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dread pirate roberts

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Everything posted by dread pirate roberts

  1. I hadn't seen Katherine for a couple of years, due to my bad habit of attempting bookings at the last minute. Today that worked out luckily for me and I caught her just before she left town. OH. MY. GOD! Katherine has been among my very favourites since my first visit to her. Without going into details, it's safe to say that today was among the peak sexual experiences of my life. Let's leave it at this: usually when I am offered a glass of water afterward I decline, but on this occasion I had to accept, because my ongoing screams of pleasure had left me hoarse.
  2. Katherine, this made me smile when it reminded me of a visit with you where this was *literally* true! Only after I left did it occur to either of us that we had forgotten that particular part of the encounter! I had to make a special trip back, despite your protestations to the contrary.
  3. I don't think anyone suggested the OP's experience was an outcall. Eliza commented that as a provider she was afraid of outcall for similar reasons to OP's experience - that she would be going into an environment controlled by someone else.
  4. Can I advise you NOT to browse Backpages? You've done the right thing by joining Lyla, which gives you the chance to find out much more information about a provider than a Backpages ad would. Read the ads here, then read recommendations, and you will probably be able to narrow down your choices. I can't say whether this is true of Backpages, but my sense is that *none* of the providers I have met through Lyla would in any way have a problem with your lack of experience. Whether seeing a provider is the best choice for you is up to you, but if you find someone through this site, you should be able to set aside concerns about the provider's reaction as one of the considerations.
  5. I hope my comment is just discussion, not gossip, but unless I'm mistaken Lana used to advertise as "Gail's Erotic Aerobics" in, I want to say, the late 1980s, perhaps 1990. She produced a calendar one year, and was in the news a little bit because of a landlord treating her quite unfairly, I think I recall. That was before I began hobbying, but she was a bit of a public figure at the time. It seems likely she must be close to 60, if she hasn't reached it - but whatever her age now, I no more want to judge her by that than I want to be judged by mine!
  6. I have seen visiting providers at a few different hotels in the downtown core, on Barrington or Hollis. I can see why discretion would be a concern, but then, it always is!
  7. Maybe mobile doesn't permit you to do it, but Creamsicle says "pm for details", so I'm assuming he does not want to put those details in a post.
  8. Gros Morne National Park is one of the most stunning places not just in Canada but in the world. It is worth including Newfoundland on your itinerary simply to go there. In Nova Scotia, there are any number of charming towns along the South Shore worth staying in for a day or two. Baddeck in Cape Breton or the Cabot Trail are also well worth the visit, Pugwash is a pleasant spot with cottages and a view of Prince Edward Island across the Strait, Annapolis Royal is one of the oldest settlements in Canada and very picturesque... In New Brunswick Sheddiac or the Miramichi are nice places which are less well-known than the major centres.
  9. "She calls herself Roxy... something.... after a song popular in the 80's. She was surprised I didn't know it so she sang a bit of it.. but I foget the Roxy something song title." Now, I don't know, but I'm willing to bet the song was "Roxy Roller" and the part she sang you included this: "She gets bubblegum on her knees, Down between the seats."
  10. You can buy the phone itself there? Or just a sim card and hours? (That's aimed at Summer.)
  11. I have never faced this situation. It is obvious what I *should* do, and therefore tempting to conclude that it is what I *would* do. However, I have enough regrets in life to know that I can sometimes fail in that regard, so it's hard to know. I wonder, though, whether you are asking your question of the right audience. Clearly there are many customers who "don't give a fuck" whether the SP they are seeing has been trafficked, or the problem would not be so endemic. But my guess is that very few, if any, of those customers are on Lyla or reading this thread. Since I was introduced to Lyla (then CERB) by a favourite SP six years ago, I have visited *no-one* (other than that favourite SP) whom I did not meet through Lyla. A major reason for that policy on my part is precisely that I am able to have, in advance, as high a comfort level as I am likely to achieve that the SPs I meet with have genuinely chosen to do what they are doing. Indeed, as a personal choice I don't even consider SPs on Lyla who are connected with an agency or massage parlour. No doubt most or all of those SPs simply find it convenient to have someone else look after the administrative details for them and find whatever fee they are required to pay worthwhile, but it is beyond my comfort level. So I have never faced this situation, but I hope that is in part because I have made serious efforts in advance to avoid it. Because I do give a fuck.
  12. "You are certainly welcome to sit at your table and pay too much for drinks and watch the ladies dance without paying a single one of them for anything. Nobody likes it, though." This is certainly correct. It wasn't always that way, though, and I regret that it has become the case. Once, dancers were paid, but now of course they pay for the privilege, which puts particular incentives in their path. Really, if I go to a strip club, it is because I have decided I'm *not* interested in anything more than watching. The current structure, however, forces me to be a free-loader. I do, as you suggest, try to be clear as soon as possible with any dancer who drops by that I am not interested in a private dance, and I have never had anyone be impolite in response, but as you say, "nobody likes it", including me.
  13. I have no information to offer, unfortunately, but wanted to be supportive of the notion of discussing TS providers here.
  14. I don't remember it being that bad. In fact I remember it fondly, but perhaps I am wearing rose-coloured glasses because it was the preferred location of one of my favourite companions. Not an upscale hotel by any means, but perfectly clean and functional.
  15. I haven't seen Brandy in years - not since she used to be on Dutch Village Road - but it should certainly be seen as good news if she is once again offering her massage services!
  16. Those of us who drive *west* for fourteen hours to reach Ottawa don't really consider it an "East coast" city! ;)
  17. It's also a pretty vague fact. Personally I am generally happy that people should sometimes think "wait, is what I am about to say offensive?" before speaking. As a rule, we call people who *never* do that "assholes". If they mean "80% of Canadians are afraid to say perfectly reasonable and temperate things because of a fear of unjustified backlash" (which is the impression they are trying to create), well, that's quite a different statement.
  18. Even if this were done, that wouldn't make it a crime to discriminate on this basis. It would mean that you couldn't refuse to, say, hire someone for a job because of their gender identity - or at least, you couldn't refuse on that basis unless you could show a good reason that their gender identity mattered. If there were a good reason, it wouldn't be discrimination. I don't understand why we should want to defend the ability to refuse services, accommodation, or employment because of prejudicial attitudes not supported by any factual foundation. Additional Comments: That's not what trigger warnings are about. Trigger warnings are "next class we will be discussing childhood sexual abuse, so be prepared for that in case it is for some reason a difficult topic for you". Nobody should be providing a "trigger warning" saying "you might hear opinions which are not your own", and I am very doubtful that anyone does.
  19. I'm always happy when Danielle replies to a post, because it lets me see her profile picture again!
  20. "Do you have a link?" At first glance I read that as "do you have a kink", and I thought, well, yeah obviously he does, but kind of a personal question. Then I read it more carefully.
  21. I almost did not reply to this thread, because Brad has already put my view very eloquently. But for me it comes to this: no matter what position you adopt, it is possible to take it to the state of absurdity, which means that we should not judge this issue by its extremes on either side. Rather we have to decide this: would we rather lean towards being inclusive and respectful, or lean towards insisting on our right to express ourselves without regard to the feelings of others. I would rather be inclusive than exclusionary, even if that can - like every single other thing in the world - sometimes be taken too far. This is NOT true of anyone commenting in this thread: however, it often feels as though those who claim to have a problem with political correctness really are just longing for the day when their own particular demographic had all the power in society, didn't have to care what any other group thought, and could make offensive jokes, comments or decisions without any backlash. I'd like a perfect world, but that's not possible: given that I have to choose, I'd rather have too much political correctness than too much of that.
  22. She is, perhaps, not on the horizon of most people here: https://www.������������������/escort/girlnextdoor/ If anyone knows anything of her, or has experience with her, I would be interested to learn more. Additional Comments: The missing part of that URL is, backwards, adanacelamehs.
  23. I suspect the answer to "are most people who present as straight actually bi" is probably no, but I say that based on conversations I've had with escorts. I AM bi-curious - in fact, I probably can't really claim merely to be "curious", since I've had experiences with a couple of handsful of men (alone or in threesomes) or males transitioning to female. In those experiences I have given and received in pretty much every way possible, have enjoyed it immensely, and would do any of it again. I don't feel romantically bi, in that I don't feel drawn to have a relationship with a man, but I definitely enjoy al the physical activities. BUT - I've had many discussions about exactly those facts with escorts, while visiting them, since the majority of my partners and experiences have been with women. And those escorts always seem to suggest that my proclivities are relatively uncommon. We certainly are moving to a society which doesn't see sexual desire in such a binary fashion any more. There's also, probably, less stigma to being gay these days, and you would think that Lyla in particular is an accepting place. But even so we see very few recommendations for the various transitioning providers who come to town (I have posted some), and I can't recall seeing any for male providers. Is that a fear of outing oneself on Lyla, I wonder? Or does it reflect that relatively few of the male members here have an interest in those experiences?
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