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Simple things that make you smile...

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I just watched this Steve Kardynal "Call me Maybe" ChatRoulette video for the umpteenth time today... and every time I see it, it makes me smile. The faces, the glorious smiles that just erupt when they actually figure out what they are seeing... well they are contagious.



So what makes you smile? What are the little things in life that make you beam?


A few more...


Those tiny little freckles that appear on the bridge of the nose and the top of the cheeks... they are adorable!


SaraMQ - laughing. That woman just makes me smile... ;)


The smell of the first steak on the barbecue every summer...


Vitto calling me "Old Dong"...


A picture of a friend posing by the 1960's Batmobile...


The smell of Old Spice... it reminds me of my grandpa...


so that's a start... what makes you smile???

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I love this thread because I will take any excuse to smile!


A friend who writes to say they were thinking of me

Seeing someone joyful and exuberant

The ocean


Hearing a song I love

Little kids and small animals - they have such simple joy

Being with someone who wants to be with me

My job

Life...there is always something to smile about.

KISSES...how could I have forgotten kisses...and hugs!!! and --RAWR--'s

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What makes me smile? Coming home after working hard all week. The dog with her crazy antics, telling me I was gone too long. The silly cats that tell me they haven't had ANY food all week, even though I can see that the food I bought them has in fact been opened and eaten. The silly goldfish that will float at the bottom of the tank pretending they can't swim because they haven't eaten in like 3 hours, that will shoot to the top of the tank when I come close to them. Watching my neighbours kids rolling each other around in the giant plastic rain barrel that is supposed to be under the deck, but they will sneak it out and run around like crazy lunitics laughing and giggling, they know they are not supposed to use it but I let them anyways. Being around friends and family having a good meal and a beer (well, more then one beer, cause after all, why stop at one?).

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The things that make me smile are my dogs, your dog, any dog, Old Dog:)

others smiles

a joke

the reactions I get from some of my ads


a sunny day

candy stores

bakery stores

the list is endless, I love to smile and smile alot-you should too:)

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What makes me smile...


The simple knowledge that wonderful people exist, and a great many of them are here on CERB. No matter what time of the day you visit here, there is always some playful and kind discussion going on. From this silly to the spectacular, with sincere kindness and concern this is a true "community-based-organization" in the fullest sense of the term.


That's what makes me smile. Thank you one and all!


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( o ) ( o )


I smile often when I think of Frenchie's boobies :)))))))))


Anywhooo,,,,,,,,When I smile most is when I am sitting back chillaxing listening to music and just thinking and remembering or daydreaming or just whatever.....


Music soothes the soul and makes me crack a smile always !!


Just a little Fleetwood Mac for ya ......


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My Moonflower that came to me from a friend in PEI.


At dusk it turns from a funny looking weed to within an hour a beautiful yellow rose like flower. It dies the next day but flowers all summer long. I noticed it today, that made me smile.


All flowers make me smile. We can do perfectly fine without them but they bring a lot of simple joy!!

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Simple things that inspire a smile?


Ordering a milkshake and getting both the glass and the container with the leftover amount.


When my cat curls up for a nap and puts a paw over his eyes to block out the light.


Being surprised by a movie/book that I wasn't expecting much from.


Unexpected cake!


And yeah, I was going to add boobies to the list as well, but those aren't simple --- they're magical!

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I cant get enough of smiling I love to smile.. I think some of you have noticed that.., hehe


My friends in the chat room (loneskater, areez, emb350, $Magnum, Tiffany, jolie, Angela.. omg.., Fixer, Mr. Goldfinger... so many I can even remeber all of them ) but they all know who they are!!!


Receiving PMs or txts from the gentlemen thanking me for a great time together... and off course reading the wonderful recos...


Everytime I read a post from Old Dong LOL


The sunshine...


A good kickass workout early in the morning...


Seeing other people around me happy and being successful...


Getting home form a long day at work and spending time with my family


and yes a few glassess fo wine too LOL


and I almost forgot Lee's random txts and boobies surveys lol

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Okay, since I am a complete oral lover and after boobies got their shout out, I HAVE to say COCK makes me smile...for hours, days, years even!


And the wonderful men those amazing cocks are attached to??? OMG YES!!!!



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For those who have met me, you know that the smile on my face is permanent but perhaps sometimes disarming. I can't help myself; I have a perma smile! My reaction to things that make most people REALLY smile is tears. Yup, tears of joy, of happiness, of general well being. The sounds of the birds outside my open window at the moment are eliciting a great joy which manifests itself in a few happy tears!

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Okay.... this may not be so simple, but a cat dressed like a shark, riding a roomba and chasing a duck.... how can that NOT make you smile???



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okay.... This may not be so simple, but a cat dressed like a shark, riding a roomba and chasing a duck.... How can that not make you smile???




totally does!!! I wanted to give u rep points and make the comment but apparently i hav given too much of that today lol

i am smiling!!! :)

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Twitter conversations that go off on tangents ... and seem to attract hobbyists and providers from around the world.


A surprise call from someone you have been thinking about.


The taste of Grape Crush.


Looking at old photos of friends.


A big pyrex baking dish of uncut double chocolate nanaimo bars.


Spontaneous accordion jam sessions.


... and of course, bacon sandwiches.

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No smile when I started the job, but now that I've cleaned it out, looking at my spare room which looks like a spare room, not a warehouse anymore.

Watching my cat who seems completely lost now that the warehouse is gone

Although not a smiling matter in and of itself, the ongoing support from this community because of dad's cancer and mom's surgery, well it makes me smile that CERB is such a caring community. Thank you all for your on going support

Tomorrow's Friday...big smile

A lady who recently provided me with a reference said something really nice about me to the lady I am getting pre-screened for. Made me feel good, and it was so kind of her to say about me. Her kind comments are very appreciated, and aside from giving me a reference, they made me smile and feel good

Some of things that make me smile

RG :-)

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Following a guy on the highway who's talking into his cellphone... and watching the cop in the next lane pull him over. Smile? I nearly died laughing...

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A baby's laugh


A special someone in my life who is always there for me


My cats when they wait at the bedroom door to let them cuddle with me.




A rainbow after it has rained


Birds chirpping at 5 am


When I see random strangers "paying it forward"


Smiling to get out of a speeding ticket ( it worked!)


Old Dog's khaki shorts falling down after doing his happy dance


Old Dog's jokes




And finally.. logging onto cerb.:)

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Guest D***el B***e

riding my atv and rounding a curve and coming head-to-head with a huge mud hole ...Now THAT makes me smile! .... oh, and seeing a provider for the first time and, as she slowly opens the door, she looks 10 times better than her pictures ... now THAT makes me smile.

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Having one of your favourite authors "favourite" your tweet... and then seeing it go semi viral.


Texting providers from other parts of the country, just to say hi and share a giggle.


Thinking about someone and then getting a phone call from them a moment later.


Telling your friends that you love them every time you talk to them.


Seeing someone for the first time and knowing it won't be the last.

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Old Dog's khaki shorts falling down after doing his happy dance




Old Dog keeping his khaki's UP :) That makes me smile happy :) Yay !


Friendship folks....Friendship. There are all kinds of it. It's awesome and rewarding and you may even find it in the places you least expect...perhaps even in the deepest and darkest places...when it is genuinely there !!!! .. embrace it. It makes me smile ... It is there every day... not just today.

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i like watching animals playing around they are so cute

also i like lee's friendship answer. i always try and make friends where ever i go but it is sometimes hard to do so.

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