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Nathalie L

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Everything posted by Nathalie L

  1. That leaves "I was born in Europe" and "I have shot a rocket launcher at a tank"! You're a vegetarian?
  2. I've sporadically written in a blog on my website, and I was wondering whether the hobbyists of CERB read blogs. Should I write about my life? Should I write about topics related to the sex industry? Should I showcase my more academic writing? Should my blog be a space for random thoughts and ideas? I've already posted some of my poetry, but my blog could also be an eclectic mix of all of this. Thoughts? Many SPs/MAs on CERB have a blog. Feel free to post them here!
  3. I get the same error message. I really enjoy tapatalk -- but using the browser on my Android is a good alternative :)!
  4. I agree that it is hard to establish this in a first encounter with a patron, especially if the encounter is short. It is easier to develop this with time and through repeat encounters, as RG mentioned below... The sharing that occurs when we trust is beautiful. This isn't necessarily applicable to the SP/patron relationship, but it definitely can be. There are many patrons I am proud to call friends who I trust with the intimate details of my life. It is very special when this happens and these relationships/encounters I will cherish for the rest of my life. I love feeling inspired in that sense. Trust is a really beautiful thing and friends are sometimes hard to come by :)
  5. Georgiana Sweet really inspired me to wear more stockings and garter belts. I'm lucky enough to see her every so often in some very beautiful sets...! As a matter of fact, I might go buy my first set today (yes, my first!). I love wearing corsets and lingerie but I never got around to wearing garters and stockings. They would look fabulous in a pair of heels, I think. I also think the combination of a corset and garter is really beautiful. Perhaps not in this colour, but I like the style of this:
  6. To be honest, I haven't received that many gifts from patrons! I'm slightly jealous, Cat! I would have to say my favorite gift was a mixed CD with homemade cookies. I thought it was really sweet and attentive, and it didn't represent any monetary commitment. It was a gift of that person's time, and not necessarily a gift from their pocket book.
  7. I agree! Being able to talk about sex is really important, and being able to communicate about what you like and don't like is a huge part of that. What makes a good lover? Being able to listen, not only to what people say, but what they say with their bodies. Communication doesn't always have to be spoken, I love listening to the movements of a partner's body, and listening to the cues they give me. I also think being a good lover is about being comfortable with pushing your own sexual boundaries if that's what your partner desires.
  8. Count me in! I can't wait to see everyone again! It's been a little over a year since my last CERB social and I loved it last time.
  9. Thanks for posting this WiT! I was waiting for her to release this information on Twitter but I suppose I could have found it online as well. I'm looking forward to watching it! Nikki Thomas is amazing :)
  10. Would the show happen to be "True Blood" from HBO? If so, then I'm a huge fan and would love to see Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse have 'sex'. I agree with you Jabba, in the sense that sex cannot be defined objectively. One person's definition of sex might be very different from their definition of intimacy. For some people, they might be able to have sex without being intimate, and vice-versa. I find it much more difficult to draw that distinction. Some people believe you can have non-intimate sex, some people believe that intimacy without penetrative sex is still sex. Gender relations can complicate matters. To assume sex is something that happens when a man and a woman have sex penetrative sex completely delegitimizes the sex I might have with a female partner (i.e. sex between women isn't 'real' sex because there necessarily any penetration). I love this idea of 'sex' as something experienced. Something open to interpretation - a thing which is impossible to describe and best lived. Why try to understand it? I definitely associate certain touches with sex and intimacy. The feeling of a partner's hands on my bottom as they grab my inner thigh from behind, the feel of weight on top of me (as the case may be), or the gentle exploration of another person's body. I've never associated shapes or colours to sex and intimacy, but I can see how that would happen. I've sometimes had mind-blowing orgasms - the wide-eyed "let me look into your eyes as I climax" type orgasms - and associate those moments with peace, with connection, with feeling truly and utterly comfortable with someone. There's a huge sense of release, security, and love that can come from a moment like that! Those concepts and ideas aren't always associated with sex. Really great thread idea, Jabba!
  11. Having grown up in Québec City, Canada Day isn't a day I've often celebrated. Canada Day is the national moving holiday in Québec. July 1st is the day new leases are signed, housewarming parties are had, and mass amounts of garbage accumulate in the streets as people decide to downsize their belongings. If you don't book your moving truck months in advance you probably won't get one. It's a chaotic day! It's only when I moved to Ottawa that I realized I was different from the rest of Canadians. I spent my first Canada Day on Parliament Hill five years ago. It was incredibly overwhelming. I get a little bit nervous in crowds! More importantly though... Canada Day is my mother's birthday. I'm in Québec City now, visiting my folks and I just woke her up with breakfast in bed by her favourite (and only) daughter. "Happy Birthday mom!" Canada Day will always be a special day for me.
  12. Does this count as lingerie? This is a photograph by Gray Agent. She's absolutely gorgeous!
  13. I've heard about this too. However, I thought it was in Holland? According to a documentary I watched a few years ago the Dutch government provides an allowance to seniors, but also to those who are differently abled (i.e. in a wheelchair or something of the sort). The documentary itself portrayed the life and relationship between a sex worker and a man in a wheelchair. It was quite powerful and very moving.
  14. Waking up early and drinking my tea while I catch up on some e-mails. Also, my dog Markus was dreaming and making really interesting sounds which was entertaining!
  15. Dementia patients denied sex in nursing homes People diagnosed with dementia may not be able to make some financial decisions but still consent to a relationship. The sexual expression of people with dementia in aged care homes is being needlessly denied, say researchers. A team from the Australian Centre for Evidence-Based Aged Care at La Trobe University in Melbourne reports its findings online in the Journal of Medical Ethics. There is no reason why people can't enjoy a healthy sex life until the day they die, an Australian researcher says. "There is no reason why people can't enjoy a healthy sex life until the day they die and it's been shown to be hugely important to psychological and physical wellbeing," first author Dr. Laura Tarzia tells the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. And yet, she says, sex between people in aged care homes is seen as a bit taboo, especially if they have dementia. When staff notice a resident developing a relationship with another resident they often take the advice of the family on what to do next, says Tarzia. She says if the family is uncomfortable with the relationship then the staff will keep the resident apart from the person they want to have a relationship with. Tarzia says the family may be uncomfortable because they feel the other parent is being "replaced" or because they are concerned about the wellbeing of the elderly person. "Obviously sexual abuse needs to be avoided, but we shouldn't assume that someone with dementia who is having sex is being abused," says Tarzia. She says research shows many people think that sexual expression should not be a priority for elderly people. Tarzia says this ageist attitude persists despite the fact sexual expression is known to be very important to many people throughout their life, into their 90s. Consensual relationships Tarzia says people can be opposed to relationships between residents with dementia because they are concerned the sex may not be "consensual". People with dementia are often declared unable to give consent when it comes to legal and financial decisions, says Tarzia. For this reason, she says, it is often assumed they are not capable of giving sexual consent either. "We're arguing this is an inappropriate way to address the issue of sexuality," says Tarzia. "Just because someone has dementia doesn't mean that they can't consent to having a relationship." She says staff should be able to tell when people with dementia are in a consensual relationship with someone. "It will be clear from their behaviour that they're happy and that they're enjoying themselves," says Tarzia. She says she appreciates that aged care facilities have a duty of care, but harm can also come from denying people the fundamental human right of sexual expression. "You have got to remember these people are adults, they're not children and yes they do have a diagnosis of dementia but that doesn't mean they can't make decisions for themselves about a lot of things," says Tarzia. "People should ask themselves whether they would want their own children telling them whether they could have sex with someone. I think most people would say 'no'." In 2007, a study of Americans aged 57 to 85 living in the community suggested that sex remains an important part of lives for many but sexual problems often aren't brought up with physicians.
  16. There are many women on CERB who are comfortable seeing couples. I would suggest viewing various advertisements and checking out various companionship websites. Most service providers see couples and it's important to build some rapport for that kind of an experience. There are some companions who specialize in seeing couples, such as Charlotte Sinclair (she sometimes comes to Ottawa, I think). I would suggest messaging some people that interest you as soon as possible, this will allow you time to negotiate boundaries and figure out what is best for you and your partner. Good luck! xox Nat
  17. I have to admit that I've always been slightly apprehensive about the wand. I've never used one and it seems so...majestic and overpowering ;) I'm sure one will wand(er) into my life soon and I'll come face to face with this legend!
  18. I'll start. I own and really enjoy this vibrator. It's made of silicone with 9 vibration speeds/options... more than enough to derive an exquisite amount of pleasure. I love using it while I'm alone, but also with a partner! I also love the We Vibe III. It's equally great with a partner, regardless of sex and gender. It's absolutely amazing while having strap-on sex! These boxer briefs for strap-on sex are also amazing... They look incredibly attractive, too. I don't own a pair (yet) but I fantasize about them regularly. What toys do you use to compliment your sex life? Or what toys do you fantasize about, even if you haven't tried them yet?
  19. "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose" from the song by Janis Joplin. According to Nathalie Lefebvre, freedom is not the ability to choose between multiple options, but rather, the ability to do nothing at all. ;)
  20. I used to go to the Flea Market every Sunday with my mother when I was a child. We used to go to a chip wagon afterward and fight over the crunchy bits at the bottom of the bag. I should definitely look into this, if only for memories sake! I've never been to Upper Canada Village. I'll go check it out! Thanks for your suggestions Davrem!
  21. Nat + CERB = procrastination too! I love spending time reading threads and discussing thoughts and ideas. It's such an engaging forum, I find it difficult to concentrate on more menial tasks sometimes! CERB and masturbation are great ways to procrastinate. ;)
  22. My best friend sent me a text message this morning asking if I wanted a breakfast sandwich and coffee. She delivered it to me, and we ate and snuggled in bed together.
  23. Oddly enough, I really want to see Our Lady Peace! I don't generally listen to pop-rock anymore but it would be really reminiscent for me to see them live. I used to listen to them a lot when their "Clumsy" album came out!
  24. Thanks for all the suggestions! I will definitely be heading to RibFest soon too... miam!
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