm :S Right now I have Elvis 75th Anniversary and Best of OLP in the player. ...and I like the song in my sig.
  14. Hap-py Birth-day to You! Hap-py Birth-day to You! Hap-py BIRTH-DAY dear Angel Starr-rrrrrrrrr :P Hap-py Birth-day to You-uuuuu!!! (As you can see, I am not much of a singer either ;) )
  15. This sums it all up for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAJroAaf3ZY Itty Bitty Titties song :)
  16. I believe forthcoming will be the Anal Volt :aol_shocker: and a blast from the past is the Anal Cavalier :aol_rideit:
  17. The fact of the matter is Common Sense is Not Common. Whereby by far the majority of people on earth are simple-minded followers, they need, and even prefer, to have a carrot dangled in front to lead them rather than have to think and do things for themselves. It's easier to blame the government for killing kids rather than take personal responsibility for being a failed parent. ...and some people wonder why mental disease, such as self centered greed, is a pandemic. Globalization = Greedalization
  18. I am an economist, of which I can truly say: Greed Breeds Mean Deeds! Like all systems, especially monetary, they are not perfect, thus people should not be disillusioned about some self-entitlement to perfection in using banks cards, credit cards and the like (which is not what I am saying is the case here, but is in many similar situations). In other words, if one chooses to use these systems they must accept they will have problems, and then deal with it as part of the 'joy' of using it. (Pobodies Nerfect :S ) In other words, be pragmatic and accept it that one will mostly likely at some time (usually at the worse time) encounter problems with banking, therefore use some common sense and do not keep all ones money in a bank, or expose cards when not necessary (example: do people really need to use interac 100 times a month at every manner of dodgy business out there? No, not really. Take all the money out upon payday and use cash at stores. From what I've seen, less people get robbed at home/from their person than they do from a bank.) I worked for various international banks and none are to be trusted, therefore anyone who makes the decision to put money in a bank is only taking a gamble, imo. But in making such a choice, one cannot bemoan their decision to take such a gamble. It's YOUR choice! (Then again, this is what 1/2 the Internet is about, people bitching about their decisions which fail them eh? ...and of course b) for comedic entertainment in misery loving company too ;) ). When shthpns, then proceed with your case and show your due diligence before taking the banks for all their worth (if they wronged you). History has shown though, this usually costs more than the amount taken, if one is even so lucky to be given a favourable judgment. If. In the end, TV has too many followers. Generally speaking, people need to think more for themselves and not listen to the idiot box telling them what to do all the time. Just because the TV says to always use a bank does not mean one needs to always use a bank (or always eat cheesy poofs - or whatever the case may be). Thankfully, money is just an object. While it may not buy happiness, I do understand it's needed to pay the bills sometimes. Take Care.
  19. To the Question at hand: Is nagging a quality? Yes, it is, albeit in my opinion, a poor one. Nagging is not a good quality in a potential significant other (as 1 example), as it screams of immaturity and desperation for attention, which appears to stem from some type of insecurity and/or jealousy. Self-esteem issues even. - All qualities which are not flattering, nor conducive to a 'live happily ever-after' ending, from what I've seen. Some call all this 'emotional baggage'. (Ever hear of a 'succubus' anyone?) Sad really, as I pity anyone who feels the need to be a practicing nag. Maybe it is why some people find themselves alone and unable to keep a partner. ...but that is their choice to be such, and thus alone. We all make decisions, to be a nag, or to be with a nag, or not. I guess I choose not :) Long May Your Big Non-Nagging Jib Draw!! :-D
  20. Anyone try TV media sharing vise a vis the Xbox 360? Using Media Player 11 on a PC networked to the Xbox is described as possible. Unfortunately, I cannot get the Xbox to 'connect' to my PC where the media files are. The Xbox doesn't seem to see my PC on the network, and I am not sure what the problem is - maybe my AVG Firewall? You go the the 'Library' of WMP11 and Share Media w/ the Xbox 360, and then you put the files in your typical Windows (XP in my case) 'My Videos', 'My Pictures' and 'My Music' folders. The Xbox is suppose to be able to access those files and play them on the TV the Xbox is connected to. FYI... Appears WD HD Live TV Media Sharing do-hick-ie is on sale or $89 and change from what I saw earlier today at amazon.ca Already owning an Xbox, I would like to save the $100 and try and get it to connect to my PC (grrr). GL!
  21. I suggest try making the event 'green' where possible :?: Every little bit helps :jackoff: Environmentally-friendly is the new sexy :wink: Pass it on! :bddog:
  22. BownChickaBown


    Ouch! Hello Nurse!! Another sexy moment caught on cam - Hubba Hubba!!
  23. MERRY SEXXXMAS to ONE and ALL! :pimp: <...Saint Dickolas aka Santa Baus
  24. To the OP: Karine19 openly advertises this service which I would recommend. She has a long list of satisfied clients here in Ottawa and Montreal, if not elsewhere too. She advertises this the same way other workers here on CERB openly advertise their MILF status or that they are only a masseuse whom does this or does that, or not, or whatever the case may be. Despite some objections to you starting this thread/the subject matter, I have yet to see a valid argument to why this thread is not appropriate for an Escort Recommendation Board. I find it rich and quit unfortunate that on a Escort Recommendation board when someone asks for a Reco for an Escort, the thread and the hobby/business/industry gets attacked by others in the same hobby/business/industry. :S I don't think I am the only one whom finds this odd - no? If someone doesn't like the channel/job/hobby, then they can change it - but, imho, whining and discriminating in jumping someones thread never makes things better. Sometimes the best help some people can give others in their request/threads is just Not to say anything at all. Best of Luck and Success in All Your Endeavours!
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