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Everything posted by sandimoon

  1. I have refrained, until now, from contributing since I am truly fortunate enough to be resting on my regular laurels. They don't barter & in contrast, my rates are no higher than they were a few years ago. Me happy, they happy! But I would like to add a few comments in respect to the whole thing. Firstly, negotiating, in & of itslef is not our bone of contention. I could give a rodent's rectum how another SP runs her business. If she is open to working her way to a mutually acceptable middle ground, who the hell am I to judge? Her life, her body, her standards, NOT mine. What makes me angry, as it does other ladies, is the self entitled belief that due to the specific industry in which we exist, attempts to not take NO for an answer are ignored. If I get an e-mail from a man who has clearly read my site that starts with, So & so only charges whatever, can you match it. I simply ignore them. The same with requests for things I don't do like greek, fetishes, what have you. Why? Because I am smart enough to know that if a guy I have never met won't accept, understand & respect my boundaries PRIOR to us meeting, what in the world would make me think he will take no for an answer when he has me alone in a room? Cause trust me, if some douche tries to stab my sphincter with his winkie, one of us will be coming out of that room in handcuffs, one on a stretcher. Guess what, HE will be the same person. So I simply do not entertain even the possibilty of that scenario. It is my BEST screening tool. I use it to avoid problems. Another: Threads like this. There are great men on Cerb, guys I would jump in a minute. And then there are the ones who boast about bartering, pushing boundaries, stealing a few kisses, " let's see how far I can go" "she advertises no CIM but I couldn't help it" & other charming rapist rhetoric. So let me inform you of something you may not know: WE TALK. About everything. And we don't just do it here. I myself am in 2 Canadian Ladies' Lounges, 2 in the U.S. 1 in the U.K 1 in Europe as I am fluent in French. And I talk. Because at the end of the day, while some men would love to believe that we are all catty, bitchy, competitive skanks who are at war with each other, this is an absolute fallacy. One generated in your own mind to justify that the reason your intended failed to respond to you has NOTHING to do with your online persona. Sorry to burst your bubble. It absolutley does. And it isn't only on CERB. We are everywhere. So you have your opinion, fair enough. Send those texts, e-mails, BBM's, make those calls & wonder why she doesn't answer. Because when 20+ ladies try to break it down as to why your behaviour is not cool, yet you persist in picking fly shit out of pepper to rationalize it, remember these words: WE aren't the only ones advertising. Sandi
  2. Yes actually, I have. A former regular who enjoyed kneeling on the bed, me at the edge & finishing on my face, did this. After stressing that he was not to go in my upper face, as I always do, & even though I had his junk at the correct perspective, as you call it, he grabbed himself quickly changing his trajectory to an upward one & shot most of it into my eyes. After refraining from punching him in his twig & berries, I scooped as much as I could into my hand & slapped it into his face & pushing him hard, back right off the bed. I didn't think it was funny & I imagine he no longer does either. Although in honesty I don't know as he stopped trying to call after realizing I wasn't responding. Sandi
  3. Chloe, I understand that you need a work space but perhaps this is best asked in the Ladies Lounge. Reason being is you will get every troll, pimp, freebie/trade wanting douchebag East of the Rockies PMing you & if not members, e-mailing with grandiose offers of help wasting your valuable time. No offence to the great Cerb men we have, but as we too often get solicited by strangers unwanted, posting an invitation like this may result in a dirtbag deluge. And since I am sure you will get PMs, the best advice I can give to help weed out the losers is to write out ahead of time your list of criteria. 1- do's & don'ts like booze, drugs, smoking. 2- location, how many bedrooms, schedule requirements. 3-how much money you want to spend. 4-what you can live with, what you can't. And any other questions you may have that are deal breakers. By doing all this before you speak with anyone, or meeting somebody who just wants to see your face, you won't miss any detail that matters to you later regretting it or worse, have it become a real problem. Good luck Chloe. Finally, don't settle & stay safe! Sandi
  4. When I read this, I could not stop laughing thinking of this movie clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57jOssjTbWw Sorry, I'm not right! Sandi
  5. My apologies for the hijack about to happen but before anyone, in Winnipeg or elsewhere, chooses to make hearsay accusations about SPs " known to have it " ( yeah right, who told you, their OB? ) & go running to the PM system we all know will be used to disparage them, you may want to read this article. Right Here. Then, unless you were physically with them at the crotch-swab-result wake to console them, keep your counsel! Sandi P.S. Hope you don't mind C.S., I feel confident you will agree as to its relevance.
  6. Someone told me I look like this but it was only after hexing him for trying to negotiate. Clearly he never did it again....Lol Sandi
  7. Doesn't sound bizarre at all. Intimacy is subjective. If you felt it was too much, you have every right to not do it. SPs aren't the only ones with boundaries. Any woman who would answer " Yes, I give in" may as well be wearing a target on her back that says, "Please ignore my boundaries." The fact that you use the terminology, "Give in" is monumentally disconcerting. No I don't give in. I do, however, have an expression on my face that says all I need to convey should any " man " keep trying to push past my level of comfort. It says, " Try that again & you will need a crash course in how to masturbate with only your feet ". You are essentially asking professional companions to publicly breach the confidence of a guest to satisfy, what I can only ascertain, a very invasive case of carnal curiosity. My answer to you would be, "It is none of your business what I do with him." Yes really. Believe it or not some of us have a personal life, we aren't 24/7 on call paid for vagina. And as shocking as this revelation may be to you, we are all very different people, ages, body type, hair/eye colour but mostly, in personality & boundaries. We weren't created in Petrie dishes & raised on special Hoochie Farms for God's sake. Now if she promised kissing, daty, whatever & then declined to offer it in person, only 2 reasons come to mind. 1- She lied to get you there, not cool. 2- Blow into your hand, take a whiff & ask yourself if you would let that stick it's tongue in your mouth. You also use the term "making love " repeatedly. As much as I enjoy my time with my guests & really get off on a lot of the sex, I am not making love to you. No amount of money you pay me buys my heart. Period. If you want a love making session where you will get the same thing each time, get a girlfriend. If you don't want that, you need to do a reality check on your SP expectations coupled with better research. So to answer more succinctly your thread title, " That's too intimate? Really? Yes. Really!!!! That's what happens when you deal with humans as opposed to robots. Sandi
  8. Look at what I do for a living & it can't be any clearer.... " The Big Easy "! Sandi
  9. Funniest thread ever. Old Dog, not only are you a genius but with that warped sense of humour, I have concluded we are somehow related. I've been A.W.O.L. on a break but man, this was so much fun to come back to. Thank you for all time & energy you put into making an important subject into a hilarious read. You rock! Sandi P.S. If ever you can't sleep & counting sheep doesn't do it, put this video on replay. Should be like an Ambien for you, nutjob!
  10. Congratulations Carrie. Your posts here & elsewhere are always filled with warmth, kindness & supportive advice. You are very special indeed. I love you dear lady! Sandi xo
  11. RG, I don't think it has the adolescent " how far will she go ? " connotation of those bracelets that caused such a stir. Any friends I had who wore them were generally of Aboriginal or in case of my relatives, Caribbean descent, often hand made family keepsakes. I live in DT Vancouver & there are some incredible West Coast Native craftspeople that do phenomenal & original pieces. I have commissioned a few as gifts for female friends, not in the industry, who love their sun dresses, always with a nice reaction. In my experience, it is just an adornment, no more, no less. Of course, I could just be old & out of the loop. :icon_eek: Sandi
  12. I always go to the acronym place. Can't help it! I substitute " business " for " movie " but can only think, THIS Sandi
  13. None on par with CERB. But if you could be specific as to the state you are visiting, (city too if you are comfortable), I may be of help. Also do you want a Forum style site, like CERB or is a reputable advertising site sufficient? One that does not allow false photos, B&S, etc. Lastly, in the U.S., Law Enforcement is a very real concern for both Hobbyists & SPs. References or a Date Check/P411 membership are mandatory for most ladies. Especially the reputable ones. Sandi P.S. In case there is a concern, any site that I reference or suggest would under no circumstances be one that is in direct competition with CERB. It's why I asked what state he was visiting so as to qualify my response accordingly. No one alluded otherwise, but I thought I should clarify. Sandi
  14. Wow is right! B.C. too. Reason? This is the CANADIAN Escort Recommendation Board, not the Winnipeg only board. You go public, people will answer. Who says we don't? :icon_wink: Really? You actually think any women whose business depends on discretion & CERB is going to come to the public forum & say, " Hey, Client X is a great guy. But man his breath? At least he can lick pu--y & tips well". Never going to happen, not by any lady with class. And to be honest albeit crass, I don't just get paid to open my legs. I get paid to shut my mouth about it afterwards. Try posting a recommendation on the many, many ladies you have seen. That would be new. I am sure they would appreciate it & so would the men. You have been her since May, only have 9 posts, 2 of them today & only one sort of something like a reco. this here, but it's in the wrong section so does not help the Winnipeg gentlemen in a search or a lady wanting to link it in her advertising. It is also contradictory to your post here today. Not to mention this where you state you saw Monica the year before yet posted this 09-12-2012, 06:51 PM where you ask about her only 2 months before. Here you state again going to Broadway's. I don't get it. Membership works both ways. If you see these ladies, post recos if they allow rather than only ask for info. Secondly, "who is the best? " These threads never go well. Clearly. lol Sandi
  15. Fleetwood Mac, Rumours. Neil Young, Harvest Moon Zeppelin, That's the Way Simon & Garfunkel, America Elton John, Tiny Dancer Todd Rungren, Hello, It's Me The list is endless. Sandi
  16. Do you believe that I just saw this?:oops: And only because I was checking for your return date! LMAO! I had a blast too, can't wait until you come back! Love you! Sandi
  17. Meg started an actor thread. So back to A & B. Adams, Don Bogart, Humphrey Sorry, Meg! Sandi
  18. Neither is THIS. And what, pray tell, is your name on this account? Same phone number, same description . Except for the height changes. :confused0024: The second one was created before posting both this comment & the new ad. This alone shows intent. And is not helping your claims of honesty at all. Sandi
  19. Lady Jane. Cary Elwes, Helena Bonham Carter. I don't usually go for period pieces but this was a wonderful film. Sandi
  20. Almost Famous I never get tired of this movie! Sandi
  21. Cool, thanks Boomer, it looks interesting. No worries on the time,though, I Googled it & it's on again later at 12 am EST, (9pm for me) & again Sunday, September 30 at 11:00 p.m. EST Tuesday, October 2 at 9:00 p.m. EST according to the TVO Website There are interviews with the director as well. Thanks again for the tip, never would have known! Sandi
  22. The new Hawaii 5-0. It's so over the top. Whose life has that much drama, cop or not & what detectives work in tank tops? No matter how cute they are.( Vancouver girl, love her ) It's an escape from drudgery & serious, the scenes are gorgeous, so I see the attraction. But I can't watch it, it's just too campy. Da da da da daaa daaa, da da da da daaaaaa! Thanks Meg, that'll be in my brain until Friday! Sandi!
  23. No Mercy (1986) Richard Gere, Kim Basinger. Sandi
  24. ShortcakeSolo Shortie&ShellyDuo Emma Lou who are not there now but if you contact them, may be able to tell you when they are returning. And in case you haven't yet had the chance, please read The New To This Section These are a good start. HERE HERE HERE HERE Have fun. Sandi
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