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Everything posted by jafo105

  1. I am O+ and have always wanted to donate. A few years ago I called to make an appointment. They turned me down because of the medication I am on. But they keep sending me emails to see if my situation has changed.
  2. I am listening to a CD titled "One Moment In Time". It is from 1988. I listen to it whenever I am feeling down or need some extra motivation to do something.
  3. Unfortunately, yes I do. No I do not feel guilty or embarrassed about it. But I would much rather have a woman to pleasure. I pleasure her... she pleasures me... we pleasure each other... all is good... Hopefully. It is also an excellent all-natural sleep aid. Like "capitalCforcougar" already mentioned. I find it a good way to keep my mood in check. If I go more than a week or two, I become very irritable. Not to mention the embarrassing spontaneous erections. So I try to limit myself to days with "s" in them.
  4. "I Can't Get Laid In My Dreams" is a 2014 film
  5. Pet peeves, I have many: Inconsiderate smokers. Guys wearing hats or sunglasses indoors. People talking or texting on their cell phone and not watching where they are going. People using their cell phone in an elevator or on a bus. Cab drivers talking on their cell phone while driving. People that are Pokemon hunting and not watching where they are going. People riding their bike on the sidewalk. Telemarketers who are pushy and aggressive. People talking on their cell phone in a restaurant or store and not paying attention to their surroundings.. Rude people and people lacking in common courtesy. People who use profanity in every sentence. But my biggest pet peeve are: When a woman farts while I am going down on her. When a (non-escort) woman says, "Are you done yet?" (I am just getting started, dear!) A woman talking or texting on her phone during a date. People calling or texting me on my cellphone when they know I am at home. People sending me emails with texting and internet slang, or not using spell check.
  6. I am almost 50. I find myself looking back on my life and wonder where did I go wrong? I will skip the gritty details of my abusive childhood in the 70s. The important thing is that I survived. When I was a young man (1987) just starting out in life I had hopes and dreams. Like most people I wanted it all. I wanted: a career; a house; a car; a loving wife; children; a cabin by a lake; etc... I knew at a very young age, that it would take a lot of hard work and discipline, to get from where I was, to where I wanted to be. So I did whatever I had to. I took some courses. I worked overtime almost every week. I advanced up the management ladder with every company I worked for. I even did four years in the military. None of those jobs ever paid well. Not even the military. But I gave them my very best each and every day. I even did volunteer work for many years. I dated when ever I could. But nothing ever led to a meaningful relationship and nothing ever lasted more than four months. Some of those ladies remained friends even today. I never smoked, used drugs or gambled. But I did drink socially. I tried to be a good person. I treated everyone with courtesy, dignity and respect. Helped others when I could. I even went to church if I didn't have work demands. In 2002, I started having a lot of health problems. In 2009, my doctors decided it would be better to put me on permanent disability. With a great deal of reluctance, I gave in. When you stop working for health reasons your circle of friends shrinks dramatically. Faster than you can make new ones. Family was practically non existent. Dating becomes even more difficult than it already was. In 2010, I could not take it any more. I broke down and cried. I had not touched or held a woman in my arms since 2001. Not even a hug. I decided to take a chance and try an escort for the first time in my life. The lady I met was wonderful. She liked long hugs. A lot of our dates were spent drinking tea, chatting and lots of laughs. There was some physical intimacy and that was great as well. That was the best relationship I ever had with a woman to this day. She retired from escorting a couple of years later. Got married, had children and open her own business. Then Harper poked his nose in to people's bedroom fun. So I stopped hobbying. Then the cost of rent, electricity, and groceries went up. Actually they did not just go up... They skyrocketed!!! Every month is a struggle to make ends meet. Now I find myself sitting here today thinking. My life is half over and I have nothing to show for it. I have no career; I never married; I have no children; I don't care that I never owned a car or house -- they are just money pits; I am also the last person to carry the family name. -- My grandparents would be pissed! Then I realize that there is a bright side. Albeit very a very small one. I have no children out there wondering who the heck their father is; My debts are all paid off; I still have my best friend, ok so he is a cat. I am still actively searching for a lady to share my life with. I know that I am probably wasting my time especially if I am having problems make ends meet. But no one deserves to grow old alone. But the biggest thing that sucks, is knowing that I will never retire to that cabin by a lake.
  7. I am having penne noodles with some ground beef, grated cheese, pasta sauce, parcelly, and an assortment of spices.
  8. Hello Peachy, I am a gentleman in my late 40s. I have been on Cerb for several years. I am not sure if my opinion counts as I stopped hobbying when Harper changed the rules. That said, I still like to peruse the adds on a few sites. I personally do not like backpage and think it is a disgrace. What is with all those emojis, SHOUTING and spelling mistakes. To me that equals cheep party girls. Which may be fine for some if you are just looking for a meaningless backroom quicky. I am also not very impressed with the other boards. For various reasons. I find the ladies here on Lyla/Cerb to be the most interesting, respectable and mature. I would be proud to be seen in public with any of them on a date or even consider them a special friend. You may have an added bonus here on Lyla/Cerb. With some clients, not all. You can get a feel for your prospective client though their positive contributions in the forums. You also have the Escort Only section for client review by other ladies. Even though we have never met. I have always liked you from afar. I know I would be sad to see you leave Lyla/Cerb.
  9. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes. Its a great feeling to be remembered. Cheers, :icon_biggrin:
  10. An early Christmas present for myself.
  11. I have had back spasms for the past four days and nothing seems to work. :(
  12. Um... Well lets see.... How about... No, I got nothing... :(
  13. Yes - "Owner Of A Lonely" Heart 1983 Video Sound HQ
  14. Trying to learn how to speak some common Russian words and phrases.
  15. Not being able to raise any money for a personal pre-Christmas project. Learning that your friends are never there for you but are very demanding when they need something.
  16. Corn on the cob, baked potato, and a hamburger.
  17. O is for "Oh My God that feels good". (I tried to say something else but it kept coming up as a different word)
  18. Waiting patiently for my special lady to send me an email to let me know that she received my donation.
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