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Everything posted by Gentleman11

  1. The palm sisters don't count in this thread so will have to say false (lol) I once landed a helicopter on top of a real ice berg
  2. OMG, I'm speachless. I don't want to play "poke her" with either of you two!!
  3. This thread is getting is moving to the morose side in my humble view. Can we reset the button here and go back to the positive side for a bit. After all its the reason why many of us took the leap here... Musings from a guy who loves this site for all kinds of reasons. G11
  4. Congrats Dorinda!, hope your rescheduled trip to Halifax comes soon.
  5. You know the imperial measurement system better than the metric system. You remember milk trucks, what stacks of "girlie" magazines look like and laugh your ass off at Gary Larson's Far Side.
  6. Although we have not yet met Soleil, I too want to say that you're in my thoughts. Remember the sage words referring to when doors are closed behind you windows are opened in front of you, and that good things happen to good people. Take care, G11
  7. During my extended career which has involved a lot of international and domestic travel over the years, I have found that tip recipients always prefer cash. For that reason I will pay the bill with a credit card and the tip in cash. One might say well how do I expense it when entertaining on an expense account. The answer is there are many ways of compensating yourself on an expense account. Some companies will accept cash tips as a line item (bell hops, maitre d's, caddies), most accept parking meters, and then if you have a real tight ass Controller / CFO there is always taxi fares. The key is just be fair to both yourself and your employer. The waiters and waitresses (primarily Canadian) I've talked to really appreciate cash tips for not only the obvious cash, but also the fact that it muddies the CCRA waters when calculating the overall amount of tipping in the economy. If your tip is being paid out of your own pocket then there is no issue. The next subthread on this might be calculating the tip, before tax or after tax? (not trying to hijack the thread here), more rhetorical remark than anything else. Good thread by the way! Tips, tips, tips .....that reminds me, off to the Fripples thread! G11
  8. This thread should be the cause of a new word added to the English language - "FRIPPLELICIOUS". Thx NJ, you should be getting an Emmy Award at tonight's show, Oscar Nomination, cannonization towards Sainthood or something like that.
  9. There is a great contributor on this site that has a sign off defining "nymphomaniac" as being a woman who thinks about sex about as much as the average guy. Please identify yourself and thank the credit, thanks. G11
  10. Musings from a guy having way too much fun, I've only been hobbying for about for about 7 months now after becoming single again and have been a bit overwhelmed if you will, by the incredible erotic experiences, fun, conversation, humour and warmth to date here on the site. My naive initial game plan joining CERB "was" to listen, learn and then to have different experiences and then to focus on the ones that worked best, after all, am not getting any younger and want to put off using the "little blue pill" as long as possible (lol). The dilemma is that there are so many "fantabulous" ladies and other fine characters on this site that I feel a bit like a the kid in a candy store that doesn't know which way to turn. With all of your collective guidance I'm sure that the path will unfold naturally.... Thank you ladies, other fellow CERBites that I've met and those I've yet to have had the pleasure. G11
  11. You add much "Sense & Sensibility" to CERB and in real life. Many thanks for your contributtions Katherine.
  12. Thus thread is a bit personal and to be honest, for a guy at a later stage in life somewhat embarassing. Until joining CERB some 9 months ago I had no idea what squirting was. Suffice it to say having the knowledge of what squirting is all about much earlier (i.e. a joyeous sexual experience), would have been a "relationship saver", but alas, we all learn through differing venues. I'm a slow learner but a patient one....
  13. Heath Ledger does it as well as anyone ever has in my view. Additional Comments: Just had to add this one for our feline fans
  14. Thank you lovely GL for the morning smile.
  15. New morning routine: 1. Coffee on 2. Shower & shave 3. Coffeee, Fripples & Boobies 4. Hi ho, Hi ho, its off to work I go
  16. Careful OD, I'm lookin for those neckties, and looking and looking and looking. I know you're not a hijacker so I'm Looking and looking and looking..................
  17. As a guy who finds the librarian look incredilby hot, glasses can be a definite turn on. I know this thread has been up for a while and forgive me if this has been covered before, but conservative glasses on a lovely naked lady is hot, hot, hot - skip the designer ones with your initials on the sides.....YMMV
  18. How many superlatives can be given to this thread, thx Notch, you're a genius or at least your little head battles with the big one, often (just as mine do....)
  19. Great thread idea! I'm a big Ellen fan and this post just hit things right. Now as far as the fat tie or narrow tie and length thereof, am looking forward to the thoughts and visual feedback!
  20. Gentleman11

    wanna lick ;)

    With beautiful little budslike that you're going to have to post on both the boobies and fripples threads, thx for sharing! G11
  21. 1. Chewing with mouths open. 2. When your dog eats grandmother's chocolat Exlax 3. "Thrifty" clients that given the opportunity to pay a nickel to use a washroom (sanitized version) would throw up instead 4. People that open mouth before engaging brain 5. Smokers who don't don't take appropriate breath control measures, especially in a business meeting environment
  22. I enjoy seeing things as they come in to focus for the first time. The shape & height from a distance; the walk, the confidence as she draws closer; the clothes, the face, smile, hair, eyes (if you both dare) and smell (love perfume worn well); the hair as you walk by; the legs, rear end as you rubber neck doing the rear view stare and then stars and blackout as you walk right into that lamp pole and fall flat on your ass....
  23. A lot of folks here know that, in hobbying as in life: - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - the "greater good" argument (needs of the many outweigh those of the few) comes in to play big time - just as in the famous Buckley's cough syrup ad (referring the the preventative aspect) "it tastes awful but it works" - just as we've all been given two ears and one mouth, we should converse accordingly and what the ladies need is critical to all of our hobbying successes. Enough pontificating, back to the fripple and boobies threads.
  24. Have to agree with Butterfly on this one. If it works for the lady it will work for me.
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