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Ashley Ann

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Ashley Ann

  1. May be very hard to believe, BUT I am NOT a shitty-weak-womp-womp kind of SP because I have only obtained THREE recs...And since this board is supposed to be positve, I really wish the term: "If you can't find a recomendation on here for someone , that may be a clue and/or an indication" would not be allowed :( Not only is this one liner negative, but is also a statement thrown out there by those who do not know anything about you, your business and/or how you run it ;) I NEVER ask for recs, so perhaps my clients think that I prefer to not have any...the reason I do not ask for them is because I think it kills the mood, and it makes it look like you just put on a show, and the show is now over-a bit of a turn off, I would think anyway... Also MOST of the men I see, are men who do not write recs...I will state tho, that there are a few who have written recs for other ladies and not myself, even though they still continue to see me, and that is because I am a heavy set lady. Funny thing is, everyone seems to be so open minded on this board, you can participate in the following w/o any kind of judgement... Bare back services-(no not full service) just the other stuff, you can participate in full on gang-bangs, men can show their interest for she males and/or trannies, and all of that is A_OK, but for some reason men are too embarassed to claim their love and appreciation for bigger ladies :confused0024: I just do not get that ...... -
  2. That is freaking awesome!!! Kudos to Carrie and to you too Sandy for receivng the award on her behalf!
  3. Lou Simone is here on CERB and she is gorgeous for sure, however the original poster used the follwing to describe what he was looking for: "You have to be a BBW..not chubby.or big bonned..I want a BIG WOMEN". Lou Simone does not fit into this category, she is a Voluptuous woman, not a BBW ;)
  4. Carrie Moon is a nominne for the following category: Favourite service provider/escort/massage worker @ the The Naked Truth Adult Entertainment Awards 2012 click here to read about it: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=94529 Click here to visit her profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=15702 Congrats to you sexy lady !!!!!!! A very well deserved nomination!!! :)
  5. The link provided, did not work for me-but I still have an opinion!!!! I am a safe service provider, who refuses to take the extra risks for money. ( Because there are already so many other risks, even when playing safe) I am fully aware that this decision has impacted the amount of clients I have...and that is A-OK with me :) Good Health is priceless - IMHO :)
  6. Yes.. I am :) I have been addicted since 11-15-2009 ;) :boobies:
  7. OMG-I used to work at both of these places!!!!:boobies: A looooooong time ago ;) Tempest Spa-was on Dalhousie...& yes-I knew Diane-she was just about the sexiest mature lady I have ever met...very classy too-serious mature gem Sensations was the name of the place on Catherine, right next to Bronson. Older home-turned into commercial property. :)
  8. The service an sp provides is a special & unique type of service :) So I think that personal preferences regarding clientel is perfectly aceptable. As an sp you want to spend time with men who you are comfortable with, and as a client-would you not prefer to spend your money & time with a lady who actually wants to spend time with you, rather than one who does not? The difference between the two, in regards to levels of service would be extremely opposite. Now..... if a restaurant or any other type of service providing business, indicated they choose not to serve African Americans or any other race...That would be wrong.
  9. 10 + years ago, when I first started out, I worked for angencies....just want to be clear...none of the agencies are around now.... The agencies I worked for were freaking horrible...back in the day, it was a little bit harder to be indy... Anyways, there were calls that I would litterally have to run out of...once, just in my lingerie...lol....running up to the drivers car screaming to let me in...crazy stuff...the agency never really cared if the guys were sane or not, it was alllllllll about the money....they did not give a flying eff if you were sick, family emergencies...whatever...if you did not do the call, you were out of a job..plain & simple.. One agency owner really tried to tell me that we had to sleep together first......so he could tell the guys firsthand "what the merchandise was really like" freaking creepo!!! The last agency I worked for, and would go back to in a minute if it opened again was "CHARLIES ANGELS" The owner was the most proffesional business woman via this bussiness that I have ever met....she ran her business...like a BUSINESS!!!! She was the queen of the yellow page ads..85% of them were hers ;) You had to work 40 hrs per week, but ....I was never forced to take calls, we always had a choice, it envolved us calling the client, and we would book our own calls, at our own rate ;) We had to dish out 70 for the half hour & 100 for the hour, this included our driver too....I really, really had a lot of respect for this lady and how she ran her business...she sold it after running it for 17 yrs :) All this to say, IMO there is a higher percentage of crappy agency owners rather than good ones, so when and if you do find an agency that is great to work..appreciate it & spread the word :)
  10. Happy Birthday sexy lady!! Wishing you a fabulous year :)
  11. I HAAAAAATE it when that happens....but it sure is nice to know that men recognize this-and that they can come to the conclusion that it is a bait & switch tactic-basically trying to pass off another lady's personality as their own-I have had one of my pics stolen before, and I can honestly say..having a lazy bee steal my text-made me more angry than someone stealing one of my pics. When you take the time to create something , which can sometimes take a long time BTW, then some individual decides to slide out of bed-scroll the ads and do a little copying and pasting :vatefaire: Like-how useless is that???????? I think it's a tell tale sign on how serious a woman is about her business :ThankYou:
  12. Perhaps I am wrong, however I am almost certain that these type of sweeps are towards the ladies who work the strolls and do car dates....but... if that is your thing-then, yes-be careful
  13. The beautiful & mesmerizing Marilyn Monroe-we would drink Champagne and my first question would be: What the hell did those Kennedy brothers do to you
  14. I recall this type of service "nude housekeeping" being offered in the OS classifieds in the mid 90's! Of course the housekeeping was offered by ladies only :) I myself, would not really be feeling to see a man and his privates when he is on the floor bent over, doing a little house keeping ...LOL
  15. 10,000 well-deserved rep-points indeed! Congrats CATO :) Vanessa:boobies:
  16. I delete there messages and/or end the phone call, even if they say ok, never mind, they are now ok with paying my actual rate once they see a discount is not happening , I still choose not to see them because I find it rude, and I have no desire to spend time with a man who is rude :) Trust me, any man who wants to introduce himself by asking for a discount-would so not be a great client-I know what those are ;) and with them, the word discount never comes up
  17. Happy Birthday Meg! Hope your day is fabulous :)
  18. I believe that many life threatening diseases, are curable, but because these pharmaceutical companies are billion dollar businesses..the cures will not likely be provided since this would not make them as much money.
  19. Here you go: Delilah http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=D&t=68343 Monica http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=M&t=48510
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