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50 Shades Raven

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by 50 Shades Raven

  1. email bookings do work well, as long as the potential client isn't looking for the 'now' appointment. Some clients don't realize that we could be in a dead zone for internet and not receive the message at that time, or in a situation where we can't answer the email right at that time. Booking by email has worked well for me when the client is booking a few days in advance, as this way I can get a sense of what the client is looking for. I do follow up with a call for confirmation though, this way you can get a clear sense of communication and no miscommunication. If someone doesn't like your policies, too bad for them. You have your policies set up the way you wish to conduct them, it is not up to the client to dictate how they are going to contact you. Let the timewasters and no-shows fall to the wayside, they are not worth your time and effort. I direct clients to my website and contact page, this way I know they have (or should have read) my cancellation policies and have filled out my screening page. Clients that truly want to see you, they will be the ones that will do whatever it takes to see you :-)
  2. I do crossfit, spinning classes, running, swimming and extremely long walks (at least 5 miles). I eat very healthy and make sure I get as much of my nutrients from my food as I can. What I don't get from food, I will use supplements. I found a great nutritionist and a fabulous trainer and I find it works very well for me. I want to get into better shape, so I have now incorporated cycling into my regime. Great way to get out and enjoy the summer weather.
  3. A fight for independence! After all, it's what we fought the British for, independence from their clutches. I'm not getting into a 'word war' over this matter. I fly the Canadian flag also at my home, some people in my town take great offence to it because of 1812, but that is their problem. I fly all the flags proudly.
  4. never ever go to a hotel call without knowing the room number first. It is a red flag to me when I get told they will send the room number when I say I am there. I always confirm that the gentleman is actually a registered guest at the hotel, by having them tell me the name the room is registered under and the room number then I call them through the front desk and speak with them directly. If a gentleman does not want to give this information, then I do not leave my place to go see them. Why should I waste my time travelling to someone who has no intent on seeing me when I could see someone that truly wants to see me? As for girls not showing up? At least a call, text, email from them to let you know that they are not able to make it would at least be courteous. I've had to cancel at last minute, due to unforeseen circumstances, but the gentleman always gets notice.
  5. There is a lot of controversy over this matter. bcguy42 is correct, it is a Virginia battle flag, not the stars and bars (which was actually the first national flag), but it was also the battle flag of the army of Tennessee during the civil war. The symbol itself has a lot of standing in the U.S. It is part of the state flag of Mississippi, state seal for Texas, Alabama coat of arms, and 9 states have it on their license plates. Until 2001, it was part of the Georgia state flag. As a southern woman, I do have it flying at my home, along with my state flag and the national flag. I do not, personally, see it as a symbol of hatred or oppression. I see it as a part of history when one country fought against itself in an attempt to survive the union of the states, or stand together in independence. It started with 7 states, grew to 13, but as we all know, there are now the United states. Southerners like myself fly the flag in remembrance of what caused the civil war. It has great meaning to me, and yes, I fly the flag. If people see that as a symbol of hatred, then they do not know me very well. I feel terrible that people view this as a symbol of hatred, as that is not what it stands for. The fact that some people have decided to use this flag as a symbol of hatred, should not reflect on the history of the flag whatsoever. The deaths that have been caused by people 'using' this flag in the wrong conjecture is really awful. The recent deaths tore at me, things like this should never happen, especially in this day and age. How would people feel if their own flag was used by a select group of people that were running rampage on the world by causing severe problems, hatred and killing? Oh, wait a minute, that was Hitler, who adopted the swastika (a symbol meaning lucky or auspicious object, in eastern Asia) and used it to try to take over the world! Not everyone feels the same way about this flag. It is a controversy that can be seen from both sides. Just an opinion from a true southern woman.
  6. unfortunately, these things happen a lot. When someone cancels 10 minutes before they are supposed to see a lady, that lady: - has taken the time to book you - has taken the time to get ready for you - has turned away someone else, perhaps, since you have her time booked - is now losing an income that cannot be replaced These 'last minute' cancellations are brutal. Obviously, serious issues come up, and those can certainly be overlooked. Someone getting into a car wreck would certainly be forgiven by a lady, as that is beyond your control. Being called into work, another compounding issue. I have had some whopper excuses in my time in this business, most of them incredibly unbelievable. I'll give you an example. Someone, outside of the community of Lyla, that consistently books me, has so many car accidents that he shouldn't be allowed to drive! Do I believe it when he says it? NO, I just don't book him anymore. Another guy's mother passed away, three times, guess he's not seeing me either. Things are going to happen that can't be helped, but please be respectful of the time and effort that a lady puts into reserving your special time with her. We cannot always have someone else that may be able to take the booking, so it is lost income to us. Think of how you would feel if you walked into work and the boss said he couldn't come in to work today so he's not paying you. It's the same principle. If you cannot afford to see us, don't book until you can. This way you are not wasting your time or ours.
  7. Don't you just love it when men do this? NOT! Shortly after I arrived here, I lived in a very nice place, better than most 5 star hotels in the area. But, because the location was Dartmouth and not Halifax, I had men complaining that it wasn't good enough for them. They wouldn't come to me, so I was doing outcalls instead because of this. WTF more do you want? An almost million $ condo isn't good enough for you? They would say things like 'I don't like the neighborhood and that it wasn't safe'. Buddy, people are spending anywhere from almost a million $ to $3.5 million to live where that was. Reluctantly I sold it, as I couldn't keep it through certain circumstances. Where I play now is still clean, quiet, respectful and discreet. I often wonder what the residences of these guys looks like? I walked out of a few guys places that were absolutely disgusting. It's the reason why I will not go to motel outcalls. As for the guys that 'make the rounds', by booking two or three ladies, just to see what they look like in person, go fuck yourselves! Don't waste our time. It's time wasters like this that make it impossible to have bookings from those who really want to see us. Thanks for nothing. Guys seem to be wanting more and more for less and less these days.
  8. Very much in agreement with the other ladies on this. A half hour really isn't enough time to get to know someone, their likes/dislikes etc. It's always been better for me when a first encounter with someone is an hour or longer. Any further encounters can be in a shorter time frame, but really, think about it, how much can you really do in 30 minutes? It's nice to chat, get into the mood, rather than just getting down to it.
  9. A Javanese citizen's identity card I know someone that would love to have this name!
  10. being American, I see a lot of similarities in Canadians to Americans. Yes, I often get told that Americans are arrogant, and it's very true, of some. Canadians are probably one of the most friendly people you will ever meet. The education system here is completely different from ours, we don't get a lot of world history and it's a shame that we don't. No matter where in the world I am, Canadians are very well accepted. Americans are not. Wondering why that is? All it takes is one arrogant son-of-a-b i t c h to think too highly of themselves and other citizens of the world put them in their place! I don't like it when people say Americans are arrogant, as not all of us are, but Canadians are fantastic people in general. Mannerisms are different, outlook on life is different, how they conduct themselves is very different, I like it :-)
  11. a new gaming system, mine just pooched this morning :-(
  12. when you receive an inquiry from someone and they turn out just like you hoped they would :-) ah, there is a God after all, lol, and He hears our frustration at guys that are timewasters. Just kidding. Had an awesome call from a gentleman, and there are actually those out there that read our ads, lol. Who would have thought?
  13. Everything is worthwhile watching on Netflix! No commercials, watch it when you want to watch it. There's nothing compared to it, and I hate being dictated to by cable, haven't had cable in years.
  14. There is a lot of discussion here about 'other sites' and guys should do their homework when seeking the entertainment of girls. There are a lot of ways of checking pics, to see where else they are posted. Tineye.com, imgops.com, google images, just name a few. Cowboy Kenny's diary is a haven for the bait and switch girls. Check there for the same ads in different cities at the same time. Guys, don't get disappointed when the girl isn't who she claims to be, do your homework before you take a leap of faith. Verified girls, girls on recommendation boards (such as this great one of Lyla), places where you can actually see recommendations on girls, these are all great ways of weeding out the fakers and bait & switch girls. If there is no website, listed, but the ad says, 'top rated, well reviewed' but you can't get any info on where those reco's are, then they may not actually exist. Girls can put anything into their ads to get you to see them, but putting a little effort into your search and doing some research may save you from having not quite the experiences you were expecting. Talk to the girl (in the manner she wishes communication), and get a vibe of how that equates to what you are seeking. Ask questions of the info that's in the ad. If someone says in an ad they are 22 and you ask how old they are and they say 19, then you have a problem. All it takes is a little effort. Lyla is a great site, so are others, but this site is for positive vibes and keeping the community informed.
  15. I can have fun, all kinds of fun with you. Want something out of the ordinary? Looking for compassion, caring, cuddles? Seeking a genuine experience with an awesome southern belle? Raven can give you what you want. You know what you want, tell me what you want! Previewing my website gives you a taste of what I offer, but I am open to discussing your needs. I can be mild, wild, and everything in between. A true southern lady, I don't kiss and tell My pictures are recent, but don't display all of my attributes ;-) You can PM me here to book, or go through my website. Please remember that I request your Lyla name if texting. Let me know a little bit about you, what you are seeking so that I may make your experience with me a fabulous one, and the day that you are requesting. Raven doesn't disappoint, she gives you what you want.
  16. mmmmm strawberries! they go so well with champagne! Scotch or whisky
  17. rowing, good for keeping muscles in great shape silver or gold
  18. as you know, y m m v. a great recommendation for any one particular lady, from even a senior member on here, could be potentially disastrous in someone else's eyes. Also, some ladies have asked NOT to have reco's posted, and some gentlemen just plain out refuse to 'kiss and tell', lol. You should make your own judgement based on what you are looking for, how you feel the interaction between you and the lady is going, if the lady offers what you are looking for and if she is available at the time that you are going to be here. I could very well make a glowing reference about a gentleman to a lady, having had a wonderful experience with him. That lady I give the reference to could have a horrible experience with the said same gentlemen, so indeed the saying is true, y m m v, your experience could be vastly different from someone else's. Trusting in your own judgement is indeed the better way to go.
  19. you may wish to place a link, otherwise no-one knows who you are asking about
  20. Like any other place in Canada, all providers are listed by city. This might help http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=18
  21. A highlight of availability is getting what you want. Are you ready for some fun? I am! So much fun that I leave you breathless, or are you going to leave me breathless? Massage, caress, fine wine and ..... ...blow out the candles and see what happens Available for incredible times in your suite or by prior arrangement at my incall location. Please take the time to review my website, make your choices and then let me know. Please note, rude comments and one word texts/PM messages will likely be ignored. My hours of availability range from 6pm to 7am, dependent on the situation. Make sure you reserve your most pleasurable times with me, and let's unleash that fire within you.
  22. when you run into the store to pick up a few things, holding them in your arms (as again, you picked up more than expected, lol) only to have some dimwit up front of you paying in nickels and dimes! For f**'s sakes, roll that shit up and take it to the bank already!
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