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Everything posted by Gentleman11

  1. Great thread idea, here's a few more for consideration On average, it takes two tablespoons of blood to get a man's penis erect According to Archives of General Medicine, coffee drinkers have sex more frequently and enjoy it more than non-coffee drinkers. According to the Hite Report, candles are the artificial device used more frequently by women when masturbating. In the 17th century, Spain boasted that it was free of sexual deviance. When referring to bestiality, Spanish nicknamed it "the Italian vice." Erect giraffe penises are four feet long. Average sexual intercourse between minks lasts eight hours. Kellogg's Corn Flakes were invented by a Dr. Kellogg in hopes that they would reduce masturbation
  2. If I had access to the material you have here OD, I would not get any work done whatsoever, you & NJ are overtaking the importance of Tims in my day - THANKS!!!!
  3. I had the best of all worlds, watched the game during high school class (ergo no class work) and made out with my GF during the first intermission back in the woods - talk about the ultimate teenagers day....that was it!
  4. As a realitive newbie I somehow don't feel qualified to comment and so will only offer my thanks for such a well written piece so warmly and articulately expressed. Thank you. G11
  5. Thank you once again NJ and Cato, you continue to make my day. I just get up from the computer, hop on my pogo stick, ride it to work until its flaccid. Then its time to look at boobies and bums! - rough life. You both should be nominated for some kind of green energy award........... G11
  6. Congrats "Poetry in Motion", you're in my thoughts, thanks for all your contributions!
  7. A few thoughts... As a seasoned (read older), but practical guy who has seen a lot of most social/business occasions in the course of a career; the initial investment in a "recently promoted" life style can seem kind of expensive and perhaps onerous. A few cost effective thoughts come to mind: 1. Top quality, double breasted, navy blue sport coat (i.e. Burberry / Hugo Boss, DON'T cheap out here). You can't go wrong. The look is timeless. 2. A few (2-3) light and dark coulored grey slacks (winter weight & summer weight) slacks with a high quality, thin, black (or reversible brown) leather belt 3. HIGH quality silk ties ($50 - $175) don't cheap out & learn the difference between a single and double windsor knot) . 4. Don't economize on the shirts, top quality Egytian cotton is the way to go - yes there is an upfront investment here but it will pay off big time. 5. Knee high socks that don't slide down.... 6. At least 2 pairs of nice leather shoes (never wear the same pair every day, the leather needs time to dry out) Having a high quality, yet flexible and simple wardrobe can be an asset unless your industry links itself to the latest and greatest fashions - in that case disregard everything here in this post and go grab a drink.... Take pride in yourself. Musings from a guy who loves business, life and loving (OK, Best bums, Boobies, Fripples are my next stop). G11
  8. We all have changes in life, some planned, some not. Change is important - some embrace it, some fear it and some are along for the ride. Personally, I have a hell of a lot of fun in life but don't look forward to big changes. I begrudgingly aceept and respect change, and by & large jump in with both feet at some point in time, i.e. dumped the VHS and DVD player and bought the 3D Blue Ray (kept the VHS though for investment purposes - lol). Emotionally speaking though, I'm both mature and otherwise at times (OK "otherwise" a lot of times) and have had a number of life changing turning points - some positive, some otherwise. My top 3 turning points over the past 10 years have been 1) Gut wrenching, yet friendly divorce 2) Quitting smoking (relative term - a smoker is just "between" smokes, no matter the time period and, 3) going from life long employment to self employment. Am curious though from amongst fellow CERBites, anyone else care to share their top three 10 year change turning points"? Most importantly though, what are you most proud of? For me its how my "offspring" have turned out.
  9. I'll say it again in other words, turly amazing - lucky Winnipeg. thx for sharing!
  10. Now you've got me thinking of words in TV shows I'll never think of the same - Leave it to Beaver - Big Bang Throry - Different Strokes - Just for Laughs Gags (a favorite) - TJ Hooker and my all time favorite "Monday Night Football"
  11. Angel, I just wanted to ad my voice to the many firends you have here on CERB. You've obvoiusly made a huge imprint in our lives collectively and hopefully we can individually make a small one in yours. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to hear how you're making out down the road. G11
  12. I just love that muscle tone, it gives meaning to the word "definition"
  13. Angel will be missed very much and I hope (if she is reading this) that her time away fulfills her needs. Take care Angel.
  14. Thanks for sharing so much Q, am looking forward to the next 1000!
  15. Guessing by your avator I would have to say true, but only if you both are still living....
  16. As much as I've found this thread interesting so far, it is not worth a second glass of Shiraz. Can we lighten up here a bit? At the end of the day there is plenty of shallowness and DEPTH to go around on both sides. Hey, this is a fun site right, that doesn't preclude informed opionons and passion, but let's keep it in proportion a bit more. Musings from a simple guy.... G11
  17. The condition "No Restrictions" on CERB troubles me somewhat. I come here for a variety of reasons, meeting the ladies, comeraderie, friendship, humour, SAFETY, etc. The "no restrictions" handle (perception based) troubles me - call me old fashioned, overly SAFETY conscious, naive or whatever. I will pass given that "No Restrictions" handle, OK, I'm a prude, guilty!. G11 Musings from a conservative guy.
  18. Congrats and a heartfealt thanks Q for all our contribitions!
  19. I'm definitely a right handed person. writes right, shoots right, bats right, and pleasures himself and her right-handed. However, between-the-sheets, when one finds oneself on the wrong side of the bed when the moment is right to bring the occasion to a higher and more sensitive level with a partner, I have found over time that my left handed loving with a partner needs a LOT of work. Flying solo is entirely a right handed experience on the other hand. I'm curious to hear if there are many ambidextrous solo and/or partner hobbyists out there. Any thoughts as to how one becomes a truly ambidextrous lover (yes experience is noted) or experiences to be share i.e. broken wrist and how you make do? Please note the gentle tongue-in-cheek humour here..... G11
  20. Just wanted to add a to note to all that I really wanted to share this with everyone. I couldn't post it myself due to limited IT skills (no cut n paste differing CERB threads) and asked Nathalie if she could help out. I thought it was so classic, iconic and was what CERB is all about, especially when we can share from within. Thank you Nathalie for making this happen. One of the nicest things about this is that I met Nathalie at the last CERB social in Ottawa and she is even more lovely and engaging in person. Note to all - no promotion BS, just real stuff. G11
  21. Just another well-intentioned, time wasting, advertising oriented profit generator in my humble view. Having said that, I'm in a tech oriented business.... G11
  22. Thanks for the thread idea, lots of great posts, thx!!!
  23. Thanks for the insight Pete. The duo plan has been on my wish list for a while now but is due to move forward. Posts and responses on this thread are helpful.
  24. Really enjoy your participation, keep them coming, congrats Lexy
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