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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/15 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    I have to disagree here, just because you met someone in a paid arrangement does not mean a real friendship cannot develop. The business arrangement is for business and if a friendship does develop out of the business relationship, it then changes the rules. While boundaries are to be respected, the friendship started as a business decision but developed into much more. I personally have found as long as both parties are clear and upfront, there is nothing wrong. I am one who would take the value of a friendship over the business relationship, however thats just me and being happy is more important than any dollar value. In fact there are past clients who I no longer see as such because I enjoy their friendship and I for one would rather have them in my life as a friend. In order to have a friendship both parties need to be on the same page. Things only get blurred when communication is not clear or one party takes advantage of the other.
  2. 5 points
    I think it varies quite a bit, depending on what age the lady is (really) and what kind of clients she's after. Full disclosure: the following is nothing more than my own impressions of the industry and may well be absolute crap. First, there seems to be a significant chunk of the market where the demand is for younger ladies. Not for anything illegal, but... young. FortunateOne mentioned earlier that 22 was the magic age that agencies had discovered, and so I think you get a lot of people between 18 and mid- to late-20s advertizing themselves as being in or around this bracket. After that, you get the clients who are more interested in the whole person than just a perky pair of tits, and who tend to go for older ladies, and once they're advertizing to this market I don't think there's much for the ladies to gain or lose by tweaking the age they claim to be. Of course, I'm grossly generalizing here, and there are plenty of exceptions.
  3. 4 points
    When I began this lifestyle I certainly didn't expect that a true friendship could happen with a companion. It was after all at it's core a business relationship right. Well I have met a few ladies that I have connected with, and one very special lady, who has become a valued friend. Yes, at it's core, there is a business relationship. But friendship and business relationship, why are they mutually exclusive. Two other friends in my life, I met through work. Does that mean they aren't real friends...because we met through work? BTW we're all retired and stay in touch, at least once a week This lady is in fact one of four close (close defined as trusted without reservation) friends in my life. Friendships can develop in this lifestyle. Both the companion and client need to have their heads on straight emotionally. There has to be mutual respect and the relationship, both friendship and business wise must be mutually beneficial. Friendship is it's own reward, and boundaries still respected. The gentleman shouldn't expect "extras", and the lady shouldn't try to manipulate the man to get more money. I guess when I see this lady, I view it as a date with a friend, a friend who just happens to be a professional companion. Anyhow, a rambling. Hope it makes sense RG
  4. 4 points
    I "outed" myself back in 2013 in a similar thread about age and I was not ashamed to admit it. 09-19-2013 Late night confession... I still believe it was the right choice to make for myself and I don't regret having done so.
  5. 4 points
    I have been hobbying off and on for a few years, and have met some fantastic ladies. I also tend to gravitate to "the one" like many others...(in my case it is more like "the three". I primarily see these same three ladies for multiple reasons. I believe that I have developed a cordial business relationship with these ladies that is very unique to this business, but its a business relationship nonetheless, and while I may not see them for some time due to scheduling conflicts, once in a while I will send them a quick message to ay I hope they are well...I genuinely do hope they are well. I also see these same ladies because I know what to expect. I have really enjoyed the time I have spent with these girls, much more than anyone else I have ever seen, and I honestly feel like they enjoyed the time we spent together also. I have spent time with other ladies and they are all special in their own way, I must confess I have my favorite, I'm sure that is a very common occurrence. As for relationships outside of the business...it would be as awkward for me as it would be for her I am sure. One of the wonderful benefits of this hobby is the discretion. We both get to have a great time, and then get to go back to the real world...NSA Personally I have some ground rules that I follow in the hobby, they work for me, take them for what you will... I travel for work...a lot...so I never see anyone in my home city. I realize that is an easy compromise for me as travelling is about 75% of my job. Not seeing anyone in my home city ensures that there is almost no chance of our social circles overlapping. I generally communicate a maximum of 48 hours before a visit, sometimes frequently (depending on the boundaries of the lady) in the days leading up to an appointment, some friendly banter, flirting, etc. adds to the excitement, but I never worry if the ladies I see don't get back to me (they have other clients who enjoy them as much as I do I am certain), and I don't reach out again until they respond...must respect the ladies time, what if (heaven forbid) I overdo it and she doesn't want to see me again...can't have that! I ALWAYS text or email the following day to say thank you, and let her know I had a wonderful time...end of communication. Long winded I know, but its always worked for me. Jobin, I know what you are feeling, I have felt it to, my feelings on it are this...changing the relationship in any way, including the changes you are talking about would result in just that, a change to the relationship...and I would want to change these relationships, they are each perfect in their own way!
  6. 3 points
    I would appreciate a note saying your sorry you can't see me this time but look forward to my next visit. It shows your still interested and enjoyed our time together in the past.
  7. 3 points
    Communication communication communication. If in doubt, ask. If you aren't sure if she's open to the occasional email then just ask her :) and don't "assume" anything! Xoxo, Miss Lane
  8. 3 points
    As long as YOU are not soliciting sexual services, no worries. Nothing illegal about seeing escorts. Just in soliciting sexual services. Time and companionship is the motto of the day.
  9. 3 points
    I have a few game acquaintances that for a variety of reasons I most likely will never meet and we kibitz a bit through email and twitter. There a couple of companions that I have seen and communicate with but most likely will not see again professionally or socially for that matter but we do banter, communicate and have a similar world view. I'm open and genuinely interested in people and have learned lots of personal stuff but by no means do I consider these to be friendships. After all it's a business relationship and when the business ends I have no expectation of anything else. Peace MG
  10. 3 points
    Unless you are a Maritimer or Atlantic Canadian, I'm really not sure that you would understand or believe just what is going on here unless you could see it. The pictures do not do justice at all when compared to the real thing. Yesterday Halifax and NS were the ones to really get hammered with 70+ cm. PEI only had in the 20 + range but the winds have shut us down yet again. The plows have not even been on the highways since suppertime yesterday and as much as it hurts mainland Canada, we cut you off again by closing the bridge. The main highways were generally open, meaning lots of places only one lane and the secondary roads have been almost impassable since Sunday and the smaller roads are blocked completely. It's been the winter of a lifetime and the scary part is that we did not have our first snow until well into January. Word is that we are looking at systems for next Sunday and then again on Tuesday! Geeze. Found this little video this morning that gives some idea. Stay safe everyone. Just for fun.
  11. 3 points
    For me I am 40 and love it,I have reached a certain Peek shall we say in my womanhood that I enjoy and I am comfortable being me. To each their own though and the glamour world hasn't always been kind to over 35 year old women in tabloids so maybe in their way of thinking younger is better.
  12. 2 points
    urrrr, I'm using google chrome today and as before it won't allow me to use font size/color etc. When I click on those prompts this shows up (sorry I copied and pasted what appeared but when I post it disappears) not the font I want to use. It works properly when I use IE. Another issue I'm having is when I log into my eastlink email account and click on my user name and password it brings up cristycurves . I can't seem to figure out how to erase that as I log into that acc with my real name-for those who didn't know;) it's not cristycurves. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you
  13. 2 points
    Good question Magician.. Personally I prefer silence but that's just me :)
  14. 2 points
    This is the latest instalment in the tale of my journey down the road to wherever this leads me. There are things and people I'd like to get to before The Big Event. I get an extra week as the surgery is put back to the 9th. At this point I've almost done everything I'm going to do from a Hobby standpoint. Just a couple of very important items left. One of which is the Social. I found a great way to distract myself so I don't dwell on the unknown. I quit smoking. I was getting to the end of the last pack of Duty Free smokes. I had to decide if I was going to quit when the pack was done or buy another carton. So I decided to quit. Enjoyed the last cigarette in the pack and that was that. Probably a good thing since I can't smoke in the hospital. One less thing to have to deal with. Thinking up ways to distract myself when the urge pops up keeps my mind busy so that's a good thing, too. At this point, I have a new medium - range goal. Waking up on the 10th.
  15. 2 points
    Nice to hear everyone's thoughts! RG - I am not actively looking to develop a friendship going into an encounter, but seems like I always pick awesome girls as most of the time we seem to connect really well. Then what's difficult is to determine if this is a manufactured feeling or if it's genuine (from both parties). The way I've been approaching it is by initiating contact (if possible) with the lady post session (to thank her) and seeing if there's any interest on her part to maintain a chat of sort. If the responses stop or are very short then I definitely don't pursue it any further. Hope that's appropriate...
  16. 2 points
    Certainly true in all respects. While I believe LE is taking a prudent, sensible approach at this point, it is still early in the game. I wish these types of articles were not written, as they put pressure on LE to enforce C-36, lest they are seen as "not doing their job" by some, as it were. That said, we may still see the occasional bust on the streets, and perhaps even a situation where LE pose as incall escorts to nab would be clients in hotel rooms at one point or another. However, by and large when compared to the States, LE has had more of a 'laissez faire' approach to the sex trade. As such, it is much more likely that C-36 will suffer the same fate as the 'bawdly house' law of old - e.g. technically on the books, but rarely, if ever enforced / acted upon. I often wonder though, if this turns out to be the case - on what grounds then, can C-36 be successfully challenged and overturned?
  17. 2 points
    Bingo Cristy!!! Human interactions, emotions, feelings, perspectives, etc ARE complicated. We all have individual circumstances with individual people and hopefully all do our best to find our way. with regards to the OP, communicate and be honest. And if the lady you see isn't comfortable with what you've had to say, she will let you know :) good luck!!! Xoxo, Miss Lane
  18. 2 points
    Exactly! I'll also add in situations like the op is facing even getting advice may confuse his emotions, needs or cause him to questions himself more. Human interactions are complicated even when we destruct them down to $$'s and cents.
  19. 2 points
    I don't disagree with you Emily - none of these views can be construed as RIGHT or WRONG. Everyone is different. And every situation is as unique as the two parties involved. It really depends on the people, on the situation, etc. Xoxo, Miss Lane
  20. 2 points
    Isn't there an expression "never ask a lady her age":) Let me quote a "guy" that, when I was running services, said. He called looking for a girl/female/woman, I described who was available, they were all between 20 -29, slim and very attractive. I told him I have girls between 20 & 29.....29 he said, "she needs to be put out to pasture"! I'd get those types of replies multiple times a day. So yes I'd agree with Fortunateone, services did fudge a bit on details, what choice was there! If I described a 23yr old, 5ft5 girl at 120lb, they'd feel that was too big and too old. Yet the girl in front of you, that 23yr old, would be tiny, pretty, very young looking, sweet and available and deserved of an appt. She was never sent away. Many guys have certain illogical images concerning ages, sizes and over all appearances. I've worked with 20's that looked 30's 40 that looked 20's and late 20's that looked 20 and so on. So to me numbers should be irrelevant, as you just can't generalize. Older, younger, youthful, mature, mid age, senior, and so on should suffice. Because if you are to be honest, perceptions change with each decade. 20 is thought to look a particular way, as is 30, 40, 50 and so on and each decade eludes to something as well which isn't always reliable or positive. Now with the internet and pictures it's my feeling that many of us reveal far more than necessary when advertising, but that's just my opinion. It's become so that men seem to think they need to know everything about a companion, right down to the number of moles or freckles on each square inch of her body, every action or thought she makes. We are after all, not proposing marriage, we are spending time with one another. I feel if a man can't decide on whether or not if he wants to see a woman/girl/female from her posts/pictures or website then perhaps she or this hobby isn't for him. Yes, some pictures can mislead but in general most are as they appear so you would think that should suffice. If we are going to be honest, age, in this business does seem to matter, if you are going to listen, believe and read some comments, posts and reco's and reviews. Older isn't as respected overall as some have posted in this thread, generally speaking and younger can for some, be suspect. As far as what others do or say about their own age is their business not mine, it would be catty to remark on. I will say, that if all the men who said they liked mature actually meant chronologically mature, more mature women would post their age. But to most guys, and this is just from my experience, mature means over 25. So to end, I also tell my real age. I tell my age as being mature:)
  21. 2 points
    Good morning, naughty gents! Do you want to start your day with this awesome lady? Well, you sure do! I'm a well experienced and nice lady that can help you start your day the way it should be... In a nice, cozy place, discreete area downtown, with a shower available. Beyond average, I can definetly make your head spin... Check out my reviews! Sometimes, it's not too good to be true! You can PM me for all the details, and it'll be a pleasure to have a little chat with you.. http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17994&highlight=Grass_Hopper
  22. 2 points
    A wise lady I met years ago told me she always uses her real age, and she looks amazing at 57 (you know who you are). I decided to follow her example when I turned 50 and started using my real age and it has worked in my favour, rather than against me. This year I will be 55 and my oldest client, a 95 year old man, says I'm a "youngin". I can live with that. Not to criticize any mature ladies who advertise younger, but there are definitely more ads for 40-something ladies than 50+. I do chuckle though when I get the odd person asking me "If you're advertising 54, does that mean you're really 60?"
  23. 2 points
    This industry is in large part driven by disposable income so it's not unrealistic to think that many of the more active clients are people who are more established financially which in a lot of case is when they are older. As an older guy in my mid fifties who has some degree of financial independence and who enjoys the company of a beautiful sexy intelligent woman I have seen ladies in the age range from 19 to mid 50's and all I can say is I tend to have the best connection with women who are mid thirties and later. I am not saying I have never connected with someone younger just that in general the connection has been better with ladies in their 30's. Now don't get me wrong the younger ladies I have meet have been wonderful... the sex has been great and their bodies have been the thing guy's constantly fantasize about but with the ladies who have had a few more years of life experiences I have just shared a greater connection in addition to the amazing sex. Let's face it... if I am booking for a couple of hours there will be lots of time for other things besides sex and it is that companionship time that often makes the difference for me. Beyond the sex the more mature ladies have generally understood me better.... they had the life experiences that were more in common with me. I will suggest however that these more mature ladies are I think with out exception younger in spirit and outlook then their age might initially suggest and yes they were all extremely sexy. In life as we get older I think we often come to learn to appreciate as sexy things that we might not when we are younger... aging with grace and showing that in how you carry yourself can for me be very attractive. So bottom line I can understand why a lady might choose to market herself to the demographic that she feels she best connects with just like I might select who I choose to meet. As long as the lady who opens the door is genuine to the image she has portrayed in her ads then I don't think I would care that she fibbed about her age. Just my Opinion.... makes sense to me might not to anyone else. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  24. 2 points
    I kind of get the feeling that you're looking for more than a lady here can provide. This is a physical hobby, sometimes chemical, but emotional? That's looking for trouble if you ask me.
  25. 2 points
    " In seeing that Jersey on Gabby up close and personal while at a Habs game recently I guarantee it looks even better in person."
  26. 2 points
    I post my true age, I am proud of being 40, love this era of my life. Besides I like posting my age, so that I can attract clients who are closer to my age group. Although I am 40, I feel much younger than that!
  27. 1 point
    I originally posted this as a response to an existing thread - it really should have been in the reco section. In a word - "Yummy". She has many virtues: shy, honest, curvy, willing to please (YMMV) and above all; genuine. French background but speaks English very well. Communication was not a problem for me. I'm smiling just thinking about her. I am very happy with my experience because it wasn't assembly-line. She is a shy person by nature, but she provided a warm, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. That meant a lot to me. I had some requests which she happily accepted. She isn't a spinner, but man - there's a wonderful gfe feeling about her. She is someone who you can really like, trust and develop a very nice rapport. She is not a high-intensity, movie-groaning, PSE lady. She's all natural. For those who are looking for long labia - she's got 'em. For those gents who are looking for a gentle, and sensual experience, I strongly encourage you to book some time with Rebecca. Recommended - Yep Clean - Yep Attentive - Yep Non Enhanced - Yep Sensitive to your needs (unless you're an AH) - Yep
  28. 1 point
    Mr Price is back in the net tonight against the Hurricanes after having a night off in Florida, his record against Carolina in the last 10 games is 8-1-1, hopefully we don't leave it all to the goalie tonight. It would be nice to see four or five goals scored by the Habs, hopefully not just wishful thinking by me!!!!!!
  29. 1 point
    You'll need to erase that name, by removing the site from history/clearing it. You can use the menu on the right and choose "history" then check everything in and remove it all. :) PM if you need help.
  30. 1 point
    Never really used it, since there are much better browsers out there. If you neglect something, it will usually fail or be ignored. Hopefully the replacement will be much better, probably wont sway me still.
  31. 1 point
    I am certain that EVERY first meeting with someone was memorable for reasons of anticipation, nerves and uncertainty. However, my FIRST meeting with anyone, ever, was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Now let's recall that this was a meeting with a woman from a world that six months previous to that I did not really know existed. What I thought I did know was based on all of the stereotypes, all of the things that I have learned over time are so very wrong. So off I go to an upscale hotel and knock on the door to her hotel room which turned out to be a suite. I find myself face to face with this beautiful woman. She is dressed to the nines and immediately after closing the door she gives me the most amazing hug and kiss. At that point I froze - and she knew it. What followed next were her first words, "You REALLY are shy, aren't you." This was followed immediately by, "Is this your first time?" Oh boy. So, we sat on the bed and much to my amazement, we talked. You see, I did not know that talking was part of the deal! Then boom, I find out that she's got one course left to finish her second degree! Then kaboom, she laughed and joked! What world had I fallen into? Certainly not the one that I had expected. And the conversation turned to flirting which led to...... I still don't know if I said more than one or two coherent sentences in the whole time that we were together. She must have thought I was such a ditz. When she closed the door as I left I hope she said to herself, "Welcome to MY world." And what a world it truly is.
  32. 1 point
    I'm not exactly sure what you mean by But with respect to your "name" popping up, it sounds like you might have the "Save passwords" option checked on Chrome. Or it is simply remembering your history from logging into another service, like this site. To stop that, clear your browser history and/or set Chrome not to remember your browser history. Also you may want to deselect the option of Chrome from remembering your passwords and login info.
  33. 1 point
    It just seems to me that the pretty girls get younger every day!
  34. 1 point
    I remember seeing several ads on BP from one lady. It seemed that she liked to use different names and ages depending on which city she visited. If memory serves, her age ranged anywhere from 22 - 26yrs.
  35. 1 point
    Bored, Baking Brownies, Joy!
  36. 1 point
    Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: We may have more traffic on the Kingston forum but seems like no one likes to talk about the girls they meet. Or maybe if they something bad they are worried they will get banned. I mean if I get bad service and come on here to let others know an hour later I have a email warning me and the post gets deleted. I thought this was a site where we can give others heads up if we find a problem with one of the ladies? Posted via Mobile Device
  37. 1 point
    I am a Leafs fan so I am not quite sure what you guys mean when you suggest cheering for a team to be in the playoffs...... That said I can honestly tell you that I hope as many Canadian teams make it to the playoff... it really is time for OUR CUP to come back home. So if necessary I will cheer for HABS, Senators, Flames, Oilers Or Vancouver if they are in contention. Just my Opinion Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  38. 1 point
    Our Habs got a big win in Florida last night, our backup goalie Tokarski won that game for us, I am worried we are so dependant on our goalies, we have to get more offence to succeed in the playoffs. Back home to the Bell Centre for this weeks next two Games against Carolina and San Jose. Mr Nice 2 I can cheer for Winnipeg to succeed to the playoffs, I find it very hard to cheer for Ottawa.
  39. 1 point
    Tickets to a show for my Daughter... I have been so blessed in my life by my children. Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk
  40. 1 point
    Going to Sens-Bruins game Thursday night. Either going to be very happy or very sad afterwards but that's the price you pay for the "big" game.
  41. 1 point
    ...post ads here every day on which I am available. :biggrin: I'm generally available Monday to Friday - 11:00am to 9:00pm. Saturdays with 24+ hours notice. Unavailable Sundays (unless otherwise specified). But you'll only see me post an ad here once or twice a week, or less. Feel free to contact me via e-mail anytime, even when I don't post! (Worst case scenario is that I'm busy and we can connect another time.) Pre-booked appointments are always preferred, but same-day appointments are welcome too! If you want a same-day encounter, please contact me before 5:00pm. I look forward to hearing from you! Visit my website for lots of photos and all the info you want & need to know! SweetEmilyJ.wordpress.com
  42. 1 point
    Have not seen any advertising about le Roi spa lately are the already closed
  43. 1 point
    Jobin and DB: I have been navigating these waters for about a year now and have to admit that I do gravitate to one woman in particular, although time and money in my case permit an endless supply of beautiful women if I so choose. Yet I still gravitate to this one... It can be scary to admit you genuinely feel a strong connection with someone. And you know you're in deep when you think of her every day and you think of her when you're with another MA. It almost feels like you are being unfaithful to her. Now I know some of you will want to slap me. Boundaries are being crossed. Playing with fire. All true, I suppose. But I resonate with the OP. I guess it's because I see these women as just that, women. If I like them, I like them and their present occupation is of no consideration for me. I make no distinction. So if I meet a woman I really like I would consider a deeper relationship if she feels it too. If she does not, I will keep it professional. I believe you know if it is more than just mutual infatuation. You just know. I expect the connection I speak of may be rare, but there are cases where a client and a lady have an actual romantic relationship. I expect this is way beyond what the OP is seeking: he probably just wants to get to know them better and I expect it may be as a result of years of healthy relationships with women where sharing things becomes normal. It can be difficult to turn that off and to become a fox in the henhouse. I believe the true you will emerge in the end. Some sensitive romantic guys may get attached, most guys will not, and the dirty ones will be just that... dirty. :icon_wink:
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    Your mileage may vary, as they say. To return to the original point of this thread... quite apart from the money issue, remember that when you pay to see Alotta Fagina, what you're getting is... what you want (or at least, what she thinks you want). It's not that what you see is fake or unreal, necessarily, but... Alotta won't spend the first half-hour with you unloading about the horrible morning she had, even if she did. She won't say she's tired and she'd rather not, even if that's the case. She won't bring you her problems, because that's not what you're there for. So, when you're thinking about what you feel about her, remember that behind the Alotta Fagina you think of so fondly, there's another person who you've never met. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't maintain cordial relations outside scheduled appointments... but it's better not to trespass upon her time more than she's happy with (and how much that is may vary enormously) and it's unwise to assume that it'll lead to anything more, even if that may happen very occasionally.
  46. 1 point
    Not from SS Marie but I do know Emily Rushton includes SS Marie on her tours. Next time she comes up, well give her a call. I contacted her once, and, well I think it's been six or seven unforgettable encounters total I've seen her since then, my next one, a weekend escape with her OMG I almost forgot another lady. Victoria Jolie. Saw her recently and would definitely see her again. She also tours to SS Marie. If she is scheduled to tour there contact her, she also provides a memorable encounter. RG
  47. 1 point
    The gifts I have received most often were wine, perfume, chocolate, lingerie and donations to animal charities. The donations to animal charities are my favorite and will proudly admit wanting more of. After all the more you give allows more animals to be helped and homed :)
  48. 1 point
    Some of the best things I love about my work (there are just so many) are the freedoms and the flexibility it allows me in my life...I can work when I wish, take time off when I wish, and choose the people, the gentlemen I wish to spend time with. I also love turning men on for a living; doesn't get better than that in my books!!
  49. 1 point
    Having to lie about what I do and where I am to members of my family and other people in my life and community, and the fact that the ones who DO know have to uphold that lie also :( I guess this goes back to judgements that are placed on other people, as that's the whole reason for the lies... Sigh.
  50. 1 point
    A few things for me...guys that don't come showered and sparkling clean. People that play games with us..example: booking and no showing. People that think we are all on drugs...AND last but not least ..dick pics...lol
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