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Everything posted by Gentleman11

  1. Gotta Admit I was never a big Alice fan but got to see and meet him briefly in a very small venue format in Vegas several years ago where he and his cast blew me a way with a terrific show. He is a regular great guy in person and quite a golfer to boot.
  2. Its kind of strange how life goes, I always said I would have either no kids or more than one - ended up with one. My mother, god love her was that type that should not have had kids for a variety of reasons but ended up having 3. Fast forward many years and I would not trade the time, emotional rollercoaster (at times), highs, lows, cries, laughter for anything in the world for the life I share with my late teen daughter. Perfect time for the sign off in a true CERB fashion YMMV!
  3. Gene and Shannon (& the 2 kids) are fun entertainment for the closet "real TV" fans, me included. No one in my humble view, either than their banker and accountant can really take them seriously in my humble view. Come on now, let's be really honest? G11
  4. As a big Bond fan (and without Googling), I recall that Ian Flemming (author of James Bond) was a real life important member of Churchill's underground spy network. I have read and reread William Stephensons's(spelling?) " A Man Called Intrepid" over the years and Stephenson's (oh yes, a Canadian no less), contributions are huge. Great reading suggestion over the weekend... G11
  5. Notch, You're raising the bar to an impossibly high bench mark - who can possibly find nipples (okay they're technically not fripples) like some of those in your last post. I'm going to have "night fantasies" about those. These beautiful ladies should have those "asssets" registered as lethal weapons in my humble view... G11
  6. Thanks to guys like Ottawaadventurer and bcguys42 and mod, I can feel safe at night... Seriously though folks, thank you for you diligence and techno understanding and willingness to share and warn others. G11
  7. For the record, I've always been a "PC & Berry Guy". Having said that, the obvious genius, passion and market savvy of Mr. Steve Jobs was never more demonstrated than by the interview (replayed here tonight on the netweorks) between Bill Gates (Microsoft Founder and CEO) and Steve Jobs, (Apple Co founder and recently retired CEO). Although it was an interview from days gone by, the huge respect, honesty, and engaging sense of humour between the two could not have been rehearesed - it was too genuine. Thank you for sharing your life with us and making a difference Mr. Jobs. G11 Musings: We've lost a genius but from that we shall learn, and others will follow to fill the void and build above and beyond.
  8. Its great being a single dad with no culinary skills other than the BBQ and making creative salads, with a sister who has a fantastic family and is willing to share her great culinary skills. Being family though, it should coincide with the football schedule (go Patriots)... (kidding, well maybe not so much). I hope that each and every one of our CERB family has a wonderful and fulfilling long weekend and want to wish each and every one of you the very best from our household to yours. Musings from a guy who loves long weekends more than you know. G11
  9. Have sent a welcome message and am waiting for a little more of a classy arrival - small album would be appreciated. Am willing to TOFTT here..... G11
  10. The big "omniprescence upstairs" gave us 2 ears and one mouth to work with down here. Having said that I try to listen to the ladies preferred method of contact. If PM is her preference, I enthusiatically respond. If however (& a lot of cases it is), PM is not the preferred contact venue (text, her own site, phone or whatever), I try to follow her wishes to the "T", (references, requested honest info, phone numbers as required). Musings from a lazy guy. G11
  11. Hey daroot, Sage advice in this thread so far my friend, my own humble thoughts include: - Enclosing your donation in a very nice thank you envelope with personally annotated card (unsealed) - Be on time, not early, not late (5 mins either side) - As was said many times in the thread, be gentleman in all respects, it will warm you inside, make your lady feel special, and at the end of the day make you both feel fantastic and wanting to enjoy each others' company again - If you're so inclined, and I do think the ladies appreciate you asking, ask their thoughts about you writing a recommendation about the experience. If you do indicate that a recco will happen - follow through on it! - Truly enjoy the nervous energy, it is spectactular and ensure that it gets engraved in your sexual soul. The ladies are so warm, empathetic and engaging on this site, but most relevant to you, they truly take care of the new hobbyists in a very special and welcoming manner. Musings from a senior guy who enjoys this hobby either way too much or not enough. G11
  12. but anyday that I get a work out in seems to bring it on and at my age am totally fine with that!
  13. Guys, Would you ever agree to never again forget to put the toilet seat down at night; and forever give up the right to hear the sound of an "oh f&%k" in the middle of the night as your lady visits the chamber pot and the seat is up and quietly laugh your ass off? Pagan question, I know, apologies in advance to the ladies....
  14. When I think of yoga and making love I thing of things, in well, the puritanical sense - missionary comes to mind.
  15. You've definitely got my attention, now what's the hitch, subscription fee? membership dues? other obligations? This can not be free-of-charge, or is it, you're a potential true samaritan candidate (or all round good CERBite).
  16. Have done the Turducken experience twice with company and they really enjoyed it (family so its an honest review). It was something I would do on occasion, but was not an incredible culinary delight or otherwise memorable experience. Having said that, if dark meat is your thing (as it is mine), it makes the Turducken experince that much more enjoyable, YMMV Musings from a somewhat culinarily challenged single guy (great with the BBQ though). G11
  17. Pick me, Pick me, I'll TOFTT with the new Angel! Seriously though, glad to hear things are falling in to place for you.
  18. Angel, The fact that you can reach out at a challenging moment like this to your friends here, but also, take on a leadership role in offering to form a group here is to be commended. We all can use people with the "can do" approach life, like yours in our lives. You're a special person and in our thoughts. G11
  19. Generous philanthropy, philosphophical pursuits, in a philandering environment, (with felatio from Phyllis).
  20. and to provide a logical extension to capitalman duo thoughts - ask them both out....
  21. I'm starting to get the hang of this................. Okay, this clip is off topic, not fripples, but had to sign off some how.....
  22. Have a terrific time one and all and know that I'll be thinking of you and envious as hell stuck down here doing project work - its awful when work gets in the way of one's social life!!!! G11
  23. Timmys double double works for me most of the time, however: 1, Starbucks by far attracts the ladies that are much easier on the eye, both in front and behind the counter 2. Wifi! 3. Comphy coaches 4, Great casual business meeting place 5. Superior ambiance in general Simple musings, G11
  24. A slight twist on this theme would be oxymorons.... There are three types of people in the world. Those that are good at math and those that are not. No one will ever win the battle of the sexes: there's too much fraternizing with the enemy. --Henry Kissinger Artificial intelligence usually beats real stupidity The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Canadians is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then it's you What's another word for Thesaurus? You know that little indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why can't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? What's another word for synonym?
  25. A few more thoughts come up when looking at this nice thread idea. Only the brave know how to forgive; it is the most refined and generous pitch of virtue human nature can arrive at. Forgive thyself little, and others much. Always forgive your enemies--nothing annoys them so much Women will forgive anything. Otherwise, the race would have died out long ago The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Thanks for sharing the thread idea.
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