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Everything posted by Andee

  1. I didn't know you lived on the Quebec side, Peachy. Thanks for the feedback. It's like you said, you can't please everybody. I am currently in Orleans with an alternate location in Bayshore. Turns out when I'm in the west, clients from the east complain and vice-versa. I can't win! Thanks all.
  2. I stand corrected. You said dancing was safer not better than escorting. Point still is you opened up the debate by making that statement. Why haven't you asked the MOD to close this thread yet if it bothers you so much?
  3. Since escort laws come under the criminal code (federal), they are the same. But Quebec has always been more tolerant of the sex industry. When I was a kid, it was nothing to see nudie calendars hanging in people's kitchens in their camps (cottages). My anglo friends from Ontario would have been shocked. Perhaps it was the European influence, I don't know. Most swear words in French are artifacts of the church, not the body, so I believe that's why you see a lot of dancers and escorts coming out of Quebec. They don't see it a dirty and disgusting like the more conservative anglos did. That's my opinion anyways. Don't want to open up a huge debate about that, it was just my experience growing up in Quebec and seeing strip clubs and go go bars and my parents not being offended and trying to cover our eyes as we drove by these places. Couldn't believe when I moved to Toronto in the 70s, how conservative and dull it seemed to be compared to Montreal. So I would agree with Jason, that it's probably more tolerated there. Even with the street girls, girls who used to work Vanier moved over to Eddy Street because there's less hassle for them.
  4. I agree. This would not to actually live there, just have an in-call location to work out of. I am more inclined to stay on the Ottawa side, but was just considering that as an option because another SP who is not from this area was thinking of setting up shop here.
  5. I had a client who always wanted to be the "first" client of the day. Because I am low volume, that could be at 1:00 in the afternoon, so he always wanted the earliest time slot I could give him, just to make sure I suppose. Do you think he thought that maybe us girls lie about something like that?
  6. Whatever you get, make sure the price of a replacement cartridge isn't more than the printer is worth.
  7. I've always wondered about these guys who expect us women to swallow their cum, but the suggestion that they taste their own appalls them. Kudos to the guys on here who have admitted to trying it. I salute you!
  8. I think you opened up the debate by giving your opinion that you thought dancing was better than escorting, so really you are the one who took this thread in that direction. Just because you didn't like someone's so-called attacks on you, is no reason to now want to pull the plug and say, well if you don't agree with me, I'm taking my ball and going home. You can't have it both ways...that is stating your opinion and not expecting others to state theirs. The thread is what it is, so live with it. If you started, it, ask the MOD to close it for you so there are no further comments. If people want to continue the discussion, they will post a new thread, but as long as this one is open, be prepared for more comments. Oh, and by the way, as I said to you in PM, I do believe you did have Suri's best interests at heart.
  9. Cougar at 30? Hmmm...I thought you had to be 40...you mean I could have called myself that in my 30's....so whats this cut off at 50? Does that mean I'll have to stop cruising for boy toys....NOT!
  10. Smokers are the worst, tastes like nicotine. Native cigarettes make me want to heave, because you can smell it right away. I never commit to swallowing because if I don't like the smell or the taste on my tongue, it ain't going down my throat.
  11. A friend of mine's computer laptop got so hot, the bottom started to melt. I think it would have burst into flames, but she caught it in time. She uses a cooling pad faithfully now.
  12. The way I read it was that this topic was brought up by members of the group who were at the luncheon. Dummpy, help me out here. Did I read that right?
  13. Why thank you. Well, I do have to admit for being in my 40s, my breasts are still fairly perky, with nice pink nipples. I believe Christine once referred to them as "sweet sixteen titties" which I thought was quite the compliment coming from a woman who still looks hot at 52.
  14. I am going by what was posted, sorry, should have done my research. I stand corrected. But it's true, I have been seeing a lot of recommendations recently for spinners...maybe need to consider past recommendations as well.... Ariane, and Erin, I think you are both very sexy! And Erin, you're right, the thing I would want to change is, I wish my boobs were bigger!
  15. Could I ask a stupid question? What are these guys doing as members of a poly group if they have those feelings about the ladies? Doesn't make sense to me.
  16. It's simple. The guys who are writing most of the recommendations on here are ones who like spinners. Believe me, I am the furthest thing from a spinner, and I have seen gentlemen from CERB who told me they really don't care for writing recommendations. Instead, a few of them have made comments on my guestbook, which is fine with me. Until those hobbiests who prefer women who are not spinners, (e.g. with curves) start writing recommendations, it will appear that that's what most of the men on here like. Which is not true.
  17. Thanks Jason. Yes, I would imagine that being able to find the location easy is important. I think some people from Ottawa have this mental block about "over there" and have a hard time figuring out where certain streets are. I suppose familiarity with the Casino does help. Thanks for your input.
  18. SA, when you post something you are putting yourself out there to be challenged and perhaps even criticized. But unfortunately you are right, you just "don"t get it". Your image of being the good guy to all your dancer friends is admirable and that is probably why so many of them liked you, but where does that give authority to speak of behalf of what it's like to be a dancer or an escort. And this assumption that somehow we are not a safe because we have some guy in our bedroom alone. I am not saying it doesn't happen, but the horrors of which you speak occur actually far less than you might think. At least in my case. I don't know if it's because I'm picky or just lucky, but for the most part, I have courteous, and hygenically acceptable clients. Most are regular guys just looking to drop in, have a visit and be on their way without any hassle. They are coming into my space, trusting me that I am not going to phone their number back unsolicited, or have some guy hidden in the closet who's going to rip them off which can happen as well. I admire any woman who has the jam to be a dancer because even if I was younger and in shape I know I couldn't do it, that's for sure. I would rather see 2-4 clients in a day than have to be on the floor for several hours competing for the attention of all the men in the club.
  19. The attractive thing about Hull is that rents are cheaper. However, there are some people from Ottawa who never go over to the Quebec side and when and if they do consider it a complicated maze to get around. Being from Ottawa, how likely would you be to cross the bridge to visit an SP, even if her location was a short distance within Hull and easy to find? Thanks for your feedback.
  20. I have to say at my discretion, just because some guys don't know what a toothbrush is...
  21. When I was in Amsterdam, I couldn't help but stare as well, because I could not believe how beautiful some of the girls were. Model quality for sure.
  22. There are so many lovely ladies to choose from, so this is really hard. I agree about Annessa and Dorinda, beautiful pictures, well done. Worth every cent you ladies spent getting those done professionally. It's got me thinking now....
  23. I'm just taking a guess here, but another possibility might be something like this. I had an SP friend who would always ask the guy to let her know when he was cumming because she insisted on holding the condom at the base because she said a few times, after some guys came, they pulled out too quickly and the condom slipped off, thus spilling inside her. After that she was paranoid about it happening all the time. I'm not saying this was the case, but thinking back did she perhaps put her hand down there when she felt you coming. It's a lot harder to grasp if the guy is deep inside you. I know you were probably too shy to ask her why, but it would be have been interesting to know why.
  24. CK, you summed up for me what I was trying to say all along. I tend to get a little long-winded sometimes. SA, I am sure your posts were well meaning, but the point is, if we truly are looking out for Suri's best interests, then we will encourage her to read all the posts and decide for herself which is her best option. And I believe we have done that here. Suri, I hope you are not too confused or stressed by all of this. I am certain you will come to the right decision that is good for you. I am no means an "expert" on being an escort. Even after 15 years, I am still learning. Just when I think I have seen it all, or heard it all, I still encounter some unexpected surprises. But for the most part I would say, if you are going to do this business, make sure you have some kind of support in place, someone watching your back so-to-speak, because as much as it can be rewarding it can also be very lonely at times especially if you need to vent and feel there is no one to listen. That's why it is important to make contacts with other SPs, even if it's just one other girl or a trusted agency rep. Making money will not seem that great if you're miserable, lonely or scared. There are lots of people here on CERB, myself for example, who will support you in whatever choice you make. A simple phone call or pm can make all the difference between a good day and bad day. For example, early one morning the other day, I needed to vent and I was lucky to find Katedot in the chat room. I have chatted with her a bit in the past but we have never met, but she was kind enough to listen to me rant and it made all the difference. I am thankful that she was there and so open. So there are good people on here willing to listen and give advice. But remember, you have to do what feels right for you. Good luck to you. My final word on the subject.
  25. I have been reading the posts between you and CK and I need to say something. You are just viewing this from the "outside". I have friends who have worked as dancers and I can tell you it's not all roses. How about the girls who book on, and barely cover their expenses for the night because the club isn't busy or there are too many girls working. How about the girls who feel pressured to provide extra mileage because if they don't they won't make any money. How about the clients who grab and touch them in unwanted places. How about the girls who when dancing on a table, are grabbed unexpectedly and end up falling and injuring themselves, unable to work after. How about the damage done to girl's hips and back from constantly walking around in high platform stilletoes. How about the clubs that have dirty dressing rooms that amount to nothing but a woman's bathroom with hooks to hang your clothes. How about the girls who steal other girls clothes, do drugs and cause problems for other girls. That's the stuff you don't see. As for pushy guys in the bedroom trying to make us escorts do something we don't want to do. I cannot remember the last time I had someone like that. If an escort is confident, takes times to screen the clients before booking and is assertive and set boundaries, those kind of guys may try, but will ultimately will look elsewhere. And if you work for an agency that pushes you, then quit. In clubs it's different, because you are competing with other girls for the same customers and it's dog-eat-dog. It's hard to be an "honest" dancer, because it's all about the hustle. A friend of mine quit because she hated having to schmooze and she had clothes stolen and girls threatening her behind her back. Not all clubs are reputable and even though they may provide security inside the club, things happen outside sometimes that are unpleasant. I am not saying it is always like this all the time, but it is real and it does happen. I do not wish to sound hostile, but until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, don't assume you know what it's like to be either just because you have frequented clubs and hobbied. There is good and bad with everything, but to say dancing is "better" than escorting is, as you put it, YOUR opinion.
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