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Everything posted by Rambler1980

  1. OMG. lololol. Not sure what to make of that.
  2. Lily on kijiji Or Rachel from leolist Or JJ from leolist Theres Sarah K too but I understand shes hard to book
  3. https://www.kijiji.ca/v-health-beauty/city-of-halifax/relaxation-massage/1438839647 Search for "Relaxation Massage" on Kijiji.
  4. To my knowledge they don't target the providers at all unfortunately. Can anyone confirm if that's correct? ...... I say unfortunately as the underage providers and the one's being forced to work are the people I think need the most help.
  5. I wish she'd offer more services but I respect her choices. Have tried to book with her to see what the experience is like but she cancelled and I haven't rebooked yet.
  6. I seen her. She looks at least close to the pics in her ad. Service was ok, was in a great location downtown. Price was good.
  7. I didn't have as bad an experience as Hades. But I got tired of trying to nail down something with her and got tired of curt responses. I don't expect a provider to sext with me for free or anything, but a little warmth would go a long way. Might have caught her on a bad day so I suggest just take my experience with a grain of salt, she could be just fine. I should have reviewed my conversation with her before responding. I mixed her up with someone else, didn't agree on services is all. Her conversation was NOT curt, she responded very normal. Sorry about that
  8. I've seen her. She's legit and high energy. PM for more details.
  9. I'd honestly probably never visit a provider that leads with a zoomed in pussy shot. I like seeing pictures of such things don't get me wrong but seeing that as the lead picture zoomed in to practically the cellular level isn't appealing to me. My personal tastes aside, she seems legit. If she appeals take the plunge.
  10. Wow, she offers hardsports. Not something you see listed everyday. lol.
  11. Goes for regular service providers too. I do things with service providers that are absolutely on their "NO" list right in their ad. Over time we've developed friendships and sometimes some services become available, likewise I've had it go the other way and services been reduced as we became friends. Regardless all that needs to stay in confidence between us as it's not fair to have other people coming to her saying "well you do it for him, why not for me".
  12. Tip: I used Chrome to save the first 3-4 pages of leolist ads. Just the listing, not the whole ad but at least if I see anyone tempting in the next couple months I can verify if they were advertising for a while not just brand new. I'll likely repeat saving the first couple pages from leolist once more next week. P.S. This isn't an offer to use my saved leolist pages, go save your own. 🙂
  13. I'd suggest Lyla members will come see you, that shouldn't be a problem since you're known to us. The rest of the general public probably isn't aware of the potential for stings so not sure they'd be effected or not. Regardless I probably won't experiment with providers who aren't long time advertisers or known to be legit (like yourself Kitten) for a while until we hear some more intel. I think though if the Halifax police have a trafficking grant they should go after traffickers not johns. Chase some of those 18/19yo ads because I am sure a percentage of them are underage. Chase some of those ads for new girls that look scared or unhappy in her pics they might have a pimp taking that photo. Chase some of those ads for girls with cuts, bruises or are so skinny they must be doing drugs, chances are there's a pimp in the picture. Not sure how they rescue those women in a forced to work situation but that's what they need to fix. Chasing johns is like swatting flies, there's always going to be more.
  14. I am being a dummy I'm sure, but what did you mean? Hope you do come out east. 🙂
  15. Slightly off topic? I'm primarily heterosexual but occasionally have enjoyed male-male-female threesomes that have crossed into bisexual territory and one purely male-male encounter. I used to use craigslist to find other interested people and met up with others a few times. With craigslist not doing the casual encounters and personals anymore where can someone go to find that sort of thing? I could hire a male escort but frankly when it comes to males I feel most comfortable with someone closer to my body type, the male escorts on Leolist have much better bodies than I do. Just wondering where to go for those kinds of things? I guess also if interested in that sort of thing and want to partner up and we'll possibly settle on an escort who's interested in us booking with her PM me.
  16. That seems like extremely useful and sensible advice. Any ladies reading this and getting started with a web site I recommend following Raquel's advice. I'd tweak one thing and say if you can't find a Canadian company at least find an offshore company, not a US host. One other tip. This comes as a client. Keep your site fresh, rotate your pics, maybe do a weekly blog type post, anything to keep me interested in coming back. Keeping your name fresh in the clients mind will generate bookings.
  17. I know right? I go to some little po dunk town in midwest USA and theres like 2 Asian massage places open to 2am.
  18. Cool, that's in line with what I've heard. Nothing wrong with that if that's what shes up for. I suspect she must get pressured for more a lot though, lol. It's a shame Halifax doesn't have more happy ending massage choices. I know there's full service providers that offer massage but I'd love more choice for providers who are all about a first class massage with just that little extra available.
  19. I admit, if a provider that I'm a regular with raises her rates, I'd at least be prompted to go looking. Doesn't mean I won't continue seeing her, but yes price is a factor in seeing a provider. Especially for people who don't have a big budget and especially since paying for services is not a necessity but a luxury. Sexual services are also touchy and can trigger an emotional response, if the client feels they have a connection with you, a price increase can feel like a form of rejection even if it's not. I have no idea your rates but lets just say you raised it just $20. If I was an existing client and a regular I'd be thinking well can I find the same or better value with another provider? With that $20 I could get some weed, I could get some cigarettes, I could get some beer, I could get some groceries so do I want to skip spending that money on those things or do I want to continue seeing that specific provider.
  20. Same, lol. Not going to toftt there. Bare. Full stop. Emt. Full stop. 99.9% chance it's a scam and even if it's not, you get a disease. Should go under warnings but I've had that exact message word for word from other ads.
  21. You use stronger language than me but I agree with a couple points you made. 1) This board could be improved by reduced rules and a few changes but despite calling for change and despite mods asking for what changes can be made, no changes have been made. Make this an easy site to find providers, learn about providers and share experiences and I think everyone will gain from it. Yes we need to be careful of people ruining providers reputations out of malice, I have ideas on that but there's no sense anyone is listening so won't waste my time. 2) I've skipped participating on many topics and even starting threads because I'm f**ing tired of a few (one?) members who either complain or divert the topic or claim rules are being violated, or just want to dominate the conversation with their opinions and take up all the oxygen. Just tired of it. If there's no joy and no value to this site I'm just not going to participate. I don't need people to agree with everything I post but be constructive, not a killjoy and not so pedantic. By the way, tons of work went into the TOFTT guide and very much appreciated, a highly useful document. I think its more risk adverse than I am but that's just me. Loads of value to the document even if I won't follow the guidelines 100%. Everyone is helped by the effort Bobbi put into it.
  22. I say, enjoy it while you can and let her know how much YOU enjoy your sex life returning, even drop a few hints about how sex starved you were feeling prior to her renewed interest. As to getting her to bring a friend, that's a tough one. I've got a female friend who's into threesomes with males or females and her and I have tried to line up one of her female friends to join us but without success. I think we'd have better luck doing a four-some with another couple but haven't tackled that yet.
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