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Katherine of Halifax

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Everything posted by Katherine of Halifax

  1. Great answer harboursmoke!! Yes for heaven's sake gents don't be shy, everyone likes something different. I am very happy to receive personal instructions and I am not shy either. The conservation back and forth is very erotic and really ads to the fun. :-)
  2. Sophia I am a huge fan of natural healing. I am a Reiki Master and do Reconnective Healing. Both modalities are fabulous, they promote healing on the whole body, mental, physical and emotional. Sort of brings the entire body into balance and helps rid ourselfes of old data no longer revelant to the present day. I have had seen many people over the years and most have experienced relief. I have even had a few people bring their pets!! I feel any type of natrual healing is the way to go, there are no side effects and it can never hurt. I'd encourage everyone to give it a try.
  3. Lots of love to you Pete and take your time to heal. Come back to us when you are ready. Until the Love and Light to your situation and may the universe envelop you with her love.
  4. I am still offering the same great massage from my immaculate home. You will receive much more than a rub and tug from me. I have a one year diplima in massage and you have a full menu to choose from! :icon_wink:
  5. Do not eat anything that causes excessive gas to pass, is messy or will make you smell bad. Easy! :smile:
  6. Such a pretty face , you are stunning!!
  7. I have competed in bodybuilding over the years. In the early days my parents, especially my father did not accept this part of my life. They argued with me and gave me every reason in the book why I should not be involved. In spite of their objections my family came to Halifax from Cape Breton to see me compete for the first time. My father did not come to the actual show but watched it on television. I won that show. When I came back home my father was waiting for me with a dozen roses and said to me, "I am proud of you". He was always a man faster to critize than compliment and when I considered his dislike for my sport it was the ultimate complimate of my life. It was a long time ago but I remember it as it was yesterday.
  8. If she has abused the rules here on CERB why should she be able to recieve recco's for a profile that does not exist anymore? On CERB she is a lady of the past, I for one don't understande why recco's are still going up on a menber that as proven herself unworthy of the rules and ethics on this board. After all she has been banned, I am very sure if I were banned I would just go away but perhaps that is just me, everyone is different and blessings to everyone. :-) We all make our beds and more or less lie in them. I guess its just me , but if I were banned i would feel very sheepish to even still on the boards. The beauty of the worls shines through, lets all have fun and love each other, Great weekend to all of you. Cath' xoxo
  9. I am requesting a little help and understaning why a permantly banned member (Rebecca Love ) is still able to recieve Recco's on a board she has been banned on. Seems to me that this is a conflict here and I am not comfortable with it. I'd appreciate any comments and feeback. Thanks Cathy Hfxdom
  10. My bought and paid for breasts are by far the best purchase I have made in my life. I can't believe I will ever buy anything in the future I like better. I have a toned and muscular body and now my breasts stand at attention like the rest of me. :icon_smile: Its a great world, every person likes something different and we can all choose to keep our breasts natural and this is just lovely if that is your preferance. For those of us that want to trade in what we have power to us, I'm thankful to be able to choose.
  11. I agree with Shelly, all one liners or anything rude is deleted and fast. I used to write back and explain my idea of proper manners but then realized if I have to explain common sense I don't want to see the person anyway.
  12. I like to travel but not so much in the summer. I plan to sit in my back yard, enjoy all my flowers and pray that they grow. Summer is a time for me to receive family and friends, I like to light a fire and put a dent in my supply of beautiful red wines.
  13. Rebecca Love has been suspended from CERB for breaking rules.....
  14. 12-24 hours is my general rule. As a hobbiest if I had to wait longer I might feel a lady is disorganized or uncaring towards her clients if he has to wait longer. If someone is interested and wants information it would seem rude to keep him wondering for two or three days.
  15. Best friends that make promises to visit and and don't follow through. These fair weather friends seem sincere but never seem "available to follow up on an any plans made. I have made many adjustments in my schedule to accodomite my BF's schedule only to find out she is busy or unavailable. Lets try and take care of our friends and not let boyfriends or other partners let us lose sight of out important oblication to each other. Additional Comments: Oops misplaced comments , forgivness please.:icon_smile:
  16. Check ladies profies or very politly PM them with your questions and requests . Good luck
  17. I am expecting Miss Starr next week to be entertaining with me so don't miss out, we are a totally interactive duo not to be missed. Don't wory guys we won't forget you in our excitement!!!! Cathy & Angel Starr xoxo
  18. We shall see soon. You have not experienced the "Cathy experience in full ". Hopefully we will not get in any serious trouble. I for one have full plans to push the envelope to the absolute maximum. Yes I said the maximum, I do not believe in half hearted fun. :icon_smile: :icon_smile: :icon_smile: Game on my sweetie!! xoxo
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