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Everything posted by FunAdventures

  1. As a follow up to this, I wonder what both gentlemen and ladies think about sex during 'shark week' (Haha.. this may be my new favourite term for it) I personally love it, I tend to find myself more excited and aroused during this time. I do realize though that some do not like it. I am just wondering if the majority like it, don't like it, or are indifferent?
  2. I think this article on the subject is worthy of a repost. Very well written in my opinion. http://metronews.ca/voices/the-kohler-report/1256229/dalhousie-dentistry-scandal-tasteless-joke-or-harmful-threats/ I also came across these other headlines while searching for the first. http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/what-are-they-going-to-dokick-every-guy-out-of-fourth-year/Content?oid=4488208 And an open letter from the one who leaked the page, which was done after the voting took place on which classmate they wanted to HateF* http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/to-my-classmates-im-sorry/Content?oid=4488630
  3. I am available tonight at 8:30 or 9 to host.
  4. I think the only concern with them staying in dentistry is that they will be able to be alone with anesthetized women (at least that is the concern for me). They will be in a position of power with access to the means to fulfill their fantasies.
  5. I'm watching Borgia right now. It's up there with the rest that were mentioned. I also really enjoyed Suits.
  6. A TARDIS safe! It's so frickin' awesome!
  7. Why do people keep referring to the comments as jokes? Did you read it? Do you know the context? Did it clearly state, "So this is a joke... don't take it the wrong way... but you would need to absorb about 20 mL of chloroform in a rag, and cover Suzies mouth and nose for approximately 2-5 minutes (she might try to hold her breath). Make sure there's nothing around where she will hit her head, that b*ch will fall hard. She should be out for approximately 15-20 minutes..... What a laugh!" How is this funny? You do know they described how to do it right? You do know that chloroform is a very accessible chemical? This scenario is easily accomplished. You only assume that it was said in a joking manner because the 'shock value' of the comments is so great, that surely the person could not have been serious?! What if they were serious?
  8. I'd like to extend a warm hello to all of you fine folks of Halifax, I would like to extend an invitation to come and join me for some fun from Jan 18th - 20th. I know it's a little ways away, but I like to plan ahead in some instances ;-) As always, I am available to come visit you whenever your heart desires. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. Cheers, Carrie
  9. This is all so sad to read. If someone around me at work, at school, in my circle of friends etc etc, ever explicitly talked about how they would use chloroform to knock me out and then rape me, I certainly hope that someone would speak up and tell me about it. I think a females right to work and learn in a safe environment outweighs a males right to privacy. However, this should not be a women vs men issue. It should be an issue of respect. Clearly their is no respect here. A lot of you also refer to their comments as jokes. That's ridiculous. Condoning the 'hilarity' of such 'jokes' is just as bad as making them yourself. It saddens me. A lot of people also talk about how these "boys" careers shouldn't be ruined. Firstly, do you realize most of them are in their 30's? They are not children. They are supposedly men. Secondly, if these comments had been made by anyone towards anyone in any place of work in any of the 1st world countries, there would be absolutely no question as to the disciplinary action that would take place. It goes by the term 'Respectful Workplace', where harassment of any form is not tolerated. Why does this not exist in the educational setting? Perhaps it does, but I must say that being in graduate school at the same University, I have not been exposed to it. It must be one of those things that they don't actually teach you about. One of the group is a friend of mine. I've known him for years. I remember how hard he struggled to get accepted (the class is very small), but how with his determination and drive he finally got in. I remember talking to him a couple of months ago about how excited he was to finally be done. BUT, although he is a 'friend' (I use that term loosely now), I don't think he should be given the power of being able to anesthetize ladies. And yes 'Assistants' are always present... supposedly... but who's to say both of them do not have these fantasies.... A scary thought as I write this, is now I wonder if even if they are expelled, are they qualified to be these 'assistants'?? I'm sorry OldBlueEyes, but your comments have deeply disturbed me. Although I am sure that 95% of guys think about sex with a coworker / friend / whatever... There is, however, a much smaller percentage that fantasize about drugging her and raping her limp body in a violent fashion. And yes... if a classmate or a coworker made those comments about me, I would consider myself a victim. I do not need to live in any more fear than that that is already present for every woman... Having respect for women, children, and everyone around you does not emasculate a man.
  10. I am in introvert. And the only thing I don't like about this thread is that there seems to be an underlying idea that there is something wrong with being introverted. Has this profession helped? With what? Being an introvert? Like it's a bad thing and I require help to not be introverted? I hope I've completely misunderstood the post. Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being introverted. I personally love my alone time! It's the best thing in the world. But that doesn't mean I don't like people or never leave the house or am not super ridiculously busy in my life. It just means that instead of waking up and running downstairs to see my family (I'm home for xmas), I am instead writing this, and delaying the chaos because regardless of if I go down now, or in another 30 minutes, we'll have the same interaction and I am not missing anything other than small talk. Also, can you imagine the whole world being extroverts?! Nothing would ever get done because there would be too much chatting going on! Ha. (See how I've generalized extroverts ;-)) Anyhow, introverts don't need help to not be introverted. And introversion does not mean I am shy, or dislike people, or am anti-social and hide under a blanket in the corner, or that I want to live my entire life alone, or can't hold a conversation (though I do admit small talk is painful). Meaningless chatter we (I) find well... meaningless and I often tune out (sorry peeps). I love public speaking, the bigger the crowd the better. Small groups I prefer to hear what other people have to say rather than hear myself talking. Intimate gatherings I enjoy comparing points of view. Introverts are independent and don't require people around us in order to function. That's it.
  11. I just want to point out that this might not be entirely accurate. I will never have a website. Or post my number anywhere. (Personal reasons) And just because a person does, it doesn't mean they are any more serious than someone who doesn't. As someone who is new, I don't think it would have mattered if I had made a website. Until you get that first recommendation, you are a risk to see regardless of wether or not you have a website. A new girl with a new website does not make her more reputable than a new girl without a website (in my opinion). Don't get me wrong though. Websites are great. I just don't think they make a person more legit. Anyone can make a website. And without those risk takers out there, a new girl has no chance in this industry. So I thank those of you that took a risk on me! I say trust your gut, and if it's someone new, be careful, but don't shun her out of the game.... speaking of games... did some one mention naked oily twister?! What a blast that would be!
  12. I am again dreading this 10pm floor hockey game I have been suckered into having to attend. Last game of the season though!
  13. Thank you Boomer01. Assumptions always get me in trouble ;-) I love hearing other peoples opinions and value them as much as my own. I agree with a lot of what you said. And you are right. Just because you pay a bit more, doesn't mean you are going to leave happy. Whereas, you can pay less and leave happier than ever. I just meant it as you might be less likely to end up with someone who's high and playing a starfish (again solely my opinion, and not based on any fact, and I admit I could be entirely wrong). I base this solely on the rave reviews I've heard about some of the more elite ladies. But I really did not want to offend. It just seems that whatever approach is being used by the original poster is not working for him. I was just suggesting maybe he try a different approach :-) Thank-you again for pointing these things out. And I completely agree about talking a bit! It's so easy through a few emails to know if you are compatible or not!
  14. Um, I'm not sure if this is completely out of line, but have you ever considered you are getting what you payed for? I don't mean that in a you got what you deserved type of way. No one deserves that. It sounds horrible.. all of it. I'm sad that it exists. But I think that is the reason why there are different rates between businesses. A proper, drug free, respectful business that is here to ensure both of you have a good time, has figured out what to ask for based on demand, the experience you will have with her/him, the location they provide, and how they can manage it so that they can do what they love (this), without having to work elsewhere. That sounds like someone I would like to spend time with. Someone who offers their time for significantly less than market value, and is willing to negotiate, is almost always someone who is desperate for drug money (in my opinion) and is only interested in the cash, not the date. My only advice is to think about who you are deciding to see. If this is happening to you, I'm almost surprised to hear that you have also not been robbed (and I hope it never happens!). Again sorry if I'm way out of line, but the two don't seem that far off to me. If you are looking for a classy, enjoyable experience, there are plenty of amazing girls in Halifax. You've just got to be willing to play by their rules.
  15. Hello gentlemen, If you are available later in the week, day or night, I would love to spend some time with you. I am accepting bookings for Dec 10-12. I am a small, petite blonde that is anything but fragile ;-). I look forward to intimate, personal encounters and can't wait to get to know you better. Please PM me if you are available, or if you want to schedule something else at another time. Cheers, Carrie
  16. Well I think everyone who has contributed to this thread are all right. I hate when the word 'feminism' gets construed as men hating, or someone out to get men, etc etc. And it also saddens me when it's an accurate depiction. It should not be. All feminism is, is the desire for things to be equal. And yes, we have gotten to the point where you can open a bank account without the permission of a man, but we are nowhere near where we should be. There are still tons of inequalities, from both sides. I have worked in male dominated industrial jobs most of my life. I started working in a mine when I was 19. It was a camp set up, week in week out. I was one of a handful of girls on site. It took 5 years before my 300 some colleagues stopped trying to sleep with me and actually became my friends. I can guarantee you that a 19 year old man has not had to deal with continuously being hit on for 5 years, while trying to politely decline everyone so that you don't come across as a b*ch. This is what feminism is trying to get rid of. Another site I worked at, a few of the older men still possess the view that women don't belong in industry. They have intentionally set up new female employees to do two-person jobs alone. This results in them getting injured. However, men never do this job alone. They always do it in pairs. They set new female employees up to fail just so that they can say "See, women don't belong. They can't do the job." This is what feminism is trying to get rid of. And there are countless other examples I've come across in my years as being a female. The one I probably hate the most deals with our children, and how girls are always told they are beautiful and pretty and have nice clothes and hair, and 'oh, how cute she is'. Whereas the boys get told they are strong, creative, smart, ingenious, thoughful, etc... And how girls who are assertive are 'bossy', and boys who are assertive are 'leaders'. Drives me nuts! We need to start in our own homes and in our own lives in order for change to occur. I have some favourite Ted Talks that are about the subject of inequality. I love the first one, and if you ever listen to anyone talk about this subject matter, this is the one you should listen to. It's a man speaking, if that helps ;-P Also, Emma Watson's UN speech was also brilliant.
  17. Dreading going to a late night floor hockey game... I must be getting old! Haha.. 10pm is way to late to be running around a gym!
  18. I just love sex! Noncommittal, hot passionate sex! It's the best kind. Being with someone new or someone that you haven't seen in awhile is always so exciting! Having different lovers fulfilling different sexual 'needs' is, to me, the perfect world. And, conventional dating in my age group seems to be more about getting married and settling down, so I need some new friends that think like me in regards to sex. Thanks for existing, this wonderful community! I was lost until I found you!
  19. Comfort is something I am very big on as well, for both parties. I think I have come up with a way to ensure that this is the case for me. At least so far it has been working out well. I imagine as I get more experience and get to know the gentlemen, my approach will be continually evolving. But I think it is key to make sure that you are doing what feels right to you so that you can enjoy every moment of it! I also think everyone has something unique to offer, and for that reason you can't please everyone. Chemistry is extremely important. And that's a great thing, if everyone was the same then where would the excitement be?! ;-)
  20. Coffee... but as of today I am off of the stuff! I can't seem to drink it anymore without it putting me to sleep. Yep you heard me... it puts me to sleep lately. Running outside or treadmill?
  21. Hey gentlemen, I would like to announce that I am able to host for a couple of days, and I would be honoured to have you as my guest! For those of you where it was a deal breaker that I could not invite you over, please pm me for details, and for those who I have not had the pleasure to talk to yet, perhaps it's time you said hi :-) Hope you're enjoying our fabulous December weather :-) Carrie
  22. Hey everyone, I would like to know what people's preferences are, in terms of general geographical locations, for hotel meetings in and around HRM? Immediately I think a downtown hotel might be best, but then I think about parking issues, and discretion issues, and I wonder if something say in Bayer's lake would be more convenient. Ample parking, less chance of running into people you might know? Something a little further out of town perhaps? Or does that then cause time constraints? I personally have no preference for geographical location, so I really do want some input from the gentlemen from Halifax as to what their ideal location would be and why. Anything other sp's can offer I would also love to hear about! Thank-you in advance for your input! Carrie
  23. Hahahaha. Love it! As I just read this whole thread, I was wondering why no one had mentioned the blunders that must occasionally occur. I had one today that I am still too embarrassed to share, but I figured I couldn't be the only one to do so. I'm sure there are some great stories to share! This was the perfect post to come across. Thank you for sharing your blunder :-)
  24. Gentlemen, I'm looking for some fun before the busy christmas season is upon us. You ready to join me? ;-) I would love the opportunity to please you, explore with you, and push the limits of our time together. I'm a wild girl, looking for a wild time. I offer a unique experience that I hope I can share with you. Please PM me or send an email to [email protected] to talk about the details. Cheers, Carrie
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