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Everything posted by Andee

  1. I am surprised by the number of men I meet in my personal life as opposed to work, in my age range (40 to 50) who were perhaps in one or two relationships in the last 20 years who have never wore a condom and find it strange that I insist, not only to keep myself safe but them as well considering what I do for a living. I hear stories about these men picking up women in bars or dating sites and never practicing safe sex. With all the education and information today about STDs and Aids, it makes me wonder why they think they are immune. As far as clients go, I also find I have more mature clients who prefer hand jobs or BBBJ to intercourse because they either don't like condoms or have never used them and don't want to. When I was a teenager, and in my early 20s, the only thing we had to worry about were STDs that could be treated with penicillian and then herpes came along and AIDS after that. It makes me shudder to think the numbers of middle-aged people who are putting themselves at risk unnecessarily. I find younger people are conscientious about using condoms. As as SP, I rarely have a younger client in their 20s ask for BBBJ. I believe it is older people who are taking the risks, not younger people (except for perhaps teenagers).
  2. Isn't September 10th long past? Or am I missing something here?
  3. Perhaps you should update your post to reflect the fact that you are looking for hobbyiests, not SPs, that you already have a girl lined up. If I had have known that, I would not have pm'ed you.
  4. Why do men with big ones think that's so special? You can't deep throat and sometimes it hurts....
  5. Mandalay: Raccoons have little "hands" with fingers, I swear!
  6. I recently saw what Chloe did for Ms. Dorinda (who sadly now has announced she moving stateside) and was blown away. Like Emma, I would recommend her.
  7. I am not in the habit of commenting on a client's member. Occasionally a client will ask me what I think of the shape or size. If I can't thing of anything complimentary to say, I just say something kind of vague or try to distract his attention. One guy who asked me, had 6.5 or 7 inches uncut didn't seem to believe me when I told him I thought his size was perfect as I don't like overly big ones because they hurt. It's true, some people have a hard time taking a compliment even if it is true. So we can't win!
  8. C: They'd be cringing at the fact you wrote "god" instead of "God" with a capital G. How about one of the signs that says "Never mind the dog, BEWARE of owner". Unfortunately I believe you are going to have to lock your gate.
  9. Don't want to hijack this thread about CL. It's true, you need to be wary of the ads on there. But I advertise there as well as here, so if you see a lady on CL that isn't on CERB, then perhaps take extra caution.
  10. Carrie Moon - they are nice and big and natural and she is a sweetheart as well.
  11. The culture is the same everywhere....Kingston, Toronto, Calgary, Ottawa...there are partyers everywhere....that's just a lame excuse. When something happens to her then maybe she'll wake up. And eventually something will. It's just when... Here are just a few things I have seen happen to girls with drunk/drugged up clients: The guy who's been up for days on a run and starts to get paranoid and thinks you've ripped him off and starts ripping through your handbag, convinced that you've taken his stash or extra money. The guy who's reaches over to light a pipe and ends up dropping a hot lighter or embers on a girls' skin or in her hair. The guy who is sweaty, hasn't showered for hours, can't get it up for the life of him, and still insists you keep sucking because he's trying to convince you and himself that he's not getting hard or cumming because you're not good enough. The guy who wants some of the money back because he's run out drugs and wants to order more and has no more cash, but promises to make it up to you by going to the ATM when you leave. Luckily I have always been a bit street-wise when it's come to this type of stuff, so I have been very lucky in avoiding it, but it only has to happen once to realize that the situation could have been worse. Once I went on a call with another SP who insisted on staying at a place because she wanted to party with him, and ended up with a end table being crushed over her head because the guy was positive she ripped him off. Most people are pretty harmless on drugs, but there is just that "one" that can be the difference between being abused, injured or maimed for life or even killed. When girls think that's okay, it's like saying, I'll willing to take my chances work under these hazardous conditions and hope I won't get hurt. Unfortunately we don't have WSIB to help us out if that happens.
  12. I have been doing in-calls for about 8 years now (both Ottawa and Toronto) and would be happy to share my experiences with you. There are pros and cons to working out of your home, but basically it depends on whether you have an apartment or house and what kind of area of town you're in, what kind of hours you keep and the types of visitors who entertain including those who have a habit of showing up unannounced. There are so many factors to consider. I can certainly tell you what and what not to do in order to keep yourself as safe and secure as possible as well.
  13. I have heard of this happening, but fortunately it has never happened to me. I worked with an SP when Nortel was big and the money was flowing in Ottawa and there were no shortage of calls if you wanted them. Not once, in the 2 years we were there did anyone ever ring the buzzer off hours. Considering the hundreds of men who went through there, I am kind of amazed my myself it never happened. So sorry to hear to you had to go through that. That really sucks. I had one guy (a friend of mine) show up once when I was entertaining and I reminded him that he needs to call first because I may be "busy". He was excited about showing me his new motorcycle, so I let that one pass. It kind of freaked the guy out who was here, but when I explained, he was okay. But, you're right, that is so inappropriate and downright scary.
  14. Christine: They are lucky your dogs are not cross. I'm sure there are a few that have been bitten before for pulling that kind of shit - entering someone's yard uninvited. It's not only rude, but also stupid. Like what if they did get bitten, would it be the dog's fault because they entered their space. Like you said, they don't really think! It's times like it would be useful to keep a nice bull around - ole!
  15. If I am working alone, I feel safer doing in-calls during the day. I tend to attract the "lunch bunch" or "afternoon drive" crowd so to speak, just regular guys trying to fit in an appointment over a lunch hour or on their way home from work. If I am working evenings, I prefer to work with another SP or have someone close by who knows what I'm up to. As I have said before, when I first started this biz, it was always out-calls, but in those days, people had land lines and you could confirm a name, address and telephone number by cross-referencing it in the phone book. With so many people having only cell phones, it is difficult to judge whether or not you are going to end up the victim of a prank or worse. I cannot afford to be on the hook to my driver for a call that doesn't work out, so I do very few out-calls even when requested, unless I can verify them. Hotels of course are the best, because a simple call back to the room verifies whether the guest is registered to that room. I have been very fortunate that I have never had a "violent" client so to speak. I always said some of the guys I went out with were worse to me than any client ever has been. I have had a few "bad" calls over the years, but I have to say, not too many in recent years. I don't know if it's because I'm older and/or do low volume, but I have to say, I get really nice guys coming to see me. Like Cat, I use my intuition. If my spidey senses even tingle a bit, I pass. Which is also why I do not accept blocked numbers and never give my address out until I know the person is in the neighbourhood.
  16. I remember years ago, my (now-ex) husband was tired of them ringing our bell every weekend, so one time he greeted them at the door with his shirt yanked up exposing his belly, with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and answered the door, with a "what the "F***k* do you want? We never saw them again.
  17. Mars Bound, if you read the replies the following thread, including some very valuable information from the MOD, you will see this and other issues pertaining to the law have been covered.. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=1642&highlight=escort+laws+plain+english The bottom line is: technically in-calls are illegal and out-calls are not. However, from my own personal experience and knowledge, if you are an SP working out of your own private residence and you do not attract attention to yourself by having high volume, or breaking other laws (such as municipal by-laws like noise, impeding traffic, criminal laws such as engaging in assault, drugs, etc.), you will probably be left alone. I have been told by some that in order to be busted, you need to be doing a certain amount of calls per day, that you have to do something sexually with an undercover cop, that the cop who sees you cannot be the one who busts you, that if you move locations, they have to start the investigation all over all again which is why some girls prefer to change locations (such as hotels) every few days. I have never been able to get straight answers as to any or all of this information is true. There are so many urban myths out there, like, if you touch a cop, then he can't arrest you, etc. I think if we offer in-calls, of course we are always taking a risk, but then so are the gentlemen who come to see us. When I first started, there was no such thing as (advertised) incalls. It was only outcalls. In some ways, I think it was better then, but in other ways not having to leave the house is kind of nice too, although my availability is limited based on my living situation. With so many SPs offering in-calls, if you don't, it's hard to make a living depending solely on out-calls.
  18. Dummpy...your last post was right on...it's hilarious actually, but you have it made. If people think you're so far away, you have little to fear from drop in guests (especially those pesky uninvited types) Best kept secret...sssh!
  19. Not ever having danced, but having frequented clubs since the early 80's, all I can say is I commend any woman who can strap on high platform shoes and strut her stuff in front of a roomful of men. And then to have to "hustle" to make tips, to me that is way to much work. All I can say is, I believe escorting and dancing are worlds apart in many ways. Even if I was younger and fitter, I think am more "built" for escorting. This is an interesting thread. Thanks for input from some of the ladies who are giving us first-hand insight of what it's like to actually work as a dancer.
  20. I know a client who went to see an SP and is pretty sure he got bitten by bed bugs at her place. Fortunately she's not around anymore, but that would be scary, bringing bed bugs home.
  21. It is kind of silly that there are people from Ottawa who have this fear of crossing the bridge, afraid they'll get lost, ticketed or fined for speeding. I suppose it you don't know an area, yes there is a chance you'll get lost. As for ticketing, of course if you're parked illegally or speeding, of course you risk getting ticketed, but all those things apply to Ottawa as well. My friend who was going to get the apartment does not speak one word of French, so she is looking on the Ottawa side. Thanks for the feedback. It was an interesting balance. I, for one am quite content in Orleans, which people used to complain was "so far away", which I laugh at, because I have timed it from the Nicholas ramp on the 417 to my house at 15 minutes. Thankfully that attitude is changing as the burbs continue to grow around Ottawa. As for having to deal with distance and traffic, try living in Toronto, in then we'll talk....
  22. The snake part of your story was funny. The part about her agency keeping her safe and sound....sorry, but how can they possibly do that when it comes to clients using drugs unless they are stationed right there in the room with her. You never know how someone is going to react under the influence of drugs. And drugs being illegal pose another risk. I would very concerned about this. Having been there and got the t-shirt, I know what I'm talking about.
  23. Never tested positive for an STDs. What does LE mean?
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