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Everything posted by Andee

  1. My advice to you Suri is while you're going to school, you might want to work for an agency that will accommodate your schedule. You might want to follow Erin's recommendation for Ottawa Playgirls. I use the same drivers as them and can assure you, they would never insist you take a call where you don't feel comfortable. (Not being familiar with how all the other agencies operate, this is not to say any particular agency would push you to work, just that OPG would not). I believe you mentioned in another thread, something to the effect you didn't like all the secrecy, so I would not recommend dancing as you will really be putting yourself "out there" and unless you're thicked skin and able to put up with the "hustle" mentality that goes along with being a dancer, you will hate it even more than escorting, believe me. I think dancers end up putting up with more bullshit than we do, in the end. Because you are younger, you will ultimately put up with more bs than I would, being more mature, but at least you have the agency watching your back in the way of accountability, security and screening. With the escorting, it's best to be realistic about a reasonable availability schedule and having an agency do the bookings, arranging for the driving, will be less stress on you. Because OPG only does outcalls, you don't have to worry about risk of breaking the law doing in-calls. Then you may not "hate" it so much as you did when you first started. I got the impression that perhaps maybe you overdid it. I am sure because you are young and cute, you would be quite popular. But it's important not to burn yourself out. You will get jaded very quickly and it will leave a permanent bad taste (no pun intended) in your mouth about escorting. When I first escorted up in Grande Prairie Alberta, we were literally pushed to work, work, work. It was the early 90s, and the money up there was flowing like oil. Because escorts had to be licensed and be affiliated with an agency in order to work, if you didn't do what the agency owner said, you were fired. So, those working conditions were extremely stressful. I remember one time, after my 10th call in as many hours, I literally sat in the bathtub, numb and cried, asking myself, what the hell did I sign up for. The $2,000 I made that day didn't make up for it. Some girls would jump at the chance to be able to do 10 calls these days, but let me tell you, no one can keep up that pace for very long without resorting to some kind of "pick-me up" and that is a whole another subject I will not get into here. Now, I am content with up to three calls a day. But that's me, at 45. (I couldn't do even 5 calls in a day even if I tried, now). So, think about going agency again. There's lots of time in the future to be an independent if that's what you decide to do later. But for now, believe me, from SP to another, that would be your best bet.
  2. Most of the people advertising on CL clearly state no e-mails. I would imagine some of them don't even post their own ads or have easy access to a computer. They are just in it for the short term gain. As suggested, stick to the reputable sites such as Escorts-Canada and CERB. I do advertise on CL, but I also advertise here, and I do answer e-mails.
  3. I haven't really had too many requests for a specific outfit I don't already have, but I would be inclined to agree with Ariane. Recently a client requested knee high boots. I was fortunate in that Angela Aurora sent me a pair she had bought but rarely used, so I lucked out there. Thanks, doll.
  4. Me too! On the other hand, I hate the word "prick".
  5. What can I say, some women are bitches. When I first started in this business in Calgary, no one would tell me anything. The girls all acted like prissy little divas. I made quite few mistakes until this older gal took aside one day told me "how to work it". I can't remember her name for the life of me, but her she marketed herself as "Fit and Forty". When I came to Ottawa, Christine (Joyful Spirit) was open enough to have me to her home and take pictures of me for my ad. She introduced me to some of the other Sps in Ottawa at the time like Carrie Moon and Shannon. We used to call her the "den mother" because she started Lyla's List and was perhaps one of the first SPs to use the internet for advertising. I will always have her to thank. Although not a social as she used to be (self-admitted in another thread), she always there with a wise word. Like you, Emma, I am always willing offer input if I can. The worse thing though is when people don't listen to you and end up making mistakes that could jeopardize their safety. That's hard to watch which is why I choose my SP friends wisely. I know someone right now who is working out of a in-call location where I am scared she will be busted or hurt any day now. I have tried to reason with her, but her desire to make money overshadows her desire to be in a better location. I guess all we can do is put it out there and not be attached to the outcome. But surely, requests like where's a good hotel to stay at is hardly going to take business away from someone. That kind of mentality irks me.
  6. Some of us only require a lead time of one hour if we're available, so don't discount other independents who might be available with short notice. Calling an agency doesn't guarantee they'll get there any faster than the rest of us.
  7. And I would add...stick to CERB and stay away from CL...any reputable SPs who advertise there, are probably on on CERB anyways. The rest, you're taking a big chance.
  8. Well now that Pistol Pete has seen Kathy and given her a recommendation and attests to her pics being real, she is no longer worried. Thanks guys for all your input.
  9. I can see Annessa's point that if the girl is still attractive, okay. But still the agency should be informed. I am thinking most times the girl is not attractive or there is large disparity between descriptions. Such as it was in my case we're taking about an extreme difference between young, slim and petite and older and heavier.
  10. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I guess I just can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to post fake pictures. If you don't think someone will accept you the way you are, then what are you doing advertising yours services. Finally, I don't show my face for privacy reasons because I still occasionally do office work, but I think most gentlemen understand this. I agree with Annessa, if you don't "get it" after looking at a few pics, move on. Thank goodness for CERB.
  11. I received a phone call from someone asking me if the pics of my friend Malaysian Beauty Kathy on CERB were real. I assumed he called after seeing our duo announcement. The answer is yes. I have met Kathy in person and even saw the lingereie and room those pics were taken in, so I don't think I can be any more sure of that. When I asked him why he would ask such a question, he said he just wanted to make sure because there were a lot of fakes being posted on CL. To which I wanted to respond, but before I could, got hung up on: This is not CL. This is CERB. I am not going to risk my reputation in associating with, or working with someone posting fake pictures I think it is mildly racist to assume because one Asian agency posting fake pics on CL means all Asians post fake pics. I think the Cowboy's Diary shows most of the scammers on there are actually caucasians. I can't remember EVER being asked that questions, "are your pics real". Do you think someone posting fake pics would actually admit it to you? Finally, next time you want to ask someone a question, don't hang up abruptly when the person is in mid-sentence. You were chicken and called from a payphone.
  12. This has been going on for years in every city I have worked in. The MOD is right. If you guys stop falling for it, then maybe they'll actually smarten up and not do it. Back when I was more naive about the biz, I was sent by an agency to a gentleman who had asked for a "young, petite, slim girl". I was just a surprised as he was. I was 36 years old and weighed 160 pounds at the time. We both realized we had both been had, so he told to come in anyways. He paid me, but we just ended up talking. I quit the agency that night much to their displeasure, after calling them on it, to which they bare-faced lied to me. So sometimes you can't always blame the girl, but if she stays, she's risking perhaps getting turned away and I don't know why any girl would want to go along with that.
  13. You have to admit this posting was timely considering your newly arrived in Thunder Bay. Good luck.
  14. I don't think we have that option available here - about identifying whether it's a payphone - at least I have never heard of it. I went against my better judgment - oh, well, won't happen again.
  15. Thanks for posting this thread - I got a call out of it!
  16. Suri, PM me and I will tell you which ones (which aren't sleazy) which don't require a credit card. You do however, need a driver's license or some kind of photo ID and proof of address so they know who you are. Since they know me, I only have to put a key deposit, but as a first-timer, they may ask you to put down a $100 deposit or something. I know of at least two places in Ottawa that are fairly decent. I am asking you to pm me, because there are a few considerations you should bear in mind if you work out these places.:69:
  17. I tried those CK, most don't accept them because it's like a debit card. If you book online with a credit card, they want to see the "card' when you check in and then don't accept them cuz it's like a debit card. It happened to me twice, so perhaps I will try some of the other suggestions offered here, because as it is now, I have a friend covering me for my trip to Toronto. In Ottawa, I know of 2 places that don't require credit cards, but I think it depends on how you present yourself coming to the desk.
  18. Hey but money well spent. (I hope). If it's of any comfort, I have a client who told me I am the "cheapest" (as in inexpensive) girlfriend he ever had. What's the saying, "you pay an escort to leave".
  19. Let me know when you're back in town. We can round up some more girls for sure. Should this be a private thing or should we charge admission for guys to watch. Maybe we could fool around in between Antlerman getting read to spew his next load. The possibilities are endless here. More suggestions? Where is Estoerica when I need him? :bowdown:
  20. I was not trashing CL per se, as I post there myself. If I didn't, I wouldn't eat. All I was saying was if he's looking for that type of service, he should look there because there is a whole lot to choose from which you're not going to find here. That's all. I think the intention here was to "educate", not put down Sir Cumsalot.
  21. My mother always said you don't ask a lady her age. My dad didn't know how old she was until they got engaged. My grandmother never knew how old my mom was until she read her obit. Mom was 7 years older than dad but had beautiful complexion (until late she got ill in her 70s) and since he greyed prematurely, no one was the wiser. Fortunately I inherited the youth gene, so I do believe I look younger than my age. I also believe not being a smoker or baking in the sun has also helped. I commend Christine (Joyful Spirit) for posting her real age. She is one classy lady who gives me hope that even when I reach 50, I'll still be desirable.
  22. Geez..you think of everything. Time frame...hmmm...well that's why I wanted 7 at once. What can you handle. Are 3 pops pr hour unreasonable? Then what do we in between. Do you give foot rubs? As long as the first load is good, the others can be watered down. I will play with myself and we can throw on some pornos Touching..now you're getting pushy... Visual only..if it's a freebie - can't be disloyal to my other clients. So when and where? How much admission should we charge for voyeurs?
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