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Everything posted by EmilyRushton

  1. I am honestly a die hard apple supporter, but I am not impressed with their customer service to say the least. My phone is dead, empty blank how ever you want to call it. When you walk into a store with a dud product that is their's and they tell you that you have to call and make an appointment to fix it, that is so wrong on so many levels. As well it is nice to know that after spending money with them your business really is nothing, and you would think after 2 laptops and a desktop and all the iphones that service would mean something? For once I cannot even bitch out rogers on the issue as it is not their problem.
  2. Well I am now officially on my 2nd Iphone4 due to the phone freezing and then going blank and not re-booting for hours. So nice how a $700 phone works so well. So to share my happiness with the matter please find a wonderful apple video: http://mobilesyrup.com/2010/10/29/video-%e2%80%9cbanned-white-iphone-4-promo%e2%80%9d/
  3. Ok, so after spending 20mins in line the New Victoria Secret at the Eaton center is amazing. I manages to get some freebies too, so the wait was worth it. Besides being very expensive it is wonderful. It still seems cheaper to order online, BUT now you can have all the goodies now. The selection is wonderful Ive bought some goddies for my next tour so you are in for a treat.
  4. May your birthday be a wonderful and fun day. Happy Birthday!!!!
  5. Good morning, Thank you for a delightful visit in Winnipeg. I am looking forward to one last trip before the end of the year. Stay warm and see you soon, xoxo Emily
  6. Good morning, I wanted to take a moment and say thanks for a great trip to Brandon, I enjoyed my first visit and am looking forward to visiting again soon. Thanks for letting me escape the snow in your city. To those I was unable to meet I look forward to the opportunity the next time I visit. Thanks so much, xoxo Emily
  7. Good morning, I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for a wonderful visit in Regina. I look forward to seeing you again soon. xoxo Emily
  8. Happy Birthday Birdboy. May you have an extra wonderful day.... Additional Comments: Happy Birthday Birdboy. May you have an extra wonderful day....
  9. Happy Birthday!!!! May you enjoy all that your special day brings....
  10. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone. May you spend your Thanksgiving with those you love....Great company, Great food and Great generosity to those less fortunate.
  11. Congrats in reaching a new Milestone.... Keep up the great posts....
  12. Good afternoon, (I knew I caught your attention) I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for a wonderful visit in Halifax. It was great to see old and new friends alike. Victoria and Amelia it was a pleasure to see you both and I look forward to another evening of laughter with you both in the near future. (hope you can join us next time Emma) I look forward to indulging with you all very soon, xoxo Emily
  13. The only local St. John's lady that I have seen advertise on here is Nicky (I have not met her, just seen her post) As well maybe keep your eye out for touring ladies that may be coming that way. Hopefully some of the local gentlemen can be more help than me.
  14. Congrats on achieving such great honor. Keep up the great posts....
  15. That is a great poem.... Posted via Mobile Device
  16. More and more ladies are requiring references in Canada and one day hopefully it will be the standard with everyone.
  17. Good morning, I wanted to take a moment and say a BIG thank you to the wonderful gentlemen and couples in St. John's. I had a wonderful visit and the sun shone too for almost my whole visit. It was great to be back to such a lovely place. It was great to see old friends and make a few new acquaintances as well. I also wanted to say that after seeing only part of the damage that Igor caused (as I did not venture too far out of the city) it is bad. I have made a donation to the Hurricane relief via Salvation army and I am encouraging others to do so as well. We all help other countries, but this help is needed in our own back yard. For those interested http://www.salvationarmy.ca/2010/09/21/hurricane-igor-hits-newfoundland/ I am looking forward to my next trip and to more adventures in Newfoundland.
  18. In the last week, I have been contacted by 6 gentlemen that I have not even met asking for hotel details among other things for other ladies. While I have no problems helping out anyone, I will not divulge details about anything to anyone that I have not met. As well this has been a bit much. If a lady has a question, she can email/pm me privately for details. If I decide that I am not willing to offer the information she is requesting, please do not contact me for her. I will give you the same answer that i have previously given her (I am unable to help). I am not trying to come across as a bitch or selfish. Discretion is of the utmost importance to me at all times. I have found places that work for me with trial and error. You have to be willing to contribute back and not just take from others. We all have to start somewhere, but using other people to get what you want and not giving back is not right. Everyone of us has something to contribute at some point. I could have posted this in the ladies only area, but I believe that the gentlemen need to see both sides of this as well.
  19. Amanda, as with most topics of discussion you are veering the subject off topic. The thread was about expenses and you are bringing up confidence, father figures and education. If you want to discuss this start a new thread and don't hijack someone else's.
  20. Congrats on the achievement Looking forward to many great posts to come....
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