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I agree no names were named or description given so I don't see a problem with Cat relating something that happened.


I agree. This event, where Cat is concerned could have happened in another time and in another place as well, and is out of context with it being a disclosure of personal info.


I think the post was more of a shot at a recent,polite, query by Nicolette on a post by Il Re

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I agree. This event, where Cat is concerned could have happened in another time and in another place as well, and is out of context with it being a disclosure of personal info.


I think the post was more of a shot at a recent,polite, query by Nicolette on a post by Il Re


Close but no cigar. Unfortunately Il Re's post and thread have been removed. This was not a shot at Nicolette.

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I'm going to stick my neck out on this one, if I may comment of how I see the difference?


The thread that was removed may have succeeded in something: The esteem of other members that find such an acquisition impressive.


Now as far as this thread is concerned, The OP brought to our attention something that is not always embraced by it's audience as it digs into the "smelly" reality of what makes us human. Cat had only responded to the OP's query.


Double standard? I simply just don't see it that way. This is just my opinion, but I don't think these things should be taken so seriously. Especially since it all started with one tiny little innocent fart? :)

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On a lighter note, It always breaks me up whenever I see/hear an elderly person accidentally fart in public (i.e. in the grocery store and pretend it never happened it. The louder the flatulence the more I laugh (silently only though, no embarassing anyone).

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Oh you're a Gentleman to laugh silently. It's harder to hold them as we get to the senior years and they've earned the right of no apologies. :)



On a lighter note, It always breaks me up whenever I see/hear an elderly person accidentally fart in public (i.e. in the grocery store and pretend it never happened it. The louder the flatulence the more I laugh (silently only though, no embarassing anyone).
Edited by Sensual Erin
Deleted the rest to be nice to my relatives. :)

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Food choices, nerves and certain sexual activities can elicit unwanted flatulence. While embarrassing, it's natural. So, for a laugh, how many ladies have had to explain that the sound was actually a pussy fart?!? Discuss! Lol

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It happens and is a part of life. As long as you can laugh about it with an apology, the other person shouldn't hold it against you....unless of course it stinks and then well.. you're in a whole new embarrassing territory. Haha.

Edited by Nicolette Vaughn
Different word, same meaning
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Guest B**na***oy

Over the years I have skilfully put myself in much more embarrassing situations and managed to survive because I found the antidote; laughter!


Don't take life too seriously, shit happens. ;-) ;-) ;-)

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i was with an SP once recently, and she was doing pussy farts. of course they dont smell, but it was rather funny, and it didnt seem to bother her at all, and she knew she was doing it.


also it wasnt just a one time thing... she did it on a few occasions during our session.


it didnt bother me, just kinda caught me off guard!!

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As embarrassing as this was for me I'll share a similar story which happened to me. A few years ago I hurt my bag at work and was on some medication and one of the side effect was it gave me a lot of gas. So I was at physiotherapy, with might I and I had a very hot physiotherapist. I was holding it in during the session, but the she did this move were applied to much pressure on my abdomen which cause me to let one out. Man I think my face turned red as a tomato, I was so embarrassed. Thankful I apologize and she was just laughing.


Also I've been told woman don't fart they fluff.

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So I have to ask this question. Did you as an SP who respects your clients and their privacy get consent for what you posted about him. Did he consent to you posting this here? I just want to make sure that we don't have a double standard here in CERB, because if we did, the utility of this board for clients and providers would surely diminish.



You are assuming that this was a client, no where do I say that it was. Perhaps it was someone from my personal life (yes, I do have sex outside of work!). This was a shot at me for pointing out that perhaps a post was in violation of industry ethics and standards and I stand by it. Perhaps you would like to try again on another post I've written...



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You are assuming that this was a client, no where do I say that it was. Perhaps it was someone from my personal life (yes, I do have sex outside of work!). This was a shot at me for pointing out that perhaps a post was in violation of industry ethics and standards and I stand by it. Perhaps you would like to try again on another post I've written...




Oh? I stand corrected, my bad for assuming that it was a client. I misunderstood when you called yourself the provider, and then deleted his phone number and put him on a "never again" list. Strange way to refer to yourself, and behave, but hey, it is your personal life, who am I to judge?


And no, I don't need to go into your posts, it would be a futile exercise, to no point.

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Close but no cigar. Unfortunately Il Re's post and thread have been removed. This was not a shot at Nicolette.



First, your getting hostile (and I don't like that at all) second your assuming things (His post was pulled for a number of reasons while the council discusses the unique situation he poses). I would suggest not taking sides on that just yet.


Any further hostile remarks (anywhere on the site) and someone will get a vacation. It's silly to act that way. Cat did not disclose any names it's just general discussion.


We are working with council so we do not have a double standard here. Il Re also did not name any names (True) but other issues with him are in question and before we can let that spool out of control we need to deal with it in council (and we must discuss it, then vote and that takes some time) then we must amend the policies and rules if needed as well. Please do not jump to conclusions or believe rumors. Because it is being discussed in council at this time I will leave it at that without further detail but trust me, we see some issues with him that we need to address before we can decide if cerb is the right place for him as he is a SP and a CLIENT and it's crossing some lines and breaking some rules we currently have...

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Guest *l**e

I appreciate the member trying to stick up for me, but please don't get yourself in trouble. I made a post that was taken down for various reasons and MOD and the Council will make a decision with respect to me that is fair, I'm sure.


Now, can we please get back to farting.

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Guest B**na***oy

Farting; an essential body function and the source of many conversations. It is also believed it may have caused the demised of the Disosaures. ;-)

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I had an ex that did it to me a few times. We just laughed it off for a couple minutes then got back to the fun!


Although some teasing did go her way every once in a while because of it ;)


Many worse things could happen during fun time! Be glad it was only gas.

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