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Everything posted by Tsukiyo_Chevalier

  1. Regrets are hard to get over as you never know if the other option was better or worse. I know from experience that i will always have regrets, one i have that is the most resent come to mind but i have to think of something. it may hurt but you have to be the person you are, the reason we have regrets is that the person why are is fighting the person we want to be. there is no right answer it is just life and we just have to try and think that the choice we made was the correct one. i know that is hard to follow but this is a deep subject.
  2. Z is for "Zestful". yes i know is sucks but it was all i could think of without getting my thesaurus.
  3. i saw this and know how much people here love Bacon (OD) so I thought this was great. http://ca.shine.yahoo.com/blogs/shine-on/105-old-woman-says-bacon-secret-long-life-182511394.html
  4. i would like to travel to a few places in asia like china, japan.
  5. love it is something that we do not know what to do with as it is one of the most complicated emotions.
  6. way to go i hope you have a great day and looking forward to the next 100
  7. well single lady's are looking for me , i have bad credit, i like to gamble, and something else that i am not sure what it is. ( i hate adds where you have to work out it is what you need.) over all i would like to know just what they are backing these adds on. because i think it must be who is paying them the most money.
  8. pecan tart and tea :) yummy Additional Comments: also a couple of books on law
  9. when you are going to have a really busy day and you say you are going to get lots of sleep the night before. only to realize you can't get to sleep and when you finally do you wake up feeling more tired then when you want to bed.
  10. way to go keep it going, it is always fun to read what people are saying
  11. well just having a nice talk with friends, this month and year have been tough so i have to take what i can get
  12. Happy Mother's day, to all. i just took my mother out for dinner. i would have liked to cook but she likes eating out so what are you going to do.
  13. well i will not say what super hero's i hate and there is a lot of them. but i will pick 2 of the ones that come to my mind wolverine he's Canadian come on and i will say spawn just to mix it up.
  14. more car repairs again. i am going to go and cry for all the money spent now, and shout "WHY CAN'T IT BE CHEAPER, WHY, WHY ?"
  15. living in the county i used to grow a lot of veg's i have not done so in a little bit thou. i would say to grow green beans, tomato's, green onions, and lettuces are the best, especially if you are new to gardening as they are easy to grow no matter the soil conditions and have high yields. for people who live an apartments without a lot of space i also recommend trying a herb garden. i had one sitting on my window in the house in a little 2x5 planter. also the fresh basil, and chives were great in my cooking.
  16. Roast beef with gravy, mashed potato's and corn. this is one of my fav's
  17. F is for "Frolicking" in the hay or where ever you like to do it, i don't judge ;)
  18. who does not love a woman in stockings it is just so sexy
  19. wile i do agree that the prime colors are the best and that beige are just , bah. i think that if a lovely lady is standing there in just her underwear, she is already looking sexy and i think drop dead gorgeous no matter what the color of her underwear is. well at least thats what i think.
  20. like i said in my main post i had a great time and made some great friends some even friended me on cerb even before i was able to get home even thou it was 4:00 in the morning when i made it thou the door. i cannot wait until the next one as there were some people i was not able to talk to for very long, but will next time.
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