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Jhena Grey

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Jhena Grey

  1. Captain Phillips Amazing movie and performance by Tom Hanks.
  2. I have a thing for superheroes J.
  3. Happy Birthday Nathalie. Wishing you have a great day!
  4. Helen is on a serious power trip with a case of HOHitis. I'm upset that she's throwing Candice and Jessie (who are both loyal to her) away for Katelyn & GM. What irks me is the,"we owe it to Kaitlyn to keep her safe for 2 weeks because she used the POV on HERSELF". Last time I checked that's what you're supposed to do!!! Either she uses the veto to save herself or she doesn't use it and she goes home. No one should be making deals and bribing her to use it on herself. She didn't want to nominate GM because she needed the week to grieve for Nick (are you kidding me?). Also her,"this is what the house wants" motto is getting annoying. I really like Helen but not as HOH.
  5. Up-beat motivational music. Writing out your thoughts. Going for a walk to clear your mind. Chocolate. Sometimes just being around people (friends/family..even strangers) helps.
  6. Beatles Mosquito bites or a bee sting?
  7. Why has it taken me so long to visit this thread. Oh my..all this eye candy. :)
  8. A few of my favs: Strange Fruit- Bille Holiday Times They Are A Changing- Bob Dylan Front Line- Stevie Wonders Fallsom Prison Blues-Johnny Cash Get Up, Stand Up, - Bob Marley & The Wailers
  9. My CERB name: Rhonda Assets My real name: Sindy Gasper
  10. Danielle dug her own grave after offering to go up as a pawn. Rookie mistake!! In the history of BB the pawns always go home. I don`t know if you would call it cheating but the guys all pre-planned to always go with A in the majority rules competition. Since they are the majority it was evitable that one of them would win. The production team should of changed the game when they heard them discuss this. BBUS retired the game since S7 Allstars after they overheard Janelle trying to do the same with her alliance. Some call it strategy but I don`t think it`s fair to the rest of the houseguests.
  11. I saw the live feed when they did it in real time. I've only seen them doing it once but I heard they've done it at least three times. Sunday, Jillian made a comment to Emmett about only 5 cameras being on after dark and the one in the HOH room isn't one of them. I don't know where she got that information from. If it's true did they forget about the 24/7 live feeds (lol).
  12. Having a broken heater. My apartment is warm but my room feels like an icebox.
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