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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/11 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Unfortunately there are still racist people out there. I for one have been told I am too "ethnic" or when I have had an add in the paper, upon asking if I am white and I reply no, have been hung up on or a hasty "ok thanks" click. I'm not knocking people who prefer Caucasian ladies, but they don't have to be rude to me. As far as it "being all in your head" being treated different as a minority, it's not.Unfortunately some people are still stuck in 1950 lol. The fact is, some people are still very close minded and still believe us beige/brown/red/yellow/black people are inferior to them.However, the best advice I got on this issue was from one of my professors in school a few years back. She said" You have to accept your skin is a different colour, and some people, no matter how nice, smart, funny or kind you are to them will never get past the fact you look different. You can't please everyone. So make yourself happy in knowing you're a wonderful person." That always stuck with me. I am mixed race, and I am from a place where it's VERY interracial. I judge people on how they treat me not the colour of their skin or circumstances.I don't care if you're plaid, as long as you're good to me I'll return the favour :) Even though I have had bad treatment in my life, i know that it is their issue because they close minded, and I am a beautiful person and it's their loss not mine. There's alot of wonderful people in this world who care for me and see my differences as an asset, not a reliability or a fault. So to answer your question, yes my views have changed since I entered this wonderful world, I never knew people could be so judgemental and cruel based on my skin and the way I look, but then on the other side of the coin I have never met so many wonderful people who are fascinated by our cultural differences and treat me like a rare exotic gem they are entranced by. It feels so good to be me!!!
  2. 3 points
    First, I'd like you to avoid paranoia and think calmly. :icon_wink: If you come to see me at a hotel, going to the desk and asking for Samantha Evans' room won't be of any use to you. Samantha Evans won't be registered there. But I will be, in my real name. (And, just in case you try to find out later, on your way out, if you ask at the desk who is staying in room #1105, they won't tell you. Ever. Unless you have a warrant, that is.) If you come to see me at a hotel, we will have arranged for you to call me from your cell phone or a pay phone nearby. I will give you my room number. You go to the elevator and up to my room. If, however, my hotel won't let anyone have access to the elevator without a key card, I will meet you in the lobby, the bar, or somewhere else. I only stay in five-star hotels. They're not necessarily better hotels in many ways, they're just more expensive and part of what I pay for is their manic dedication to preserving their patrons' privacy, whether it's just me, or Madonna. Unless you look like an entirely disreputable man, up to no good and possibly carrying dangerous goods, the hotel staff are not going to ask you any questions. Who you're there to see is none of their business. As a guest, I am entitled to my privacy, after all. Not quite the same level of privacy as at home, but almost. So, trust me, please. Try to remember that I am not your adversary. You and I are in this together. We each want things from the other and, what's more, I'm damn determined to make sure you have a wonderful time with me. Relax. Enjoy. Follow my instructions and all will be well. I promise.
  3. 3 points
    One thing that I really want to clarify, I don't believe in writing recos out of guilt because the lady asked you to, and if the reco was undeserved.. Not at all... However.. In the interest in keeping a the board current as well as keeping the lady's name in demand in order to keep her business fruitful then it is really something that should be a priority. My view is this, Cerb is a great resource for clients to find what they are looking for for. And its a great place for ladies to advertize and meet clients. And it is absolutely free to use this resource for the guys. So I think it is the VERY least they can do is (if deserved of course) write a reco if they were happy. I just read a post today that bugged me about a lady we represent.. The post wrote how he "selfishly kept her to himself". How retarded is that? How many ladies could and would survive in the industry if guys didnt pay it forward and let other ppl know? Its not selfish, its extremely short sighted. This board is such a safe place for ppl to express how they feel, it is completely anonymous.. So why not? Really? The other boards tend to have a much more toxic environment, and have a much lower level of activity and participation. But with CERB this isnt the case.. Share your experiences and EVERYONE benefits! :)
  4. 3 points
    This whole issue is very perplexing. If you have the time to respond to threads, why on earth could you not take 2 minutes to write a reco? Actually, I am surprised that we haven't seen an influx of reco's since this issue has come up. No matter how popular the lady, a reco is still very important for many reasons. We are all human and certainly vanity plays a roll. Who does not like to read about how great one is? It is almost hurtfull when you know you had a great time and yet nothing was mentioned, especially when you have seen that person more than once! Furthermore, eventhough not every person reads the recos, alot do, so yes, it is a strong advertising tool. Such a board could not exist without the participation of it's members. This participation should not be limited strictly to the "fun" threads. Reco's are what inspired this board and what will keep it fresh and useful so....get on the reco train!
  5. 2 points
    For me, this is an easy question. I would far prefer that the incall location be a private residence. My reasons are two-fold. A private residence to me seems to be more comfortable, more personal (and that is a huge part of the experience for me), and psychologically I suppose gives an enhanced comfort level. Even the upscale hotel rooms are still just hotel rooms, non-personal, sterile, and intimidating. As well, twice now in hotels I have turned the corner from the elevator into the hallway, walked down looking at the room numbers and find that the maid and her cart are directly opposite the door to which I am heading, and with the maid standing beside her cart. My head says, you can't walk by and then turn around, it will look suspicious. But if I stop and knock and the SP opens the door looking so dressed to kill, will that draw attention to her and potentially cause her issues with management? Right or wrong, in both instances I stopped, knocked and the door opened to me with the SP standing behind the door unseen, but I heard a welcoming, "Hi, come on in." Again with hotels, and upscale ones in particular, I have visions of security in the lobby, just looking for people who may not know where the elevators are. How about this scenario? "Excuse me sir, but where are you going?" Or. "Who are you seeing?" Now I am figuring that your SP names are not the names on your credit cards that you use to book and confirm your rooms. So how does," Oh I just have a meeting with Ms Orgasmic Bodylicious in room # 444," go over. Not well for me, and certainly not well for my friend who is trying to protect her anonymity behind closed doors. So perhaps due to my insecurities, or my still being a novice to a degree, give me a private residence, a driveway to park in, a sense of normalcy, and yes, for me, that adds to the GFE as I am beginning to understand it. For the SP's to invite men to their own homes requires a great degree of trust in the person that she is meeting, or an expense for a second location, and I do understand that those are huge and important issues for you. But know what, I will still visit you at your hotel if that's what works for you. I will just need a little extra TLC to recover my nerves after you open that door. :)
  6. 2 points
    ...i am pretty sure that this is a recommendation board and not a review board so negative comments about an MA/SP should fall into the "if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all" category. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_rules
  7. 2 points
    I fail to see why having an SP ask for a review is such a serious offense, especially when she gave such fantastic service. To me, it is similar to a colleague, whom you respect, asking for a job reference, or a contractor who did an excellent job for you asking if he could give your name as a reference. Would you then vow never to use that contractor's services again?
  8. 2 points
    I grew up in small town Ontario.. white as white can be... and when I moved to bigger and bigger cities started encountering other races and colors. I have never been brought up to be racist and I believe that shapes who you are as far as your beliefs are concerned. As an sp.. no different. I don't discriminate on color, size or shape. So long as you're respectful and courteous and your money is green (or brown, or blue, or purple. etc) you're welcome to book me.
  9. 1 point
    I used to go by Erin, but felt that it wasn't unique enough, nor did it represent my personality. So I changed it. There are many Erin's but there is only one Berlin!
  10. 1 point
    It's seems to be very easy to forget SP's have feelings and we are people too. If I've seen a gentleman several times, have done my usual above and beyond service to do everything I can to make our time unforgettable and our time spent together is amazing, I Hope for a review, but it's not necessary. BUT If I later see that I didn't get one, but another lady did, I wonder what it is I DID WRONG. It's Personal. Not towards the gentleman, but for myself. Sp's spend countless hours trying to imporve our abilities, and be the best we can be. Reviews give Sp's a chance to see specifics of what we did Right and how we can Improve our Buisness. That is all beneficial to clients in the future. As is finding an SP because you notice she has some nice reviews written. Reviews don't have to be long winded or revealing. But please, Don't Under Estimate the Power of a Review. If a SP is amazing and you truly care for her livelihood and well being, it's just as easy to write a quick review as it is to post on any other part of the board. Laziness should never be the case if you are an active member. As for asking for a review: if the two of you have a report, asking shouldn't be a big deal at all. Ladies should just be tactfull and aware of who they are asking. It isn't always appropriate, but it shouldn't be taboo either. Just my 2 cents.
  11. 1 point
    We need to spread the world around that all boobies are great...but itty bitties titties have something special:D they make everyone happy! ( at least they make me happy)
  12. 1 point
    What a fascinating discussion. I really wish to respond on a number of levels, and I hope that it is not too disjointed when I am finished. First and foremost for me is that I really DO like to or maybe need to see the little reminders here and on various threads, that this IS a business enterprise. I had no idea at all initially just what GFE meant, and perhaps to different people it still has different meanings or connotations. For me it has meant meeting not only with beautiful women, but with women with beautiful minds, thoughts, ideas, goals and attitudes. The meetings have all been incredible and I still have to ask myself the question of did they really enjoy my company as much as they seemed to, or were they merely doing their job? One hopes for one answer, but maybe I don't want to ask the question, because as a lawyer friend told me once, "Never ask a question in court that you don't already know the answer to." I am on CERB because I am looking for these sorts of things but without wanting to have any sort of permanent or semi-permanent relationship. The women have been so successful with what they do, that it would be very easy for me to wonder about asking them out, and THAT is even with me NOT wanting a relationship. Ladies, you are very good at what you do. So for me, and maybe there are more like me, those little business reminders are important. What a balancing act you do. I hope that this ties into the existing thread.
  13. 1 point
    Hotel or an appartment building. If I am going to and incall to a house or condo with direct enterance, makes me a litle uncomfortable.
  14. 1 point
    When I was a public servant, I spent the first hour of each day catching up on lolcats. I was very productive :b some of my faves:
  15. 1 point
    ^^ I kind see what you mean re: clutter. My best advice if the incall is personal space (or even just an incall apt apart from her residence), that the client is not looking at family photos, the dog dish, an assortment of shoes in the hallway, or anything of a personal non-decorative nature. My incall space is a separate area from living quarters, and is decorated with an interesting multicultural items that can on their own generate comments. Better that than having to discuss the number of syblings or the name of my cat (ok, I have not cat, but you know what I mean). Bathroom also is clutter free. Visitors have no need to see my hair products, makeup, toothbrush, or face creams. Nor do most men like clutter, or knocking stuff over on the bathroom counter, or in the shower. I think that is why many may prefer the anonymity of a hotel room as well.
  16. 1 point
    you have to book with a credit card and you can pay cash at then end.
  17. 1 point
    I'm sure most of the ladies on here have been asked on a date by a client. To be completely truthful, I hate when this happens. It puts me in a very awkward position where I say 'sure I can join you for dinner sometime, my social rate is...'. Never fun.
  18. 1 point
    Hummmm, MisterT has been practicing his dance moves lately... :butt: Perhaps he would be willing to give you a private show too!?! What do you say MisterT? ;)
  19. 1 point
    Some updates, since the thread's been bumped: - Paradise/Angel's Touch has come off the DNR list since the discussion above - R&E has, sadly, vanished - AFAIK Megan doesn't have a website right now, so head over to the announcements section to catch up with her I'm sure there are other corrections to be made...
  20. 1 point
    Well said Luxie, and you know what, you are right "it feels good to be me" and in fact it feels even better to laying beside you and feeling your body pressed against mine. ;) You are correct though, I think it is more on the other side of the coin. I have as well met many wonderful people, regardless of ethnic background.
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