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Everything posted by Ice4fun

  1. From my perspective the types of Massage that are discussed on this site are relaxation massage and not therapeutic so are not eligible for insurance coverage so I would never risk claiming it under a workplace insurance as it is fraud and could comeback to affect your employment. Just my Opinion
  2. MsManda is 5' 6" ask her not to wear heels Lexy Grace is 5' 2" Savannahsol is 5' 5" Miss Justice is 5' 2" Geeky Girl who 5' 1" Good luck
  3. French fries and a hot dog an the hockey game last night.
  4. It's not a new movie but I enjoyed it COLOMBIANA Released in 2011 and stars Zoe Saldana Summary In 1992 Bogota, a little girl (Amandla Stenberg) watches crime lord Don Luis (Beto Benites) and his henchman Marco (Jordi Mollà) murder her parents. Fifteen years later, the now-grown Cataleya (Zoe Saldana), who is named for a Colombian orchid, works as a contract killer for her Chicago-based uncle (Cliff Curtis). Leaving a lipstick drawing of her namesake on every victim, Cataleya carries out her assignments with cold, frightening efficiency and dreams of avenging her family. https://youtu.be/Z3fH9_PnKKs Just my Opinion
  5. In order for a massage to be claimed it would have to be a therapeutic massage from a registered massage therapist (RMT). If the SP you see is a RMT I would assume she would not want to issue receipts for anything that was not a Therapeutic treatment or she would lose her license. If your SP is not an RMT it would not be able to be claimed on insurance. Just my Opinion
  6. I would tend to agree that this type of situation presents all kinds of potential risks for conflict / embarrassment so there are a number of things you need to consider: 1. If the lady is not showing her face in ads it might mean that she is not public about her business so you run the risk of making her feel that you might tell other people she knows and cause her considerable grief. 2. Are you comfortable with the possibility of your activity in the community being known by your friends and family. 3. I had a great conversation with a lady I Use to see fairly often about the risk of opening the door and seeing someone she knew. She said she would hope that does not happen but beyond the awkwardness of the situation she would assume that the client would want confidentiality as much as her. Even if this is the case and you think there is no risk it is very likely to be an awkward session so would you regret it after the fact ( I am not referring to just the ladies performance but also your own. 4. As was said before most ladies in this business want a hard line between business and personal and one of the reasons for that is that in their work they take on a persona associated with their work that can be very different then their real life. If the lady you are meeting is in this type of situation it will be difficult for her to be someone other then the person you know as a friend. All that said if you are still interested in seeing her I would recommend a very direct approach .. Contact her and tell her that you are interested in seeing her but you think you might know her in her private life and then discuss how you both feel about that. You will need to be careful with how you approach this as you don't want it to seem creepy to her. - would suggest that until she asks or you agree to meet don't share your name... that way there never will be a definite answer to the knowing each other question. After the conversation respect her wishes and don't give her grief and be sure to not say anything even in a joking manner that would suggest you might out her... no one in this situation needs that impact in their life. Good luck with your decision either way. Just my Opinion
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