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Ashley Ann

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ashley Ann

  1. Just finished checking my emails, and I got the lovliest surprise! Not one, but TWO of my long lost former clients-found me-and I have not seen them since 2005 & 2006!!!!!! Knowing that I will soon be reconnecting with them makes me SO HAPPY that they found me :)
  2. 1) Spa mani & pedi :biggrin: 2) Massages by my clients :boobies: 3) Cooking-relaxes me only because I love it and I am very good at it too ;)
  3. Take me Home Tonight-2011 Really funny movie-awesome 80's soundtrack!!!! Topher Grace, Anna Faris and a bunch of others :)
  4. Octopussy (1983) :) Roger Moore & Maude Adams
  5. Guess I should have mentioned that, for myself it is already a given, never ever would I continue with a session if someone seemed to show signs of some type of STI. CORRECTION-Health 1st, then Hygiene :)
  6. For me personally, the MOST important factor is HYGIENE...if you slack on this, then I will slack on the love that I put out ;) Attitude also helps, but even if the man is not super sweet or full of compliments, chances are a very good time will still be had if he has top notch hygiene, because at the end of the day I can overlook attitude as I am there for a particular time frame, not to be a long time partner if ya know what I mean ;) But I just cannot overlook BAD Hygeine, there is just no dealing with that for me :) I also find it very insulting-That is a MAJOR mood killer.
  7. Realizing that most of my regular clients are still trying to contact me on my former contact number....Even though I have announced and published my new number (in my ads) that I can be reached at. That sucks good and hard...and not the way I like ;)
  8. Yes bareback questions are a turn off-and so is asking for things I cleary do NOT do... But for me, lately this has been a bit of a problem... Some of my clients are aware I have a child, but for the love of God, why the hell does someone want to ask me about my child while we are in the process of touching one another?????? It has happened a couple of times now, and I choose to no longer see these guys. I find it disturbing, and I also find it disturbing that I need to indicate this to some....
  9. Getting called in for not just one, but THREE interviews this week !!!!!!! :milleunenuit: I am feeling lots of excitement & much happiness :)
  10. Formerly..BUSTY Vanessa-I decided to use " Busty ", well because I am BUSTY :boobies:....then I changed it to Voluptuous Vanessa because I am voluptuous too AND when I would do the odd google search on "Busty Vanessa" ......... Another lady would come up...."Big Busty Vanessa" and I will just simply leave it at that since we are not supposed to say anything mean spirited on this board ;)
  11. My CERB Goddesses of the day are these two sexy ladies :boobies: Emma Alexandra, you are so beautiful :) Eve (ATasteOfEve)..Stunningly Sexy Mature Lady
  12. 240 Nepean...worked there for a bit too ;) but after the biker guy-I think it was called spa 240 or maybe Nepean Spa??????
  13. I believe I have previously commented the same on another similar thread... SPIKE - HE was a real sweetheart :)
  14. So am I, however, fall clothes may not be as revealing but are still very sexy . I for one am already looking forward to sporting my new brown suede, over the knee, flat boots with , my skinny jeans ( yes I have skinny jeans ;) ) as they make my legs look long and awesome ;) And lets not forget all the sexy tights and/or nylons with the sexy lacey type of designs :)
  15. I honestly would not stress about agencies taking up space, and that your ad is no longer visible on the first page...This reason would not affect your business and I will tell you why :) I have been in this business for a long while, and I can tell you first hand, men will look through multiple pages, not just the first ;) ...and they usually start where they left of last (date wise in ad sections) Also, GOOD clients, the ones us ladies always look forward to having...they usually tend to do a little research first, they don`t just choose an sp based on first see, first serve...they look around to ensure they choose who they want.
  16. 90% of my clients are from cerb, the other 10% would be clients whom I have already established on going relationships with prior to me coming here and those were from newspaper classifieds, which BTW-I will not return to anytime soon, as the ad rates are ridiculous and the clients, well they are not like the men from CERB at all, I love it here :boobies:
  17. I noticed too-I just presumed it is a permanent change...hope not-pics look nicer in the ad, still do, I just think they look better when they are bigger. ;)
  18. Since this was in the Ottawa discussion, I presumed we were talking about the Ottawa section of CL in the therapeutic services section.... Everything I am saying in regards to CL is strictly regarding Ottawa as this is the only city that I work in and am concerned about when it comes to clients. As I said earlier, I did not take a look at CL to see who was advertising-I did now, and I apologize because I see there are many well established sps and mps that are now advertising in this section, I myself will not because I personally choose not to put my ads in a section where I personally think they do not belong-if CL closed their adult services section, am I wrong to presume that they do not want sp's using their therapeutic services section to advertise? After CL adult services closed, here in Ottawa...it was known for shady/suspect individuals posting their services after this AS section was closed, another reason, I personally do not see as a good idea to advertise in. I have no idea how things work in Vancouver when it comes to advertising. If CL brings you good clients, then that is great-and now that you have informed me, I do not dispute this, but here in Ottawa, I do not think it is the same.
  19. For me it is pretty basic... Poor dental hygiene (this includes bad breath such as whatever you ate the night before or that day and cigarettes) and/or cold sores = NO KISSING / NO DATY I once had an out call and the client had a big ol cold sore on his bottom lip-had to leave because he said the no kissing thing was a deal breaker-worked out well as his big mouth sore was a deal breaker for me too :) True story... Dirty fingernails-Long fingernails-Hands with multiple scrapes and or cuts = NO DIGITS and you wont have a chance to touch or play with my her ;) Shitty and/or Cocky attitude-So far have been really lucky, I am rather selective about who I see, this has helped weed out alot of individuals who would not passs my YMMV list. TALKING not texting can tell you so much IMHO
  20. I love Grand Marnier and Pinot Grigio wines....... I love love love PEACH BELLINI, and the place that make`s the very best ones IMO is Moxie`s (and yes, I always choose the Moxie Sized :) I also love margaritas and so far the best ones I have had were from Casey`s (they have alot of other sexy mixed drinks that are super delish too) and at Felina`s Restaurant on Bank St. Oh yes and Caesers....I like those too, the best place for those was OLIVE GARDEN..anyone remember those? They were Ginorm :) CHEERS :boobies:
  21. You know, I am all for free advertising....however, I myself, would not advertise my services in a category that escorting DOES NOT belong in :confused0024: Hey, maybe thats just me... Sorry did not review the CL listings, so my apologies in advance if I offend any ladies...BUT-why the hell would you advertise on a list that is associated with sleaze....Prior to the erotic category shut down, ok I get that-it was alright..but NOW...I don`t know, it just seems tacky IMO If you are looking for FREE advertising-THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE PLACE TO BE-it`s free to register and use!!!!! And if you are A MAN looking for some Fun with a massage..again this is A GOOD PLACE TO look-NOT CL
  22. Hi guys, First, thanks to those who responded to my post!!! I do however, want to clarify something ..... I have completely accepted the fact that I have a very low amount of recs since joining this board in 2009, seriously...I am really ok with that-because I still have clients without them...And do not want to deter these amazing clients from seeing me because they will now think they have to rec me to please me....Like I said earlier, many of my clients do not provide recs. :) What bothers me is that if a lady does not have any or many recs-lots of people think its super safe to assume that the said provider blows ... YES, I totally recognize that this is a REC BOARD...however, at the same time, we are starting to learn that there are other reasons that some sp's do not have any or many-and that many hobbiests on here do not write them...therefore the reasons are not always negative ;) Thanks again :boobies:
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