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Inaugral Atlantic CERB Social!

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I had the fantastic experience of visiting the most recent CERB Social in Ottawa (thanks to organizers to Nicolette Vaughn and AngelaofOttawa). In addition to meeting the incredibly warm and welcoming hospitality of the CERB community in Ottawa, Everyone had the pleasure of meeting folks from acorss the country, but mainly Ottawa based for obvious reasonjs.


There were several Atlantic CERBites who were enjoying the fantastic and genuinely warm hospitality of the graciuous Ottawa hosts.


It was not much of a stretch to copy this idea and see if it would be of interest the the CERB community down here. I recently ran this idea by a very well reviewed SP lady here and she had a very positive view, in fact, so positive, she was willing to help organize.


Short version is that I would like to guage the interest factor about holding an inaugral CERB get together here in Atlantic Canada - Halifax would be the proposed initial site, but that could be easily changed based on responses.


What are your thoughts?

1. Is this a credible idea?

2. Timing - early, late summer or fall

3. Location - Halifax or other?

4. Duration - evening event 6PM till closing

5. Other


The inaugral event could be modelled on the hugely successful event held in Ottawa organized by Nicki & Angela last month (May 11) - Very classy, discreet location, business casual attire, event location and particulars only provided to those registered and paid up. Registration fees would be in the under $50 range, ladies n/c.


Having said that, all suggestions are open - after all the "Kitchen Party Format" works beautifully down here as well...


It would be wonderful to see the Atlantic region have a larger presence in the CERB landscape in my view and would love to help facilitate making this happen.


Any and all feedback is more than welcome!



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YES!!!! i had the same thought when I returned from Ottawa! Although was not able to participate in the social, I was too busy on that night. But was able to socialise with some of the ladies and just loved it! I felt that the ladies in Ottawa were more supportive towards one another because they got the chance to meet face to face and talk, laugh and just have fun at these socials. I think that would make a stronger, unified communtiy for sure:) I would prefer Moncton, it is central for all( especially PEI) however will go whereever it is held as long as I have at least 2-3 weeks notice.

From what I was told they make it in stages. like meet at a meeting point, and start with some appitisers and cocktail's( for those who wish to drink) and chat and flirt, then if you like to go further you would move on to another room for a poly, and those who wish to be private would do so in thier own room. For those who are not into the poly, then they would just continue chatting and socialising in the first meeting area. This way you can decide as the night progresses.

Am I right with that? And is a hotel discrete enough? If a Hotel we would want something that we could make a bit of noise in as well. Dont want to creat attention to our gathering. Or would we use a private residence? I would think 6pm is good this way it leaves time for getting to each other and decide our comfort level. Curious how this will be done. I vote YES!!

Edited by Studio 110 by Sophia
spelling mistake

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From what I was told they make it in stages. like meet at a meeting point, and start with some appitisers and cocktail's( for those who wish to drink) and chat and flirt, then if you like to go further you would move on to another room for a poly, and those who wish to be private would do so in thier own room. For those who are not into the poly, then they would just continue chatting and socialising in the first meeting area. This way you can decide as the night progresses.

Am I right with that?


I don't know what a "kitchen party" is but, the "Ottawa Social" that Gentlemen11 is referring to (hosted by Angela and Nicolette) is much more like an sp/hobbyist office party. There is no "taking it further" or "other rooms" involved.


The intent is just as described: a social meet and greet. Nothing more. (As public solicitation is illegal.)

It's a nice way for people to put names (handles..lol) to faces and have a good time.


:-D Kim

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I have also discussed this great idea with others (both SP's and hobbiests) here in the Atlantic region. The concensus seems to be that an Atlantic social is more than due. You can count me and and I would be willing to assist organize in whatever way possible. For those not from the Atlantic region - you can't beat a Maritime kitchen party!

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I am an Ottawa resident, and have a attended a number of the socials. I spent many years in Halifax, and visit on a fairly regular basis. With a little notice I think I would attend one there.

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Depending on the date, location, etc. I can certainly see myself being interested in attending. Certainly keep me in mind as the details become finalized and the guest list solidified.

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Probably like most, it would depend on the date (work, life etc). But I would be interested. Halifax, Moncton, Saint John or Fredericton all work for me.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I have been giving much thought to this for quite some time now!

I love the idea of having a social for the maritime provinces!


I have alot of ideas and I would love to be involved! So my vote is a yes!

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Depending on the dates like most on here, I would go for sure! Moncton would be my choice however, central etc..., this is not Halifax bashing!!lol It mae better too for girls/gals from PEI, and other NB cities also. Who knows, girls from Ottawa may show up!!!!!

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Ladies, your feedback is obviously important, please feel free to PM and all thoughts will remain confidential.


I would love to help facilitate something like this in this part of the country as long as it is what folks really would like to see happen.

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I'm pretty sure I speak for a bunch in Ottawa...ROAD TRIP!!


Wanna rent a big van and everyone take turns driving? I'm up for that. Halifax (or wherever) - here we come!

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Wanna rent a big van and everyone take turns driving? I'm up for that. Halifax (or wherever) - here we come!


I can drive from Ottawa to Nova Scotia in about 15 hours. I crossed the border and went through Vermont and Maine and back up to New Brunswick which saved me a few hours. I'll fly thanks.;)


I wonder if I could tie this in with my NL trip.

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