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Everything posted by Mikeyboy

  1. It was Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) in Terminator 2 that started my appreciation for stronger more muscular women. (Yes I'm dating myself lol) She was tough and damn she was hot!! It was a real departure from my previous ideas of beauty. Great interview. Thanks for sharing @conquistador
  2. It's already been said but cold calling ladies from ll without doing any research is a crap shoot at best. Stick with ladies that can be verified as being real. Sites like this one are useful for that. (If several of the established posters have had a good experience, then it's a pretty safe bet.) Also look for things like having a web sites, a social media presence, etc in addition to recommendations. That said, most of the established ladies will avoid text apps like the plague. Like you, they need to verify that you are real, and establish comfort in their own safety. It's give and take. That's why I like to see ladies with an established reputation. You can trust them with your details. Their reputation and business depends on it. They are professionals. I wouldn't worry too much about having given them your details in this case. My guess is they saw the text app and decided to mess with you for trying it. Better luck next time and welcome to Lyla.
  3. Enjoyable interview. I admire your perspectives on this subject and wish they were more common. Thank you
  4. What rules did they break? Irrelevant. Lyla is a privately owned site and can ban or allow whoever they choose to for whatever reason they decide. (Even if the reason is simply for being creepy.) Does the mentioned page have a right to exist? That's between them and Facebook. Do they have a right advertise directly to the clients here, even though they are going against everything that this site has ever stood for? No. No they do not. Not if the mods don't want them here. Plain and simple.
  5. @Mandyxxo Happy valentine's day to you beautiful lady!
  6. Happy Valentines @East Coast Kimmy! You are truly beautiful!
  7. @SarahAlexxx You are unbelievably sexy! It's been far too long.
  8. @MelanieRose you are a special person. I wish you all the best for Valentines day. (and every day!)
  9. As always @Phaedrus, I have enjoyed reading your perspectives on this complex issue. Very insightful.
  10. Welcome back Boomer! Glad to see you back here.
  11. Ever tried grocery shopping with a couple of toddlers without strapping them down in the cart seats? Good luck with that lol.
  12. Definitely glitching. I'm sure it's temporary.
  13. The Gentleman's Club was my first experience with the industry. (I think I'm dating myself). It wasn't as intimate of an encounter as seeing an independent sp by any means, but there is something to be said for the convenience of the "no appointments necessary" format lol. They closed down not long after that. Apparently they got raided and harassed by LE so often that it just wasn't worth it to continue. I believe the laws are such here that it would be very difficult for most agency models to exist. (At least that's my understanding.)
  14. Another amazing and insightful interview. Thank you both for doing this.
  15. Happy new year Cato and to all of my friends here at Lyla. Many happy returns.
  16. I've been in business many years as well, and I've been guilty of keeping people around far longer than I should have. Sometimes out of compassion, sometimes because it is simply the easiest option. I've learned something over the years though. You owe it to the people who are doing their job properly and putting in the effort to not let it continue. Nothing kills morale more quickly than watching a coworker coast through without any repercussions. (They are likely already resentful for having to carry the extra weight.) I hope this doesn't sound too cold, but the best thing you can do for the rest of your team is to let this person go. They need to know that their hard work is appreciated. You can try talking to this person first if it makes you feel better, but again, from my experience, the best you can hope for is a temporary effort before they fall back into old habits. I think you already know what needs to be done. It's the worst part of being an employer, but failing to do it when necessary can have larger repercussions than you realize.
  17. Very enlightening. Thank you @lydiahardwood for doing this interview, and thank you to SWAN for all of the important work that you do. While sex trafficking is a real problem, it is imperative that we not allow it to become an excuse to legislate morality. Thank you for shining a spotlight on the harm that it can do. Education is key. Well done. Keep it up.
  18. Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you @lydiahardwood for this thread! I have enjoyed reading the many wonderful comments, and have appreciated some much needed positivity over the past week. Best of the season to all of my friends here at Lyla.
  19. A special thank you to @Janebondage for the many insightful conversations through the years. I have learned much from you! I wish you an amazing Christmas and and an incredible new year. Cheers to you.
  20. Merry Christmas and all the best of the holidays to @East Coast Kimmy. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
  21. Best of the season to @Mandyxxo. Hope you have a Merry Christmas beautiful lady. 😉
  22. Thanks to @NotchJohnson whos tireless dedication to posting amazing photos in the various groups and threads, never ceases to brighten my day.
  23. FYI, There are a ton of "deposit scam" ads on LL. For some reason they often seem to pick Sydney as a location. Maybe it's a computer algorithm? I don't know. Be particularly careful there. They often also have the same ad running in other cities across the country. The goal is to engage you in texts and convince you to send an e-transfer for a deposit. Then they will ghost you. Basically don't send deposits unless you can verify they are legit first. (Web site, recommendations, social media presence, etc.). Also, there are many ways to search images. They easiest for me is to simply right click on the image (using Google Chrome) and click "search google for image". It will show you other places that photo is being used. Good luck @Sea-bug-guy! Mikey
  24. No. https://adultsearch.com/california/berkeley/female-escorts/2151931
  25. Shout out to @MelanieRose just for being you! 😉 Best of the season to you.
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