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Everything posted by Gentleman11

  1. Given the low scores here, I'm slightly embarassed to say 22. Great fun test!
  2. My lesbian daughter in law tongue in cheekly refers to the "Reflections" name as "Rejections"...
  3. I haven't been on the site very often over these past few months but did want to say how great it is to hear you're back home and "cherishing every day". All the best to you OD!
  4. Just to back up a previous post here, Katherine is a mature class act and definitely meets your critereon!
  5. Such a cerebral crowd in this thread, I'm impressed! However all I 'm capable of offering is basic lockerroomism theory where "the angle of the dangle is inversely proportional to the heat of the meat"......
  6. Am dreaming...... Thanks to all for this thread, this opportunity, this moment-in-time, think I'm going to cry - well maybe not - emote selectively as some guys do (me). Can't wait! G11
  7. Am incredibly surprised the New York Times' No. One Best Seller trilogy of "50 Shades of Grey" is not up here yet. It has incredible sexual horse power and so much more. Any comments or reviews from Cerbites so far....
  8. Can't believe it, am running out of appendages to count the number of attendees - 20 so far, after 10 fingers 10 toes and a short johnson, how am I going to be able to count..... How about an uposide down Canada flag on a lapel to quietly identify folks???? - readily available everywhere Can't wait to smile and greet G11
  9. While I've had petty differences with Mod before as I've learned the nuances of this incredibe site, I only wish my company's server and notification processes and procedures were as efficient as CERB's.... Thank you for the efficiency. G11
  10. Hope you had a funtastic day and am looking forward to seeing you again in the lovely city of Halifax at our get-together. Best, G11
  11. I feel badly for Jade-S and am glad she shared her experience with us here. Over my half century plus I've come to understand many things about people and continue to learn more and more each day as do most of us. Over time I have tended to avoid those who never let a few facts get in the way of a good story because they are most usully the ones who never form an informed opinion when they can simply jump to conclusions. Thanks for sharing all.
  12. There a saying out there something to the effect "when a door gets shut behind a window often opens" for a new opportunity. I look forward to meeting one and all and am only a PM away as well if a lending hand is needed.
  13. Am liking the direction this thread has been taking of late since the cancellation and subsequent "poignant feedback" - a direction that shows maturity and sense of shared purpose. I too signed on early to the social and want to see something happen for all the good reasons that have been so clearly shared of late. I'm glad to hear that something may likely happen and would like to help out Taloon, you have done good work and I want to thank you publicly as well and look forward to sharing a drink and laugh or two. Please feel free to keep my ticket fee for your expenses to date and ,if they have been met, donate it to a women's shelter which was so wisely suggest earlier in the thread. I love it when common sense prevails and am glad to be part of it - pats on the back all way round. Musings from a guy who really enjoys the folks here
  14. There must be some sort of humanitarian award we can help put you up for for all the great, unselfish work you do here Notch - am thinking Order of Canada, Doctor of something or other or Boob / Bod officiado of the year.... Well done, love your threads & posts!!!
  15. My all time underrated favorite is "Being There" with Peter Sellers & Shirley MacLaine. The subtle sex scenes and hilarious out takes at the end make this a must for anyone with a slightly twisted sense of humour....
  16. I just want to echo Dr Love's comments. I had a blast at one of the socials in Ottawa. A lot of fun was had, great people and a class act.
  17. Emily offered her honour I hounoured her offer, for one lovely day, I was honour and offer....
  18. Well done Penelope! It seems like only yesterday you were speaking to us for the very first time. Your posts are always interesting, informative and well written!
  19. My best one was not an April Fools situation but one that has potential for CERB members. My brother and I have pranked back and forth over the years and he did a moderately good one on me and needed major payback (after all, I'm the elder....). Just after Christmas I placed a 2 week ad in the local paper in the classified ads section, something to the effect: WANTED TO BUY - USED CHRISTMAS TREES FOR UNIVERSITY BOTANICAL RESEARCH PROJECT, $20 CASH, WILL PICK UP, PH (BROTHERS PHONE NO.) ANYTIME His phone rang and rang and rang. Suffice it to say I got even and then some...... Mind you he ramped up the game and we still play it to this day, ground rules are "no harm"
  20. Samantha's response is sage, timely and appropriate - so appropriate in fact that I think she should be considered for appointment to the Senate! Heaven only knows that appropriate, well qualified, non political appointee candidates are in short supply...... Thank you Samantha G11
  21. Gotta love this site! I'm still laughing over finding out that March 14th was national "steak and blow job day"....
  22. And it makes us average guys look bigger after the manscaping, not too mention the lessening of the zipper snag malfunctions that have caused no end of painful situations.....
  23. A few thoughts from a simple guy.... 1. Photos with smiles! 2. Classy over crassy 3. Less is more (photos and script) 4. Well written versus colloquial 5. Background in photos speaks volumes 6. Spelling and punctuation are not lost or dark arts 7. Sincerity 8. When in doubt, repeat number 1, 4 & 7. Musings from a guy who loves this site the folks who make it so worthwhile.
  24. A well-funded philanthropist guided by the sage input of the members of CERB.....
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