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Cara Silver

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Everything posted by Cara Silver

  1. Cara Silver


    From the album: October 2014

  2. I think some people just can't wrap their heads around it. I'm one of those people. Maybe it's just that sometimes it takes a long time to get used to stuff. It's not that women can't, shan't, would never do it- I support whatever makes women feel great. To me it's still a very foreign concept. I feel like I should have a better, more in-depth explanation for this but I don't- maybe I'm a doofus?
  3. Oh this hurts my heart. Dr Love, to quote the modern lingo, she doesn`t seem that into you. It's not you, but it's not her either. If a guy was running hot and cold, the answer would probably be that he's not that into the girl. Not that he's bipolar. Whatever her issues, I think you deserve alot better because you're a wonderful guy. Might be time to just move on.
  4. What is going on with this guy? How can someone with a respectable show and a golden voice be such a creep? :( I'm sad.
  5. My cat is for some reason always bringing me my own lingerie. She like the bra strings and the string thongs and attacks them if they're anywhere in the room. I have to lock myself in the bathroom while I'm dressing for a date so she doesn't jump me!
  6. I look at my old high school yearbook photos and think things could DEFINITELY be worse :) Hint: braces and mangy eyebrows
  7. Of course some of the ladies have client lists! I don't write out a list on parchment with a broken crayon and nail it to the wall, vowing to ruin the lives of these clients but I do have an e-list: *to remember what I wore so I don't wear the same thing again the next time *Little details about the client if the client has a very common name (like Mike or Steve) *Some conversation/interaction with the client that we both really enjoyed. *To make dorky notes like 'great fun!' or 'loves history too!' or 'very proud of his daughter who just got into law school'. A few notes like this can bring back the whole experience when I next hear from this man. I like to think that TJ Bedford made that statement out of desperation because she wasn't being heard, and not out of real intent. If her plan was in fact to reveal the names publicly, I would not support that.
  8. Oh my goodness, the difference is huge. I tried with merb because I'm in Montreal but the hostility is palpable- between the men and the ladies, and between the men themselves. I never felt like a human being on there. It is very graphic and cold. Cerb is simply this: warmth in my heart. It is so lovely and encouraging and we treat each other with humanity and respect. I have to say that the men on cerb are some of the best men I've ever met, even outside the business. These are men I wish existed more in the real world :) Yay cerb! Thank you for bringing heart, happiness and fun to this industry.
  9. Telling me I'm a whore because I 'led you on'. Firstly, I didn't. Secondly, if I choose not to sleep with you, isn't that the opposite of a whore? Thirdly, ouch! I feel really sad to have that in my inbox even though it isn't true. :(
  10. it seems to be just an exercise in semantics. I can guarantee that sex workers have a much bigger vocabulary than Harper. :icon_lol:
  11. Can't wait for this! My favourite season so far is season 2. Love the asylum :)
  12. 1. Be yourself. 2. The acronyms can save you alot of time and trouble. Your site is great, I wouldn't worry!
  13. Yes, it's that kind of ordeal. I loved Puss in Boots in that movie so much! Today's gift from my cat: a bag of old, dead, yellow sandwich meat. Delightful! Like beef jerky! She was very proud though :pimp:
  14. Oh yeah! And they heave a bunch before vomiting. It's horrible! Mainly because it looks painful for them, poor munchkins :( But with my cat it's probably a symptom of having overeaten :)
  15. Hugs! Men give the best hugs. A bear hug from a big, strong man is heaven :)
  16. Bunnies? Bats? Mice? These cats are deranged. There is another thing they do which could be a delightful gift to humans or it could just be a function of cats: the vomiting. She only seems to do it in my presence. Is it a gift? Or a judgement of my character?
  17. Cats are well-documented sociopaths. They like randomly attacking your feet while you sleep, they like extremely expensive cat food by the name of "seafood buffet from under the sea infused with gold dust and the tears of humans", and they like emotional manipulation. Which brings me to their sadistic concept of gift-giving. My cat ignored my 30th birthday back in May. No presents, no well-wishes, nothing. Until this month. She has gifted me with: 2 dead pigeons in varying states of decomposition. 1 bug that was so big it must have migrated here from the Jurassic period. But I still love her! Has anyone else received gifts from their cats?
  18. Oh wow!!!! This changed my life, thanks everyone! American Netflix is my new obsession. How can the Canadian version suck so much???? Yay!
  19. Cara Silver

    Cara 1

    From the album: Cara Silver

  20. Cara Silver

    Cara 2

    From the album: Cara Silver

  21. Cara Silver

    Cara 3

    From the album: Cara Silver

  22. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ufcku ufckufckufkufckucfkcufck I`ve been saving those up. Anyone else want to let it all out? :) On the other hand, carrot cake!
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