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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/11 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Not to be rude or anything, but there has been a couple of threads about this. I am sure people are aware of the risks now adays. There is also a chart of the common STI's and their risks. Maybe you should ask the Mod if you can gain access to the SP area and speak amoung the Ladies? Maybe others feel differently, but I dont think anyone has the right to preach about the right and wrongs in life. As for giving personal info about the lady you metioned without saying her name, I think that is best to keep to yourself. I am some people around you or that knwo you can out 2 and 2 together and figure out who she is. This board does not condone trash talk unless you have 100% proof, then I suggest you speak with the Mod and he can decide what to do from there. Here is the link to the STI chart and thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=34872&highlight=chart
  2. 6 points
    And I really don't care for these threads that keep coming up,after being discussed in great detail, year after year after year, and please Angeltbay do not take it personally. All you need to do, is have it YOUR WAY while conducting your sexual appetite and not to announce and start fear mongering over BB anything. Educate yourself, get checked out,have sex the way you want it,and keep your own choice to yourself. If a man wishes to have covered everything,which should also include protective dam while giving oral to his lady if he is that worried about BB, then that's his choice,if a lady only offers CBJ and perhaps you should not kiss or DFK too, again that is her choice and preference. Signed.... dislikes this controversial topic,only because others really need to educate themselves on the topic at hand and risks involved. I know I might take some flak for this,but I'm not interested in this debate,and discussions anymore here on this board.
  3. 5 points
    Maybe the MOD can make a new category called "Health Concerns and Issues", so then thoose who want to educated themselves or keep talking about he same topic over and over can and for thoose who already know and are aware of the risks involved can just not go in that area. Cause I do agree with PP on this, if people do a simple search they can find out anything they want! Not only on this board but on a computer in general! You do not have to be a member of an Escort board to find out about STI's! Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 50+ years, I am sure you have heard about HIV, AIDS and STI's!!
  4. 4 points
    I agree with this so much!!!!! I can't tell you how many times, since i've been in the biz, that I've had people tell me that, if I'm going to sleep with someone in my personal life, I'd 'better tell them I'm an escort cause it's so risky'. I'm sorry but whaaaaaaaaaat? Nevermind all of the people I know who sleep around with whoever they want, some with but some without condoms. But they don't get told to release they're sexual history before a hook up, however as an escort I do. Hmmm no I dont think so. I have been more stringent with testing and I use protection 100% of the time, so it really infuriates me that people assume because I am in the business, I'm therefore more at risk than those who just sleep around for fun.
  5. 4 points
    I have to disagree with you on this one, I'm afraid. If CERB's membership was constant and unchanging, and if we all had perfect memories, then I'd be right with you - but both SPs and hobbyists come and go, and even for those who have been around for a while a reminder of the potential pitfalls isn't necessarily a bad idea. If this thread makes someone, somewhere stop and think a little harder about what they're doing (or not doing), or if someone learns something from it, or if someone decides to go and find out more about something as a result of it, then I think it's been worthwhile. And I won't complain if it comes up again a few months down the road, for the same reasons; we'll have new members by then who won't have seen it before. Those who feel they have nothing further to learn are free to move along.
  6. 3 points
    Have you reported these request to the MOD? If not why? If true, the ladies in question are basically buying a recommendation, and should be removed. Kim
  7. 3 points
    I just hope when this is discussed , no one, gentleman or lady, is thinking "he sees lots of woman because he sees escorts" or " she sees lots of men because she is an escort" That element has to be taken out of the discussion altogether. When it comes to talk of std's no one talks about the single unattached guy on the dating scene,seeing more than one woman, or the woman that sits at the bar waiting to be picked up, or the married man/woman seeing someone on the side, and he/she is seeing a few people. Point is, std's are caused by sex, whether with wife/husband gf/bf single woman/man, or escort/gentleman Making the escort industry a focal point of the discussion of std's reinforces the negative stereotype that mainstream society has of escorting. I hope that came out right RG
  8. 3 points
  9. 2 points
    The bb practice is a choice, not referring to full service, just the other stuff. For me personally , my choice is NO bb as I see it as high risk. I used to get at least 2-3 requests daily for bbbj or cim, and because I would not do that, the clients would take a pass. To me, this was frustrating because I thought, ummmmm...have people forgotten what is out there??? I still have not changed my ways, and I won't change it for nobody. Now that I have been back for a while, most men are familiar with my ways, and lately, I have actually had more men than usual contact me, most being because they like that I do not provide bbbj and/or cim. So all this to say, it may take a while, but there are just as many men who want to spend time with ladies who only practice safe services as there are who want to spend time with ladies that offer bbbj & cim. It is what it is, all you can do is protect yourself accordingly, and ADVERTISE this too.
  10. 2 points
    Short version is full disclosure by hobbyist is absolutely fair game! The last thing I want to share with a lady is her worry about the "safety"of my character while we share intimate times. If she or I is uncomfortable, the experince will likel;y be less than it could be. I feel pretty strongly about this one by the way. Musings from a guy that likes to hold open doors for ladies
  11. 2 points
    I understand that there is no cure for herpes, but I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is. Again, I think it's the sexual nature and stigma that causes a moral panic. Of course no one wants herpes, but as i said 25% of women have it and if you get a cold sore every couple years, what's the big deal? It's not like HIV or Hep C where it has a seriously negative impact on your life. Again, I realize what I'm saying is controversial and I'm not a fan of herpes nor am I looking to contract it, I just think we need to look at the context logically rather than as a moral panic.
  12. 2 points
    I believe in education so people understand the risks they are taking and how to protect themselves. I also believe that people make decisions that are best for themselves, and what they do with their own body is not up to us to judge. This might sound controversial, but I respect the seriousness of diseases like Hep C and HIV with their potential to severely impact your quality of life and ultimately take it. I don't see what the big deal is about herpes or any STI that is curable with antibiotics. 1/4 women have herpes, so can it really be that big of a deal? If you have to take antibiotics for a week for the equivalent or a common cold, is that really a big deal? I'm not trying to undermine our health here, but I just want to put things in perspective. I think herpes and curable STI's are stigmatized because they are sexually contracted. If they were contracted another way, I don't think it would be such a big deal. Also remember that most gents on this board being older than us received a pre-HIV/AIDS sexual education. We've received a post-HIV/AIDS sexual education. I have personally had only a handful of sexual partners and offer massage partly to reduce my risk of contracting an STI/STD. This is my choice, what works best for me. I respect the personal choices others make about their own body. No judgments here!
  13. 1 point
    Ok, so this is going to make me sound like a huge downer and/or bitch, but all of the personal stories as of late are totally out of place on this board. Right now, we have threads about one member having cancer, another about a member's addiction recovery, and of course, all of the threads about bareback anything/sex education (no, they are not personal stories, but I'll get to why this bothers me in a second). So, why am I bothered by such threads? NO ONE COMES HERE TO READ ABOUT YOUR LIFE. This is not a self-help forum. Yes, I am sad to hear that you're doing poorly, yes I hope you recover/get better/learn to become less socially inept/insert positive comment here about whatever your issue is. But let's get real, this is an ESCORT RECOMMENDATION BOARD. People come here to look at pretty ladies, read reviews, exchange information etc. There are places for your personal stories (Chicken Soup for the Cerbite's Soul) etc. The threads about sexual health piss me off because they just create moral panics about sex workers spreading STI's, AND because while there is no specific forum regarding health concerns or info for the general members (there is one for the SP's), there is an entire section titled "NEW TO THIS? THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW" and frankly, info about STI's and shit should go in there. And just stop posting about bareback services. We all know some SP's do it, and some provide certain bb services such as BBBJ, and that's their preference. Resurrecting these debates on CERB really does just create more panic and more stigma. Let's try to remember what the point of this board is before you post your personal shit. While many will post "oh, that's terrible, my thoughts are with you," most of them don't care, don't mean it, and wish they were watching porn. If you have become close with certain members and wish to inform them about something in your life that you think they might want or need to know, send them a PM! Don't post a huge thread in the general forums about it. OR put the post in a more appropriate location such as the Chicken Soup for the Cerbites Soul, etc. There are some things that are best kept to yourself! If I were a dude looking for an escort, I certainly wouldn't want to come to CERB to read about cancer, people dying, drug addictions, and how dangerous bareback services are. Also, I am not trying to offend those people who posted their personal stories; I'm not heartless. I agree that people should get to know each other, but seriously, could we keep it lighter? Lately CERB has been all gloom and doom.
  14. 1 point
    Greetings Cerbites As previously stated, I was diagnosed with the "big C" a couple of weeks ago. Well I have a date for surgery, it is next Tuesday. Because of backlogs "in the system" I am now traveling down to London for this surgery! How weird, Ottawa's hospitals are too busy, so let's find someplace else to have it done. Anyway, will be out of commission for a while. Guess my tongue will get a nice rest!! Maybe I can be "serviced" by one of the nurses on night shift. Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink. Have a good Easter long weekend all. Play safe, have fun, and of course.......lots of licks! PS: thanx to those who have sent out their good wishes and thoughts, it is appreciated. The Liquor
  15. 1 point
    Points to ya for asking an honest question. As others have brought up, this nation decided some time ago that it wasn't just an estranged mass of individuals: we're a community, and have a collective responsibility to support one another. If someone is being beaten on the street, should I just walk by because self-defense is the victim's own responsibility? If I walk by a starving person, should I quietly congratulate myself on my own good fortune, or share my food? In Canada these things aren't left to individual whims, they're collective civic duties that we all support with our taxes. It's a defining feature of the nation. It got that way because at some point, a majority felt it was better to live together and help one another. The alternative is to live our lives fragmented down to strictly self-interested economic agents, each of us an island unto ourselves. As balances go between hyper-individualistic Libertarians ("Who is John Galt!?") and flat-out nobody-owns-anything-everybody-owns-everything Communists ("The state will wither away. We promise!"), I think Canada's approach is pretty darned good.
  16. 1 point
    In two words, social justice. Canada, though not perfect, is different with US (and most of the world) as it is a society who cares about the sick and the weak and the defenceless. Most are prepared to pay more and see that the sick is taken care of, and most would not like to see money buying good health but rather an equal access health system regardless of a citizen's bank account and I happen to be one who believes in that.
  17. 1 point
    Kira arrived with a diminutive knock at the door and when she entered she greeted me like an old friend. She was well dressed and presentable even considering the rainy blustery evening last weekend. Kira's welcoming bright hazel eyes and lovely smile were a delight. To my delight she has the tight, firm body that most young ladies (20ish) envy. She stepped in and we shared a light welcoming kiss with her arms wrapped seductively around me, body pressed invitingly up to me hinting at the forthcoming delights. We got more comfortable then chatted a bit about likes and dislikes, to clear the air that if there was anything she was uncomfortable with to please let me know immediately as this is supposed to be fun for both parties involved. With me Kira was very responsive and receptive, into the mutual experience and exploring. I love to enjoy a woman, reveling in her feminine charms and Kira was delighted with the attention the entire time. The typical zones on her produced very nice responses of squirming, shivering, giggling, etc. Though she isn't really into DFK, the entire experience was a great GFE that was safe. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her and I assume from the shaky legs that Kira did too. Her attitude and comportment were great and hygiene was excellent. I'll definitely be seeing her again soon. Ditto on others comments of OPG and Tracey, she'll be honest with you about the ladies and the ladies are very satisfied with the service provided them. Further I'd like to echo Secret Admirer's sentiments about the YMMV aspect with the ladies, generally though, if you treat people right they'll do the same for you, if the chemistry is there.:icon_wink:
  18. 1 point
    Awww, feel better Megan. This may sound gross but chewing on a Garlic clove, eating red bell peppers, they have double the vitamin C than citrus fruits, and raw chili peppers if you're feeling really brave. These remedies will knock a cold on it's butt. Rest rest rest and enjoy the time to cuddle up and relax.
  19. 1 point
    Due to the fact that she is rather new to the scene here in Winnipeg, it is inevitable that she will be exceptionally busy over the next few months. I wouldn't give up so easily. I'm sure that once things settle down a little for her, she will have a much better handle on organizing her time and fulfilling requests. It can be overwhelming at first when you're the new girl in town, because everyone wants to meet you. Give her some time and I'll bet she'll still be worth the wait. Good luck!
  20. 1 point
    The hardest part of the entire journey to sobriety / recovery is admitting to yourself that you have a problem and reaching out to someone for assistance. We always feel ashamed that something has gotten the better of us and that we need reach out for assistance. We totally forget all of the humiliation for the many things we may have done on the road to where we are now. I am not proud of the things I have done but they have helped sustain me by reminding me where I was as compared to how things are now. I don't broadcast my sobriety but neither do I hide it. For me I subscribe to the one day at a time, I'm sober for today, yesterday was yesterday and tomorrow is tomorrow, we'll see how tomorrow goes when it arrives. When I first quit it took about 2 years of occasional relapses before the import and understanding of living for today took hold. Initially I was thinking "OMG all those years a head of me without" and this made sobriety 10X harder. The worst part had to be the vivid dream of having a few drinks after I was sober for 6 months, then spending half the day convinced that I'd relapse. We all shared a really good laugh over that one at the meeting that night. Lets see, it's been, hmmm, almost 23 years now for me. I actually never remember the actual length of time, I have to figure it out. All part of living in today as part of sobriety.
  21. 1 point
    As I understand things, this can be a competive environment, not just in Winnipeg, but across the land. Having said that, and as a CERB member and hobbyist - going classy and using CERB members (especially well established and/or referred ones) will just make your "hobbying life" easier, more prediable, fulfilling and generally more fun. Please note that this is not a general service announcement (lol), just, musings from a type "A" organized kind of guy....
  22. 1 point
    Just from watching gangbangs on the internet, I would imagine that one of the qualities guys need to have is a willingness to accidentally touch and be touched by other guys and other guys' penises, as well as the offchance that you get any male ejaculate on you. Not sure how realistic that is to real life, but just something to keep in mind considering there will be considerably more naked man than naked woman in the room.
  23. 1 point
    Your profile says open-minded; that may be why some hobbyists ask you for BB.
  24. 1 point
    I'm basing my response in general to your first post starting this thread I have recently seen a lady for a service, and after the service she had asked me to post a review here for her. It is not the first time. It shows poor class and puts me in an uncomfortable position. Although the service was fantastic, I will not give this person a review now. I will never try to negotiate your rates, so please don't ask me to post a review. I will never see that person again! You state the service was fantastic. But her asking for a review you find in bad taste Just as guys need references to see some ladies (and for us it is our escape for a few hours), a recommendation/review helps the ladies with their livelihood, yes keep in mind livelihood. Have you ever seen a lady who required a reference? If so, how did you get it. I'll bet you asked didn't you Any lady I have written a reco for (btw there are two forthcoming, not forgotten) it is because I had a good time, and believe another guy would have a good time if he saw her, and I would see her again Whereas a lady providing a reference is also putting her reputation amongst other SP's/MA's on the line when she vouches for you Finally, if you want to see a lady, do you look at her recos/reviews. If so, who writes them? Other guys, who may very well have been asked by the lady. I would say if you had a good time with the lady, write the reco. It benifits the lady yes, but also the guys out there too Only if the service provided was sub par or the lady doesn't want a review would I not write a review Not arguing, just my two cents RG
  25. 1 point
    Decisions like this make me feel ill. The case management team believes that he'll cause serious harm to or kill someone before his term is up, but the parole board granted parole anyway because he hadn't done anything they considered to be "serious" so far, despite having admitted that he repeatedly assaulted his wife. O-kay.... A friend of mine works in the prisons with violent offenders. He tells me that these guys have to report in to parole officers every month and that their activities are closely monitored. One step over the line and they're back in jail without passing Go or collecting $200, as they say. My friend says that a lot of these guys are so volatile that there's no way they can follow the conditions that are part of their parole and so they're back in jail within a couple of months and they won't be released on parole again after that. It seems to be the only sure way to guarantee that they guy stays in custody--by letting him break a few more rules. But sometimes, someone gets hurt..... I have to put these decisions next to the Toronto police officers' statements that women shouldn't dress like "sluts" if they want to avoid being raped and the statements made by the federal government in the appeal of Justice Himel's decision in Ontario that becaise sex workers work in high-risk situations that are often illegal, they're not entitled to protection. I wonder whether Messervey will be in any trouble if he assaults a sex worker whom someone decides is dressed like a slut? Just asking....
  26. 1 point
    I do not ask for a full legal name and screen more along the lines of intuition. For starters, I do not make appts from payphones or blocked numbers. I don't care if people claim they have to be careful with their privacy. If that's the case, they shouldn't be calling escorts. It is very rude to assume they can be completely anonymous while I have to disclose an address and coming into my space. Tit for tat. I listen to the questions these guys ask me, their tone of voice and how they respond to the questions I ask them. If I hear something I don't like, I will make an excuse and say that I'm busy. I can tell within the first 30 seconds of talking to them if I'm going to meet them or not. I don't care if I've just lost money. I will not see someone if I get a bad feeling. There will always be other people calling and I have a long list of regulars. Like Shortcake, I lived 5 minutes away from Russell Williams and many of those break ins occurred in my area. I also encountered someone running out from my backyard last week while they were attempting to elude the police. They ran out and scared the hell out of me as I was coming out the front door just before dawn. I yelled and screamed at him to get off my property and chased him with a lawn ornament. I was more shocked and startled but also mad in the heat of the moment. So after this incident, it really did spook me and made me realize that anything could happen in a split second. It has also given me more awareness as to who I decide to invite into my private space.
  27. 1 point
    One day at a time I went into recovery May 91 for Coke addiction stop everything 47 days in treatment in the States it is hard I after 9 yrs had a drink I found for me it was the lifestyle and friends I hung with did not help my problem changing my lifestyle helped me I dont advise it but I do have a very rare drink and can take or leave it now next month I will be 20 yrs away from Coke for everyone it is a different walk one day at a time Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. Keep strong stay with the program I still talk with my Sponsor weekly God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
  28. 1 point
    Well here is where I get tired of the spin put on this by people and the press. All the opposition parties jumped on Harper about ethics and contempt of parliament. The big one in the debates was the "leaked" DRAFT of the AG's report. Firstly it was a draft that was circulated to the departments concerned to correct factual errors and collect further data. It was not the final report, and the AG herself said that. That report was circulated in confidence and was to be treated as secret, for many reasons, not the least of which the damage an error could cause. Release the report, the opposition says, but that is against the law. Read the law that governs the AG and you will see that it must be tabled in parliament first. A part of our great democratic tradition. It is tabled and debated in an open forum governed by parliamentary procedure, not on the hustings where nobody is held accountable for their words or actions. So we have leaders spouting about another's ethics and contempt for parliament using a document they know was obtained through theft or violation of a person's sworn oath. The employee who leaked it, (purportedly a Liberal partisan, but I cannot confirm that) did so in violation of the trust the people of Canada placed in that person. So we are to believe that the other leaders are so morally superior and respectful of parliament? They chose to go on the attack using evidence they know is factually incorrect, was obtained illegally, and because the report by law, is to be tabled openly in the House of Commons first, was used in contempt of the very same parliament they say they are protecting? Bull shit, it is political opportunism plain and simple. Bottom line, the whole lot of them are challenged by the truth. This isn't a rant in favour of any one party or leader. It is me saying I am sick and tired of the hypocrisy espoused by politicians of all stripes whenever they open their mouths, egged on by a press corps that thrives on scandals (even if they have to create them) and special interest groups who are looking out for nobody but themselves. Give me a break.
  29. 1 point
    Thank you for that link, Alexandra. I was not aware of that court case, and I agree that the federal government's position here is not a good one. The safety of sex workers, whether the activities are legal or illegal needs to be the most pressing concern.
  30. 1 point
    I don't really know where you got the impression that me posting this was somehow pro-liberal. To be frank, I think all parties misrepresent the beliefs I hold of what it would look like to live in a more just world. I was merely pointing out that the Harper government has destroyed much of the gains that social movements in this country have achieved and have been working on for a long time. I don't think the Liberals are much better and I'm not sure why everyone keeps playing this game of 'either or'. It's quite telling of both our political system and our electoral system. Sky
  31. 1 point
    While I understand we all have our own opinions....I strongly disagree with your statement, only because, I am an sp with ONE rec (been on here since November 2009)....and I do not believe its because I provide a shitty service and/or do not deserve one, because believe me...I DO!!! I truly think the reason for this is because a) the men I see do not bother with recs at all and/or b) are embarassed to post a rec which would indicate thier love for bigger ladies. I am able to back this claim up because I have quite a few friends from this site who have returned and/ or are ongoing. I realize my shape is not every one's cup of tea, so I fully admit my client base is smaller than most...BUT the clients I do see are happy, and highly doubt they are holding back on providing me with a rec because my service is whack...... I have learned to deal with this, because after all what I appreciate the most is when they return, and what I LOVE is the lovely notes they send to me privately, after it's all said and done :grin: Others have also said " if nothing is said on here about someone,it must be because there is nothing good to say' this too I feel is uncalled for, because it can give the impression that it's true, when clearly it is not. Not trying to be a Negative Nancy, so my apologies if I come off as rude. I just wanted to indicate the other side to why some ladies may not have any recs. Vanessa
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