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Katherine of Halifax

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Everything posted by Katherine of Halifax

  1. First guy without a question, hopefully he would dance for me!!
  2. I have accepted my donation once this year by personal cheque. Granted this might not be for everyone, but I have a very solid and trusting relationship with this gentleman so of course it was not a problem.
  3. The biggest lie tod me, yes I am booking special time with you and then not bother to show up for out date or give a weak and totally unbeliavable excuse for standing me up. So really, not classy and do I believe you, absolutly not. ! Your lies are very transparent.
  4. Castle life is short and it nice to always get what you want. This is one of the geat things about Cerb, there is someone to suit whatever it is you want and love. So lets just find the partners that complimet us and then when we find each other , I say love each other like it 1999. :lovers: Sounds great to me . Cathy love to all, xoxo
  5. COF or any part of my body to totaly turn me on. I find some gentlemen are shy about this but for this girl bring in on, I love it. :icon_wink:
  6. I looooove getting dressed up and I happily take clothing requests. The sexier the dress the happier I am and if I am happy my guest is going to be even happier. It's going to be a hot time!! What ever you like to see I probably have it . :icon_wink:
  7. Pete this or that. I will know who you are and I will love you just the way you are. I bet I am not the only lady on this board that thinks the same way. :lovers:
  8. Perhaps the laws are different in Ontario but I don't know one RMT in NS that would ever put thier carreer on the line to indulge anyone in a happy ending. I have a few RMT friends here in Halifax and they would show a client the door pretty quicky if such a suggestions was make. Then again we are talking about indivudals here and everyone is different. Perhaps such a find exists but as previously mentioned its not a good idea for the thearpists name to be sent around.
  9. A glass of well aged red wine, is there anything else.... ?
  10. As a kid I was a witch in my mind and I though that was the only sensible way of doing things. I have happily followed this path all my life and its been very rewarding. So along with being a SP I am a practicing witch and I truly love what I am doing. Would I change anything? No not one thing. Most of my regular visitors know this big part of me, some are amused, some not. I do however see guests that would like a little prayer or spell cast, I am always thrilled to do my best to help. I feel my life is perfect work wise, I am happy, whole and complete.
  11. I have had the same morbid thoughts as mrnice. Many times it has occurred to me that perhaps a really good client could pass away or leave the city for some unexpected reason and I would always wonder what happened. Its highly unlikly anyone's wife will let me know what happened. I have discuseed this with many of my clients, luckily for me I know most people's last name so if the worst were to happen I would be able to find out what happened. I would feel a terrible loss if a person fell away form the scene and I didn't know they were ok. Yes this starts as buisness and many times stays that way, but I believe and know in my own life personal connections are made and I would not want it any other way.
  12. The thing that I do that makes me feel the very best in the world is volunteer at a local Single Parents Center. I give two Reiki treatmets a week and I am always the one walking away with a lesson or something valuable from each person. Most of the ladies that use the center have few resourses and would most likey not receive the benifits of Reiki. Some come with no expectation, they just know there is a program there and they can use it . Many times they are expecting something totally different than what I am offering and its often a challenge just to explain what I am doing there with them. I have seen the benitits we have achieved with clients over months and years and its very special to me to be involved in another persons evolution even in a very small way.
  13. In response to the many queries for massage in Halifax I would like to remind all my clinets that I still offer quality and professional massages in my immaculate home. I have studied massage and have a diploma so you will receive the benifits of my education plus as much or as little erotic play as you please. My massages are all about you gentlemen, you set the pace and decide, whatever your fancy you will leave my skilled and taleneted hands happy in every way!
  14. Congratulations on 500 posts my darling. I hope to see many more from you!! Lots of love ,:lovers: Cathy xoxo
  15. I am available Monday to Friday anytime after 8 am and see my last guest around 4pm . Of course with prior arrangements I can see people outside these hours but daytime works best here. For the most fun visit me by day, by night I need my beauty sleep! :icon_smile:
  16. I don't know how to ad comments either. :icon_redface:
  17. Personally as a mature SP I believe my age has helped me for every age bracket client. 1- younger gents in thier 20's love the cougar experience. 2- clients in their 30's and 40's like a lady slightly older or younger. 3- clients in thier 50's, 60's and beyond think I am a babe so it's win, win for me. :icon_smile: No need at all to lie about my age. If anyone asks I tell the truth, as previously stated there is nothing worse than someone having an expectation only to be met at the door and be disappointed. Not a great way to start a date!
  18. One thing that I always find amazing is when I make a purchace in a store, especially the grocery store. I greet the cashier with a smile and hello and most times he or she totally ignores me. When it's time for me to pay no words are spoken, I can see my total, then I pay in cash or pass my credit card. The entire transaction is completed without one word. Once in awhile I will say loudly, " thank you very much or have a nice day". Still nothing. What is going on and how automated is society these days? I love the pleasantries of life and it always makes my day when I meet someone walking and they greet me with a hello and a smile. Sadly these momemts are getting less and less. :icon_sad:
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