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Everything posted by OldandNerdy

  1. Not saying it's not her, but that is quite a figure for a 50 year old . Not to mention her hands look like a 20-something
  2. Instead of Amazon, check out PinkCherry.ca. They have some amazing boxing day sales on right now.
  3. Searching her phone number places her in Ontario as of yesterday on another site. Exact same text as the LL ad. Makes my nerdy sense tingle thats for sure.
  4. Hey folks, It seems like there's been a lot of strife, frustration and possibly even anger being expressed on this forum of late. Maybe it's the time of year, maybe it's general stress being manifested, or maybe it's just certain personalities clashing. No matter what the reason, maybe it's time for all of us to take a little step back, and remember that for many people the various holidays bring along a lot of mixed emotions and often feelings of lonliness. So while this is really off topic, in the spirit of the season I'm just saying that we all probably know someone that is suffering somehow, in some way right now, and maybe a simple and quick acknowledgement of the other person's existence will help them out more than you could imagine. If you can think of someone that you've met, either online or in real life that you haven't heard from in awhile, or you have an inkling that they might be struggling with something. Reach out, say hi. And let them know they aren't alone in the world. OldandNerdy out.
  5. Also, keep in mind that a feeling of passion often only really comes after a few visits with someone and you are both comfortable with each other. And there really is something to be said about chemistry between two people. While some providers can simulate both fairly well, when you take the time to get to know someone, often you see the difference in that feeling of passion and connection.
  6. I'd definitely just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the discounts until they figure it out. It's not like you are actively trying to Scam them or anything
  7. You do know this forum has a search function...? Sorry for the sarcasm, I don't know if it's the holiday season or what. But there's been so many posts lately that are easily solved with 5 minutes worth of searching, especially when we are talking about fairly well known local providers
  8. Photo search leads to this: https://unseen.li/listings/amelia-3
  9. Anyone ever just start feeling down in general and kinda want a little companionship, but at the same time don't quite feel like you're worthy of it so although you have a few people you have seen regularly and will probably help get you out of that funk, you just don't make that call? Uh asking for a friend...
  10. Looks like she stuck an ad up on kijiji this week, advertising a holiday special for anyone who hasn't taken the plunge yet
  11. She seems to travel constantly, at least from the sheer number of LL ads in every possible city in Canada. Also all the other ads don't exist anymore, but they offer various names and descriptions. Something seems hinky to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. I'm not saying it's definitely her, but her photos remind me of the girl talked about in this older thread: Now super grain of salt time, as it's been awhile since I've seen her photos, and back then she was a "light redhead" and is now bleached blonde, but she does look like her to me. If someone else can correct me please do, I'd like to be wrong.
  13. Did you try posting this in the NB section? Might have better luck.
  14. You'd have better luck posting in the appropriate forum... And maybe doing a quick search there But since I'm feeling all nice today, I took 42 seconds and found a link for you
  15. Dropping this here so nobody misses the other thread:
  16. I have the same feeling every time I see the same provider. She really knows how to invade your thoughts doesn't she
  17. Well I'm going to be stuck and bored all weekend in Truro. Any go-to SP's in Truro these days? Chloe who is usually there on the weekends seems to be in the city this weekend :/
  18. I've spent the last 15 minutes trying to find an older thread about her, probably within the last year. I'm sure I saw that someone went to see her, that she was legit, but kinda restrictive (not gfe) and not really "into it" . But I can't seem to find the right keywords as she didn't have a posted name back then as well.. So take it with a grain of internet salt, the only reason I remember is that I was considering booking a visit, but I didn't after reading the post.
  19. Yeah I had heard that as well. Back in May, which is her last profile update on LL. Maybe she still sees the occasional regular..?
  20. I'm pretty sure I saw that on kijiji a few days ago, and it was a guy and a girl offering an RMT service, so probably no happiness. The ad is down now, but it had the same photo
  21. Sure. Like I said in my post, under 22, that's not for you. For so many reasons. Maturity, possibly underage, reasons for being in the industry. Always search the posted photos. If they seem too good to be true they probably are. Search posted phone numbers. This often brings up all kinds of info, even in this day and age when people have multiple numbers at their disposal. Read the ad. Is it remotely coherent? Is it half emojis? Does it look like EVERY OTHER AD without any sort of personality or wit attached? For me, I want to spend time with a woman who can actually converse with me. Take a look at what sort of content Sarah Alex, DirtyBlondSteph, Ms Manda and Savannah Sol post, then compare that against most of the LL ads. Search out discussions on here. There is soooooo much content that odds are someone is talking about the person you are considering. Contact her and have a conversation with her that consists of words other than "sup" or "prices?" . So much can be learned by actually talking to someone a bit. At the same time make sure you aren't being a time waster. But in my experience, if she isn't willing to do a couple of minutes of non sexual banter, do I really want to spend time with her anyway? If after all of that you still feel you need to ask for some sort of additional photo, then there's probably something wrong with her. What is a new photo really going to tell you that all of the above hasn't already? I get it, it's nerve wracking taking the plunge and seeing someone for the first time. Do as much research as you can and then make the best decision you can. We all have different wants and desires so not every provider will be for everyone. And that's totally ok.
  22. While my post was pretty much tongue in cheek, and mostly relating to the number of posts where people seem to always want someone else to take the initial risk.. I do have to agree there is no way I'd ever take the risk on such a generic ad, especially with the posted age. Way too many red flags in my mind. That age, the generic pics, the generic description.. It all points to some sort of bad mojo. If she is real, she's probably not in this line of work of her own volition. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My rule of thumb (since no one asked) is to never go for any ad that is listed as under 22. And even then to really put some time and effort into some sort of logic based choice. Hey, I'm old and I'm nerdy. What will I possibly talk about with someone that young after the 12 seconds of performance is over and I've left her completely disappointed?
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