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Yes leave it to me to bring this subject up, lol. But lets face it we all have had, I'm sure, moments when our bodies unexpectedly act and respond in ways we don't expect. Certain sexual positions, foods, conditions can cause

noises at inappropriate times. Do bodily noises cause you embarrassment or do you appologize and just carry on?

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Oh my god...I mention that in my alphabet poem:


Q is for queef...some times kitties burp.


I love them...I think they're hilarious. I had an ex with whom I could use certain angles (legs in the air) to basically make them on demand, like making fart noises with your armpit. We would laugh and laugh...she said it tickled.


Good times. Thanks for the memory.

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Yes my X did the same. The first time it happened I went what's going on down there. We laughed than it became the norm. She too said it tickled. That's not why she is my X. HA! HA!

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As long as the "blow out" does not throw you across the room.... Just get it done!


Keep count and see what kind of record you can set

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I wasn't aware that pussy farts happened at times other than intercourse.

Hmmmm, I wonder if a bad yeast infection would cause farts because yeast produces carbon dioxide?

As for regular farts, I'm a silent killer type. I used to hold them in while in public places, but now I fart when I feel like it; it hurts to keep them inside.

If you see me perusing fine cheeses at Pete's Frootique with a smile on my face, then a foul stench is sure to follow. :P Hmmm, it's no wonder I live alone.

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It is indeed a fetish and there are those that seek it out. Years ago I had a client that was a master at making girls expel. It made me nuts because the entire session was just a long series of queefs and I would giggle throughout it which kills the mood for me. I finally offloaded him to an agency because having my uterus filled with air once a week was a little much and my instinct said it wasn't healthy. I'm not sure if that's a medical fact but when my little voice says something I listen; even if the medical community doesn't back her up.

I don't worry about it happening as it is unavoidable in some positions and if a playmate gets offended if I do it, then he's in the wrong place with the wrong person! I look at queefs like I do burps, gas and hiccups. They happen to everyone at some point and can be a catalyst for a good giggle break. If you can't laugh at these things, then you are way too serious to play at my house...


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I have never heard or read about the health effect of this activity. If someone deliberately blows into the uterus though, this will seriously harm or even cause death.


Now, my personal experience - after a wonderful session once with one of my regulars, I was in the washroom washing up. She came in and said she had to pee. Then we heard this noise - and she quickly explained with embarrassment that that was because of the doggie position we had done. We both had a good laugh.

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As was recently discussed between a wonderful Cerb-ette and I during our most recent encounter, if you never run into pussy farts, you're not doing it right!

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Guest S**a*Q

I can deal with queefs, it's not my fault he pushed that air in there. I've also never had one as a result of it forming on its own.


As for farting, I would NEVER... I haven't done that in front of anyone since I was, probably about 17-18. --shudder-- I gross out just thinking of me doing that in front of people.


Burping, I kick ass at. :D

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i simply carry on to much fun to stop because u got a pussy fart it dont happen every time so i think its a funny moment and we just laugh about it ...

it means that u fuck the sh----t out of me its a kind of compliment in a way...

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i simply carry on to much fun to stop because u got a pussy fart it dont happen every time so i think its a funny moment and we just laugh about it ...

it means that u fuck the sh----t out of me its a kind of compliment in a way...


Exactly, I think pussy farts are awesome.

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As for farting, I would NEVER... I haven't done that in front of anyone since I was, probably about 17-18. --shudder-- I gross out just thinking of me doing that in front of people.


I'm having trouble getting my head around the idea that you might be inhibited about something... :)

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I have never heard or read about the health effect of this activity. If someone deliberately blows into the uterus though, this will seriously harm or even cause death.


Please have some scientific evidence for this.


Because if deliberately blowing air out of my uterus was dangerous I would be dead now. I have really strong abs and in a certain positions I can do it on command.

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Oh my god, I'm dying here. This is one of the most awesome things I've ever heard. Malika, you made my day!


I'm just imagining you lying on your back practicing pussy farting. If you do enough kegels, you should be able to whistle a jaunty tune.


Wow...now I really hope at least someone here has the same sense of humor as me. Seriously Malika...you're great.


Because if deliberately blowing air out of my uterus was dangerous I would be dead now. I have really strong abs and in a certain positions I can do it on command.

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Whenever I have pussy farts, I always feel like I need to mention, 'that came from my pussy', so my partner doesn't think I let an actual fart go during sex.




Unless there was some kind of odor I wouldn't say anything :icon_wink:

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Sorry, but I'm calling BS on this.


I'm sure this is technically possible, but it's not going to happen because some guy inflated your ladyparts. If someone attached a hose to a cylinder of compressed air and stuck it through your cervix so that there was a good seal and turned it on... then sure, this is plausible - and it's true that an embolism (air bubbles in a blood vessel) can cause symptoms that are the same as a heart attack or a stroke, up to and including death.


But just blowing into someone's vagina? The first thing to rupture will be the weakest link in the system, and that's not her uterus - it's his lungs (they're far more delicate - consider what a uterus goes through during pregnancy and childbirth). If anyone gets an embolism and dies this way, it'll be him, not her.


Interesting you would call it BS yet say it is technically possible.


The Q&A he referenced was from the Cosmopolitan website. The part he omitted from his post was the fact that it was extremely unlikely ever to happen.


For those who care to read the entire post.



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Interesting you would call it BS yet say it is technically possible.


Please re-read my post. I said it was technically possible with a cylinder of compressed air, NOT with just lung-pressure.


The Q&A he referenced was from the Cosmopolitan website. The part he omitted from his post was the fact that it was extremely unlikely ever to happen.


For those who care to read the entire post.




FYI, I unfortunately DID waste an entire minute of my life reading it. Regrettably, that's a minute I'll never get back.


The author of that Cosmo post displays little evidence of any understanding of biology, physics, or - alas - journalism. As so often happens, any relation to reality has been sacrificed to achieve an eye-catching headline.

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FYI, I unfortunately DID waste an entire minute of my life reading it. Regrettably, that's a minute I'll never get back.


The author of that Cosmo post displays little evidence of any understanding of biology, physics, or - alas - journalism. As so often happens, any relation to reality has been sacrificed to achieve an eye-catching headline.


Well I'm not sure what you base your opinion on with regards to the author of the post. I don't know either or your credentials.


Either way I think everyone is saying that blowing into a woman's vagina is not a life threatening thing to do.

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Please re-read my post. I said it was technically possible with a cylinder of compressed air, NOT with just lung-pressure.




FYI, I unfortunately DID waste an entire minute of my life reading it. Regrettably, that's a minute I'll never get back.


The author of that Cosmo post displays little evidence of any understanding of biology, physics, or - alas - journalism. As so often happens, any relation to reality has been sacrificed to achieve an eye-catching headline.


Sorry that you wasted an entire minute reading that article. I randomly selected and quoted 3 references in an effort to answer Malika's query (although she misunderstood my post in the first place). One of these references is from Columbia University's Health Promotion Program. For your sake, please feel free to skip over my posts.



P.S. Because of my respect for cristycurves, I will refrain from continuing this discussion.

Edited by Luckyme
P.S. added due to the comment under my post
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It's okay guys wether someone blows into our vj j's or not we all know now. I appreciate the post and the replies. As to why I originated this thread -well after a rather rambunctious session-mostly doggy style-sex- I ended up pussy farting alot, I was embarrassed as this is not a regular occurrence for me-the pfarting that is. Anyway the pussy farting seemed to displease my client, I tried explaining to him that when you take your penis in and out alot, especially in some positions it forces air into the vjj,hence the pfarts and that they weren't like regular ones he didn't seem to get it nor did it appease him-oh well. I guess he'll move on to a more sillent provider, lol.

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I only had the pleasure of hearing p. farts on ,I believe, two occasions. Standard farts are a completely different matter, in fact I hold an MAF, or Master's in Ass Flatulency.

Over a lifetime of practice. I have fine tuned the technique of SilentButDeadly: the ability to emit sneaky scent clouds with no sound after looking all around the grocery aisle, then escaping to another aisle without being busted.

My dad sometimes walks up to me seated, aims his butt at me and blasts one, calling it "his revenge".

It seems a little odd that any sexual extroverts would be butt fart reticent. My advice,"Let 'er rip!".lol

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