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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/11 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Welll then, thank you for your insightful responses Cristy if there was any doubt before you've certainly cleared things up for anyone who may have been undecided about paying you a visit. The key to a successful business is to know your audience and market to them. Your audience has spoken and yet you've chosen not to listen. We don't like deception and excuses. You asked earlier has anyone checked you out, likely not because they're not sure what to expect, knowing that you have no issue posting stolen fake photos. As for the shades being drawn, as stated before you are simply contributing to the counter productive stigmas associated with this trade/hobby that so many other providers work hard to change these perceptions. It dosent have to be a shady business's unless you choose to make it one. I think you'll find that your choices may impact your business and the people with whom you do business with. I wish you the best of luck.
  2. 3 points
    How about a bum view? Additional Comments: Or this shot? Additional Comments: Exposed bum view :)
  3. 3 points
    Crisrty my darling, Really it is difficult at times to make everyone happy here. I feel for you. Yes sometimes people request lots of pics and never even bother to write back, it can be a very frustrating buisness to be in. That being said as a SP you must slowly build a reputation for yourself, it doesn't happen overnight. It is way better to put up one lovely photo of yourself every few months and let people get to know you by your involvement on the board and let your personality shine. :icon_smile: The gentlemen of Cerb will not support you if there are hints of dishonesty like questionable photos, even if it's an ass shot they will wonder about the rest. Good luck in the future and I hope it works out for you. Katherine
  4. 3 points
    I agree. If it is a real pic one is all that is needed. It is quite simple: Be honest and upfront and we will book you. Otherwise I would suggest not posting on CERB. my two cents....
  5. 3 points
    Looks like Pete is leading a new trend! Gentlemen, I challenge each of you to create your own, custom line of men's underwear. Y-fronts or boxers, as seems appropriate. Speedos, too, if you dare! Your choice of fabrics, patterns, colours, fit, drape, embellishments--there are so many possibilitiies. A fashion show would be a marvelous thing! The ladies have been doing this very thing since the dawn of time. Now it's YOUR turn! :biggrin:
  6. 2 points
    First up - see this thread for a good explanation on the mechanics. Secondly, i don't think there's much rhyme or reason to how or when people give out rep points. It's all a bit random. But if what you have to say is interesting, or witty, or amusing, or contributes positively to the conversation... you still may not get any - but keep at it and you'll strike gold (or have it showered upon you) eventually. But you're dead right that one post can do a lot of damage. All I can say is... play nice. And if you must say something controversial, at least try to say something like "I know this may be controversial, and I'm not trying to be an asshole, but...". It may help. Not guaranteed, but it may. I tried walking on eggshells, but I didn't like it. They hurt my feet. Oh, look! You got some! Seriously: just do exactly that, stop worrying, and the rep points will look after themselves.
  7. 2 points
    My dear no one is picking on you, we're just letting you know that we don't appreciate the deception, you say you have nothing to hide, but then post fake pics on your website ? You asked on your profile page how many pics does a girl need, well so long as it's real only 1 will do. Posting false, stolen misleading photos does more damage than you can imagine, it makes it difficult for the clients to know who to trust and who to believe, it makes it harder for the honest gals who post their own real pictures. often at great expense. It just compounds the stigma that surrounds this hobby or trade. There is a higher standard expected here at CERB and you are more than welcome to play here so long as you play by the rules and leave out the mud. Your website by the way still has some fake photos on it.
  8. 2 points
    She lies tantalizingly on her stomach, and wiggles her ass for attention, turning her head, smiling sweetly, to invite and tease me. I kiss her gently all the way down her back, and for the first time my mouth slides between her ass cheeks, kissing and licking. Contact. Engagement. Excitement. I gasp with the pleasure of it, and of what's to come. My tongue and lips start to probe slowly, and then I encounter the spot I've been seeking. She moans, and thrusts in greeting and acceptance. What happens next is a dance of ecstasy. I feel united with this beauty, and I lose myself in the lust she awakens in me. She bucks and thrusts against my mouth, my tongue, as I explore lovingly all around her. My hands grasp her, and spread her wider. She begins to finger herself, with more and more intensity, and then the thrusting becomes frenzied and passion overtakes us both. Time to roll over, I say. We laugh together, and she turns.....
  9. 1 point
    Things can get really busy back at the ranch and the office, with many long days and nights. Sometime one needs to wind down a little before catching a few hours of sleep. Checking the boards I came across someone relatively new as an independant in Vancouver that caught my eye. With no business planned on the coast in the near future, and unsure when I could find time to schedule a personal business trip of some sort to get me out of the office, I would have to enjoy the pleasures of the very fine local and visiting ladies to E-town. Out of the blue, a former client of ours requested a meeting on the coast. A few very pleasant emails were exchanged and a time was arranged to meet this very beautiful lady. Our meeting and her location was confirmed the night before my journey to the coast. For some reason my flight was delayed, a text was sent explaining my delay and if it was still okay to get together. Fortunately, a reply I was looking for was returned. When the door opened, I was consumed by what was standing before me, an embrace, LFK, a little conversation, another embrace, DFK, more conversation, more embraces. It was now time to get know a little about each other. I was originally drawn to this lady by her outer beauty, very intoxicating and enchanting. My focus soon changed to her inner beauty. For the next two hours we got to know more about each other and exchanged several carnal pleasures as well. Her website says "You will leave after spending time with me, wanting for nothing", not quite true, as I was left wanting much more time with this very special lady, so very much more. In one of her posts she advises that she can no longer be a Foxxx anymore, so she is now a Roxx. Not that it matters to me. Hopefully I will be able to spend many more hours with Josie in the near future, many, many more. What more can be said? www.josieroxxx.com
  10. 1 point
    again, thanks to all of you.... you are the reason I write so much in the first place!
  11. 1 point
    Thanks to Everyone at CERB , For making my Birthday so special Hugs; Catherina Fine Wine Diva
  12. 1 point
    I'm sure the ones that are anal specialists are probably the best ones to ask about this. You'll also likely have to bring your own toys.
  13. 1 point
    My, my you take a couple of days off and...sigh. So, you more or less authenticate what I already said in that you were using pics. that aren't yours! What I said at the time was accurate but it seems in the meantime you have removed the pics. in question from your "other profile." By the way, just in case you forgot one, there is still a pic. of some random blonde on your website that shows up on over 2 BILLION other websites...at least according to Tin Eye! Here is the Tin Eye link for your convenience. Oh, the pic. entitled "nice and perky" is the one in question. http://www.tineye.com/parse/load?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcristycurves.escort-site.com%2Fphotos.phtml As far as playing in the mud I would much rather have a lady have only one picture of herself than 1 million of somebody else! I am quite sure that the guys here on Cerb feel the same way as me.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I noticed that my dentist office has a sign - "$30 fee (or whatever) for cancellations without 2 business days notice" So, it not only happens there a lot, it happens so often they had to put a sign up about it... Think about how many cancellations they got before they finally threw up their hands and went through the effort of getting a sign made, by a sign maker, for money. I only mention this to point out that it might not be particular to this industry/hobby, but that just about everybody from dentists to hairdressers to lawyers has to deal with clients who are just plain straight-up inconsiderate d!cks.
  16. 1 point
    If you do meet Sweet Angel, your life will never be the same. In a good way. I am so fortunate. Five years of unbelievable memories. And as many more as I can manage in the future. One lucky Butterfly, I am!
  17. 1 point
    "Being frank" means having a tone, by definition. Sense of entitlement? Hells yeah! My experience gives me that entitlement. This is a common question, and it's a common question especially from newbies. Somebody already asked the question not even a month ago in another thread. I see that you also participated in that thread. Asking it twice won't make a difference. When the question was asked once, some nice cutting of slack was done for a new member. When it's asked twice in a month, then the tone has to get firmer because obviously the message isn't getting through: that service is not available, because it is illegal.
  18. 1 point
    No discussion of Waldo is complete without ...
  19. 1 point
    Here is a quote by Speedstick from "An erotic registered encounter" There are a LOT of lovely ladies who offer massage with a happy ending in Ottawa. You might want to visit the advertisement section ;) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=68 Good luck!
  20. 1 point
    I'm going to encourage everyone who wants to, to say hello to me! After every social i go to, people message me and say they saw me but were too shy to say hi! I'm really nice, I promise! Say hello!!!!!!!!
  21. 1 point
    I wanna know why Jazzitup is surfing the net looking for Pistol Pete branded underwear!?
  22. 1 point
    how do you get them ,and why do people take them away? It seems like you can take forever to gain them,but only one moment to lose them all. I now walk on egg shells here when I post anything, any suggestions on how i can get points and keep them. Just want to be a more productive member on here and enjoy the wealth of beautiful woman we all share and get to know.
  23. 1 point
    Yes, it's back Thanks MOD!!! RG :-)
  24. 1 point
    Thanks Whatsup! Some of the members, including RG and myself had lost the nomination option... The icon had totally disappeared from the bottom of each post: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=63331
  25. 1 point
    Three things to say on this. Firstly, even if the guys like ratings like this for the ladies, the ladies themselves generally like to feel that they're more than just a collection of marks out of ten (I think we guys would like to feel the same, if we're honest). If we piss them off, then they'll just leave, and we'll all be much the poorer for it. Secondly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Your ten may be my one, and vice versa. And a lot of this is down to how well you get on with the lady you've just seen, which is yet another imponderable. Finally: please don't take a bit of well-meant feedback as a reason to take your ball and go home. Provided you respect the folks here, we'd all love to have you around.
  26. 1 point
    Here's her recommendation thread: "Sexylittlecandy" aka "Bianca" http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=B&t=60058 .
  27. 1 point
    Woah, Andy! That's distinctive, to be sure. It kinda reminds me of this pic of Sean Connery--which I'm sure he regrets--from a forgettable film called Zardoz:
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Gabriella Your words are nomination enough. Thank you RG
  30. 1 point
    What Malika said is pretty bang on You get rep points when you post something that is positive, shows respect for other CERB members, makes a good point that hasn't been made etc etc etc But rep points are given out by other cerb members, if he/she thinks its rep worthy LOL. And there is no hard and fast rule on what you will post that will give you rep points. Except if you post something negative, a bashing, are ignorant to other CERB members, that'll take away points fast As for being afraid to post, if you want to post something, and your not sure, ask yourself does it keep in CERB policy, "if you do not have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all", and "no negative comments, reviews or fighting please" BTW, differences of opinion allowed, but bashing someone else for their opinion not allowed Does that help RG
  31. 1 point
    Sorry, but I think you're just dead wrong about this. Bird 'flu and swine 'flu are simply new strains of a disease for which vaccines have existed for years. The only problem with 'flu is that each vaccine is useful only for one strain, and so when a new strain appears and spreads quickly it takes time firstly to isolate it and develop a vaccine, and then to manufacture enough of it to satisfy demand - the manufacturing capacity to do this very quickly simply doesn't exist. FWIW, the 'flu shots which we get every fall are a vaccines aimed at the two or three strains that the experts forecast were most likely to be prevalent about a year beforehand; so the decision on what 'flu strains to vaccinate against this year was probably made last winter. This is, to some extent, guesswork. There's still no vaccine for Mad Cow disease (or CJD); it can't even be *diagnosed* in humans before an autopsy. What's happened there is that it's been largely controlled in livestock, thus reducing the chance of it making the jump to humans at all. It should also be said that developing a vaccine for HIV is uniquely difficult. Vaccines work by priming the body's immune system to recognize and destroy a pathogen; there's an obvious catch-22 here when the virus you're aiming at targets and takes out the immune system itself. As for HIV... yes, it's about money, but you've got it entirely backwards. The big problem with HIV research is that the big pharma companies aren't charities, and exist to make a profit... but if they do come out with a cure for HIV, or a vaccine against it, the pressure to sell at cost and to waive their intellectual property rights so that the manufacturers of generic drugs can also make it would be... immense. Some countries (e.g. South Africa) have already stated that they'll ignore patents and trademarks if they feel so inclined. This means that any company that does come up with some remarkable new development for HIV or AIDS will make no money off it... and so they don't bother investing much in the first place. That's why HIV research and breakthroughs tend to come out of academia, funded by charities and governments; future profit is less of an issue here. The big money for the pharmaceutical behemoths is made on treating the baby boomers' chronic conditions in first world countries where patients can pay and patents are respected, which is why we see an endless parade of drugs for cholesterol and arthritis and the other things we develop as we get older. But there's no nefarious plot to use HIV (or any other disease, for that matter) to reduce population in the developing world; the simple fact is that large corporations don't care about spending large amounts of money to develop a drug or vaccine on which they'll never recoup their investment. That's all. It's callous, yes, but that's the world we live in.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    The amazingly sweet Angel Starr!! Thank you Angel :)
  34. 1 point
    It goes without saying that all of the guys nominated are obviously, clearly, unequivocally, incredible in bed, right? (big smile)
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