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Nathalie L

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Everything posted by Nathalie L

  1. I would definitely pay for the services of a professional RMT with a little extra something... a 'happy ending' or something of the sort. You should put up a profile! I carry a lot of tension in my lower back and feet. The building of tension in other areas of my body can also be addressed ;) --giggles--
  2. The highlight of my day was when a friend bought me chocolates from Godiva to fuel my studiousness, and delivered them directly to my home! Thank you, love. Nat
  3. 1. A little bit more than bisexual, perhaps ;) It's escorting that helped me rediscover how amazing sex with men can be when you're with someone kind, gentle, loving, and who listens and appreciates your body in a meaningful way. For a long time I thought that was only possible with women, but I think that's because men my age are immature lovers. I've almost exclusively dated women in my personal life, but escorting has been a great way for me to explore my sexuality with men. 2. I only offer full-service and fully-interactive duos with one person, and it's because I like her. Marketing was involved, sure... --coughs--... but I also just wanted to get into her pants? I think that's legit right? --laughs-- 3. My choice of a duo partner was a pretty organic process. I would only offer duos with someone I was genuinely attracted to which means I don't necessarily 'look'. Of course chemistry is important with the 'third leg', but that's the case with non-duo appointments too... :) sometimes there's chemistry, and there are repeat visits, and sometimes there isn't (although more rarely). That's why I trust patrons to do their market research accordingly and be wise in their choice of who they see/don't see.
  4. Being on hold with a representative from expedia.ca. I recently cancelled an itinerary and would like to use the funds to fly to Cuba in January for my best friend's wedding. However, due to the trade embargo between the United States and Cuba, they aren't willing to let me use my credit. The credit, ultimately, is with WestJet and they fly to Cuba. Expedia is holding my money hostage! I'm Canadian, let me go to Cuba! Also, the e-mail doesn't state I can't use the funds for this purpose... Your future itinerary must comply with the following conditions: The new itinerary must be booked with the same airline; the airline you are booked with is ____West Jet______. The same passengers must be traveling; Name of passenger is ______Nathalie Lefebvre_________. The new itinerary must be rebooked and ticketed within 1 year of the original date of purchase Your original date of purchase is ___11JUL12____. You cannot change your departure country. Your Departure country is ____Canada_________. I'm complying with those conditions. Douchebags! --end rant--
  5. This brings voyeurism to an entirely new level...
  6. "A Widow for One Year" by John Irving or "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay.
  7. I had to read this article 2-3 times before really 'understanding' what had happened, if that's even possible! My mind is somewhat blank, with a question mark... "say what?!"
  8. I second, third, and fourth what everyone has been saying. What an amazing social Angela. I already mentioned it in another thread, but thank you. Thanks again MisterT for the delicious brownies and it was really nice to see everyone last night!
  9. Thank you so much, Angela. I had a fantastic time and as usual, it was incredibly well organized and very fun! Also, thank you for the brownies, MisterT! Somehow, a couple of them ended up in my tummy... it's a mystery...
  10. I have to admit that I'm not far in the book yet. I'm only about 70 pages in and haven't had an opportunity to read in a few days (because of grad school). I have a couple of minutes before I head off to class and wanted to take this opportunity to write a little something... I agree Peachy, these jobs are often thankless. I have a feeling people like Jules would be 'better' fathers if they had more institutional support. Addiction is a mental illness, and harm reduction is a frameowrk that isn't accessible very much around Canada. For example, Vancouver is the only city with a safe-injection site (InSite). Baby would also be better served if there was more funding for the services she's accessed so far throughout the book. I have a lot of friends that are social workers (and I've thought of becoming one myself) and it's a seriously underpaid and overworked type of employment. It's emotionally draining and incredibly difficult on the spirit. Bob, I agree with you as well. Her environment is decresing her chances of a 'good' future. But sometimes I struggle with that too. How are we defining 'good', how are we defining 'bad'? Also, I honestly think this comment and Peachy's go hand in hand... if Jules had more institutional support it would be easier for both of them. It's suggested on and off throughout the book so far that he's been to rehab, and has his own social worker... also, he was incredibly young when he had Baby. It really sucks there was no one there to help him out and teach him how to be a 'good' dad (however we decide to define that). She's really mature for her age, that's for sure. I was really shocked in the moment where her 'friend' talks to her about how they've made money, and how smallBaby seems in that moment. She's mature, but still very 'innocent' and about to be introduced to a very different life, I think (again, I'm only on page 70). Alright. I'm off to class now... those are some of my thoughts for now.
  11. Nathalie is my real middle name, and the name of my godmother. Lefebvre is a common French last name which comes from the latin word faber which translates to "craftsman" in English. When I first joined CERB I was making a lot of handmade jewelry and felt like a faber. As a French Canadian, I thought it would be representative of me, my origins, and my interests at the time. Great thread!
  12. Get well soon. You're in my thoughts... It's great to hear he's doing well, thanks Luxe!
  13. Thank you RG and MrrNice2! As someone about to start graduate school, I really appreciate the support. I absolutely love academia, and enjoy challenging myself intellectually despite being scared of how much work I'll need to accomplish within the next two years. Hopefully my yoga practice will help me stay balanced! I have no fear that it will be a great year and wish all my academic colleagues success in their research endeavors as well. Best of luck everyone! Study hard, play hard, and have fun!
  14. LMAO - I read this 5 minutes ago and I'm still laughing.
  15. Eating citrus and sweet potato hummus from The Red Apron. Good food orgasm, sooooo good.
  16. Peachy, do we post our comments in the social group, or on this thread? Also, we have the entire month of September to read it, correct? I'm a full-time student again next week, so I will need time (personally!) :)
  17. I'm Nathalie_Ottawa on Twitter :)
  18. To all those who identify as GLBTTQ in Ottawa, Happy Pride! Today marks the 26th annual Pride Parade! Have fun!
  19. Game of Thrones True Blood Six Feet Under Essentially, all of the HBO shows are amazing ;) Nurse Jackie is great too.
  20. I echo what Peachy said :)
  21. Hot damn, you're fine! You. are. so. hot. --jaw drop-- just wow. Sometimes, when I find someone attractive, it boils down to a stare. I unfortunately can't replicate it in this thread! I love checking people out and making sure they know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I'm thinking naughty things. As far as nicknames go, I like sweetie, love, and chicken. I don't know why I find 'chicken' as a nick name so endearing... "Oh chicken..."
  22. My daily yoga practice. I sometimes take it for granted, but there was something really calming about it today!
  23. I like Phaedrus because he's charming, calm, handsome, and has an incredibly good head on his shoulders. I trust his judgment and love his posts. A very appreciated voice on the board, to say the least.
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