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dread pirate roberts

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Everything posted by dread pirate roberts

  1. Scampy, I would echo what Rassilon says. It might turn out that Sammy is wonderful, but it's a shot in the dark. If you are nervous, it makes far more sense to go with an SP already on CERB, about whom you could read comments from many happy clients assuring you that she is wonderful and will make newcomers feel relaxed. Isn't that why you joined CERB, after all? :)
  2. ...(who is great, by the way) says in her announcement: "if you don't know what "tgirl" means, please ask before you contact me for an appointment! There's always a few guys in every city, and I'd really like to avoid any future misunderstandings. :smile:" Too funny! Now THOSE are some stories I'd love to hear! (At least I hope they were funny, not traumatic.)
  3. That's a sensible point, Aubrey, but it might just be inexperience. If an SP is only thinking about getting more clients, rather than about getting repeat clients, it might simply not have occurred to her. Any SP on CERB will be well aware of the importance of reputation. An SP who is using a paper or virtual equivalent of classified ads is likely still just thinking "well, let's see whether THIS wording attracts more inquiries".
  4. This social is a learning experience for everyone and, although I have never planned to attend, I applaud the efforts of those now organizing and those who earlier tried to organize it. Given that it is a learning experience, may I suggest one lesson to be learned? It is quite true that it is perfectly reasonable to limit invitations to people who are known quantities: however, there would have been far fewer hard feelings if the intention to do that had been clear from the start. By my reading, every post about the social left the impression that it was open to all comers (subject to space limitations) up until the time some people were told they couldn't come because they weren't known. However reasonable that rule might be (and it is), it is easy to understand that someone refused an invitation to an apparently "open-to-all" event for a hitherto-unannounced reason might feel a bit put out. I'm not casting blame here - I'm trying to reduce its casting. As I read Mrrnice2's post when he first mentioned the restriction, he realized that it was potentially controversial. I also don't fault him for not thinking of it sooner - it's a learning experience, no-one else had mentioned it, and he deserves credit for stepping in to the breach. But I also don't blame Polarice55 for feeling rejected - he was, after all, rejected - and his initial post reporting what had happened was not an intemperate one, simply one reporting the fact. There are reasonable things to be said on both sides here. Let's focus on that, not on the areas of disagreement. [edited to fix a name]
  5. I saw Danielle for a massage last week, and must add my voice to those who are happier for the experience. She's fun, sexy, nice to talk to, and puts you at ease. And although I am reluctant to reduce anyone, SPs especially, to a collection of body parts - MAN does she have fabulous breasts! ;)
  6. Perhaps I should just stay out of this, since I wasn't planning to attend in any event, but as someone who has followed the thread with interest, it does seem to me that most of the recent posts (though no doubt correct in what they are saying) do not address the major issue. The hard question right now isn't WHAT to do - the hard question is who will make it happen. Taloon was willing but wasn't acceptable to some important participants, and has now decided (if I read him correctly) that nothing arranged by him will be satisfactory precisely because it is arranged by him. No-one else has said "I'll do it". Perhaps a small get-together with no admission charge is easier logistically than the event Taloon was planning (though from the outside it seemed as though he had it in hand - unless of course it was just a scam to gather a few people's financial contributions and run off with them, which I assume must have been the fear some people had). If there's to be a small get-together, though, then someone needs to say "I will make it happen". Even if it's just "I'll be at X place on Y date wearing a red flower and hope to see other CERBers there", someone has to take the initiative or it won't happen. Apologies in advance if anything above has offended someone - that is not my intention.
  7. Are Chelsea Love and Chelsea Luv the same person? Likely, one would think, but not guaranteed by any means.
  8. I expect you are correct in thinking it is complaint-driven, Summer. That seems to be police policy for a lot of minor matters, not just this.
  9. Yellow Dog has pointed to the post I had in mind, Christy. I meant no offense (and I'm not sure whether you've taken any), I just referred to that as the post which started me wondering along particular lines.
  10. I can quite see that, Emily, it's very reasonable and sensible. Would you feel any more comfortable if one (or both) of the men were returning clients?
  11. A post by Christy Curves got me thinking the other day. She was suggesting visiting her and bringing a buddy along for a MMF experience. Her (quite hot, to be frank) notion was her in the middle, more or less, which is one but not the only one of the possibilities (the others of which I also personally see as quite hot, but not everyone would share that view). I've discussed the MMF possibility with several SPs, but its always been roughly on the basis of her saying "and I know a male SP who could join us". I would have difficulty imagining inviting a friend along - none of them know I am a hobbyist, for example. I suppose that leads to my question - is it realistic to think of two guys jointly approaching an SP? It sounds intriguing, some SPs are open to it, but does any hobbyist see that as likely in their own circumstances? Just curious.
  12. There is nothing to be said about Katherine, the doyenne of Halifax SPs, that has not been said many times before -a unanimity of enthusiastic positive opinions does not arise by accident, after all. And yet it is impossible to see her and not want to share how incredible the experience was. I'd seen Katherine before in her role as a domme and was more than pleased. This time I was tempted into the GFE massage, which differed in most of its details from last time but shared the core feature of her absolute devotion to making the experience satisfying, fulfilling and memorable. She succeeded beyond measure. Amazing, Katherine, just amazing! I can't wait to see what you can come up with next time!
  13. Her CH ad just says "full body massage". If you are looking for a typical "sensual massage" this isn't it - she remains fully dressed, there's no contact other than her massaging you, and so on. What she does provide is a very slow, soothing massage that eventually takes a form resulting in (for me at least) a staggering release, and following necessary cleaning, a continuation of the soothing massage.
  14. Life's been busy, which explains but does not excuse my not having posted a recommendation for Summer after our meeting last week. I opted simply for the massage, which she was accommodating enough to provide, and provide in style. Delightful, fun, funny and playful - I'll be back!
  15. Several people raised the legality issue, and the enforcement issue - which aren't exactly the same thing, which is really what my question will be. I know outcall is legal, but in-call isn't if it's a "common bawdy house", which is basically a place where services are provided regularly. Obviously that includes places like the massage parlour over in Dartmouth (the name of which escapes me - Gentleman's Choice?) that got raided and shut down a few years ago. I believe that it also covers a hotel room rented by an SP for the day, or an SPs own apartment if she does in-call regularly there. But that leads to my question - has anyone ever heard of police in Halifax actually enforcing the law in those circumstances? I know they've pursued the street trade, and they have pursued agencies, and they have pursued massage parlours. I can't remember ever hearing about them arresting a hobbyist or SP in a hotel room she had rented or in her home. And, just out of curiosity, I have a different question for any SP who operates from a hotel room and who wouldn't mind answering. Do you think the hotel management knows why you are renting? Would they mind if they did? I've seen some SPs in hotels where they were regular guests and where at least the desk staff certainly knew her and had no problem whatsoever. I've seen others who seemed to want to be careful not to draw attention to themselves. What's your experience?
  16. I understand the "be nice" edict as a reflection of CERB being a recommendation board, not a review board: if you've visited a service provider and things were not to your taste, then as the motto dictates, say nothing if you have nothing nice to say. That seems to me quite distinct from pointing out clear violations of the rules, such as that a service provider's photographs are not in fact photographs of her. I therefore don't see any violation of that principle in the early posts concerning you, Christy. Since you fixed that my sense is that posts concerning you have been forgiving and have complied with the "don't not be nice" rule. All of that said, I think you are right that it is possible for service providers to phrase their notices in a way that is implicitly critical of others, and I agree that is undesirable. I wouldn't have said that problem was rampant here, but to the extent it appears I agree completely with you that it should not. I'm not sure whether it quite amounts to a violation of the "be nice" dictum, but I (as will others, I expect) will express my opinion by where I take my custom.
  17. If you are this far down the list of Katherine's recommendations, you're probably just expecting one more person to be enthusiastically saying "she's everything you could hope for!". Well, you're right to expect that, because she is, and I couldn't be happier than to add my voice to those saying so. Actually that's not entirely accurate - I was happier while I was in the midst of forming the opinion, but then of course that was one of the peak sexual experiences of my life. Even so simply reflecting back on it now is incredibly pleasurable. It actually took months for me to see Katherine from the time I first contacted her - somehow I was cursed always to write and ask about her availability just as she was about to leave town. Even though our difficulties getting together were entirely due to me, Katherine felt apologetic about it and promised to make things special when we did finally meet: few promises can have been so completely fulfilled. I won't go into details (not here, in any case, though pm me if you wish) other than to say that, strictly speaking, I spent the majority of the time with Mistress Katherine (and "strictly" is the right way to be speaking of that), that the experience was more exciting and fulfilling than I had anticipated (and believe me, I had been anticipating it a lot) and that every time I shift slightly in my chair as I sit writing this, I am reminded of some aspect of our interaction. If I had to describe Katherine in three words I would say she is genuine, attractive, imaginative, intelligent and amazing (because three words wouldn't actually be enough).
  18. Angel, your most important responsibility is to yourself. It is thoughtful of you to be concerned for how your seeking treatment affects your tour schedule, but everyone else is more worried about you. Do what you need to do to get well - our thoughts are with you.
  19. I'm not suggesting anyone is breaking rules. I'm saying that this makes me personally uncomfortable. No-one else feels that way?
  20. There's a posting now in which person A is saying "person B will be available, here's why you should see her". It's possible persons A and B are both independent SPs, but my discomfort comes from the fact that this approach makes it seem as though person B is not independent. Perhaps she is, but it has the "feel" or her being offered by a third party.
  21. Until today I had not seen one here. I don't mean to comment on the particular SP, since I know nothing about her, but I found the fact that someone else was announcing her availability left me uncomfortable. Is that just me?
  22. Partly the issue is this Board's policy: "if you do not have anything nice to say, please don't say anything at all". There are good reasons for that, but it does create ambiguity. If it were just that no-one has yet seen a new SP, then sure, jump in and give her a call. But if she's been around long enough that it's reasonable to expect that people have seen her, and nonetheless there is only silence, it's hard not to wonder whether that is a meaningful silence. And so it becomes reasonable to ask: is the silence a lack of opinions, or an opinion in itself?
  23. Amanda Love indicates that she offers that service. She has several positive recommendations here (including mine) though no-one mentions whether they took her up on that particular delight.
  24. Let me add my voice to those who are enthusiastic about Nikki. I saw her earlier this summer when she was in town - it truly was a GFE. She is welcoming, friendly and makes you feel very comfortable. Without getting into details (at least here, but feel free to pm me) I can report being very happy with the experience. Perhaps I can put it like this: the "girl" part of the experience was very complete and enjoyable, and then the "t" part came along to make things that much more exciting. If you want a welcoming, gentle tgirl experience, you will certainly be happy with Nikki.
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