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Kilt Boy

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Everything posted by Kilt Boy

  1. I had a pretty good time yesterday afternoon. There was a good complement of beauties and I had a really nice time with Laura. She's a cutie, and is a bit restrictive. Not that I really minded. The dental hygienist bottom-face mask was kind of odd. Again, I didn't mind. I got over it.
  2. It may be time to change your avatar to this. "Sometimes I like to take my giant cock out in public."
  3. I've decided to replace my phone with a tablet that has LTE connectivity. It arrived the other day and works brilliantly, with one exception. Mobile data works fine. Texting and all other functions are perfect. It just doesn't make or receive phone calls. I'm trying to track the problem down with Samsung. Other than that, I love this new Samsung Galaxy Tab Active3. It's the perfect size to fit in my day bag, is the most current Android version so it should last a while, is rugged and durable (military standards). I'm mostly happy with it, but will send it back if I can't figure out how to make calls on it.
  4. We watched The Tomorrow War tonight. The effects were seamless and utterly amazing, but scary as fuck. There is no way they should have made it out of that alive. Well, a lot of them didn't, so I guess most of that made some sense. It was a thrilling 2+ hours and not a bad story, but much like Pearl Harbour, it had too many chapters for a traditional movie.
  5. I was in for a while on Friday afternoon and it seemed pretty much the same, with the few changes mentioned by @1963Kennedy above. I spent some time with a few ladies, and really enjoyed Sable and Sascha. Sold a few ankle wallets.
  6. I often misspell the address to a popular website, and now I'm curious about what a PORNHUG actually is.
  7. I'd do takeout or drivethrough if it is offered.
  8. You don't want to know what came up when I searched for 'thick ebony'.
  9. I cooked up a nice 2" rib steak on the grill for The Dragonlady and myself with some fried potatoes on the griddle. She made a nice cucumber/yogurt/dill salad and we had a beautiful bottle of Amarone della Valpolicella with it. Then, I ruined it by having a dish of chocolate pudding. You know, standard stuff.
  10. I'd be interested to know what talent was available on day one.
  11. Made 1 post the same day as joining, and it has an external link. Standard spam. Oh, by the way, I'd like to have someone come by and give me an estimate on fixing my windows ... if you know what I mean.
  12. Just for the sake of completeness, I also make and used to sell a water-based personal lubricant. It's a powder that you just add water to. It works very well with toys. The popular online craft retailer I have my shop on has decided that personal lubricants fall into the category of 'medical devices' and are illegal to sell there. Contact me personally if you want some. It has the consistency of nuru gel depending on how much water you add.
  13. It has nothing to do with the business you're in. If someone steals from you, you do what you can to lessen the impact. I don't see that you've done anything wrong. You didn't attack the providers. You retaliated against the company that had wronged you. What happens after that has nothing to do with you. The only way to take down your content was to take down the site. That's on them for being recalcitrant.
  14. I used to do live sex shows at a bar, and some of the acrobatics we practiced were definitely not for amateurs. It was dangerous enough because we were on a narrow stage, high up behind the bar. If we slipped, it would have been very bad. We got really good at performing all manner of difficult, but exciting-to-watch positions. None of these are things that I'd normally do with a partner.
  15. Whipped cream on boobs. Anyone?
  16. Thanks all. There is a lot I didn't share. Some was inappropriate, some a bit too nasty, some unflattering to me. Nobody wants to dish dirt on themselves. I was unsure about sharing this with you all, but after all of the others have given it up for Lydia, how could I do any less? Thanks for the opportunity to tell tales. I still love an audience. Oh! I can tell the story of how I got my ridiculous stage name. First of all, imagine all of the male dancer names you've heard or can imagine. Dirk. Lance. Billy. Dick. Roger. Phil. Gunner. Bolt. Brad. Etc. All big, strong, beefy, MANLY names. If I had to choose today, it'd probably go with something like Girth McLargehuge. That was not the case then. I hadn't even thought that I had to come up with a stage name. The DJ saved me, kind of. He had one ready that he'd been thinking of for a while. It tied into a television program from my early youth and even had a playful line that I could use. It was a terrible name, though. Skippy. Not Skip, Skippy. When asked about it, I would ask if the lady remembered an Australian import tv show from the late 60's called Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. I took that name because I hopped ... from bush to bush. It was horrible, it was memorable, and it worked. Then, I got to choose my own fake real name. You know, the name you give them when they want to know your real name, but you're not giving anyone your real name. I chose the most Canadian name I could think of: Gordon. No last names, baby. You can call me Gord.
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