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Everything posted by cinelli

  1. I saw this earlier and had to think about whether to respond. I had some stuff happen too, my face was almost certainly worse than yours. It will still need another touch up. I was afraid to leave my house because I thought everyone would stare. Of course, eventually, I had to. And nobody stared. I thought OMG I look like a freak...but really most people don't even notice. Neither of the ladies I see made a big deal of it except to ask how I felt, or if there was anything they could do to help. Ladies are VERY good at picking up unspoken signals regarding what you want to talk about and what you don't want to talk about. One of them actually talked to me on her own time about this and she helped me a lot more than any shrink. So if it really bothers you they may make you change your mind about it.
  2. Just wanted to add one thing. Guys who boast about getting extras that are not advertised should shut up. a) it may put the lady in a difficult situation if she wants to decline it b) poster may be making stuff up to feed his own ego Either way don't do it.
  3. The first of the article says "the number of trafficked women is nil". A few lines later it says "200 to 400". It cannot be both. A bunch of made-up statistics pretending to be research. Frustrating that nonsense like this is out there confusing the issue.
  4. Call the provincial bar association where you live. In Manitoba they can set up three free 15 minute consultations with lawyers. They make sure the lawyer is appropriate for your situation too. Take notes and screenshots so you can explain everything clearly and concisely. This is a sad situation and I am sorry you have to deal with it. Good luck.
  5. Best chicken in the world. Seriously. And it's been there in the same spot for forty years!
  6. "Looking for love in all the wrong places" LOL Seriously, get off back page. There's all kinds of ladies recommendations, try one instead of looking for a pig in a poke.
  7. Most of the pics are stolen from facebook accounts. That should tell you something.
  8. That looks interesting, may get one myself.
  9. Did they give you an anonymous ID number for your test? Maybe call them and ask. My own doctor only calls if there is something I should know about. If the test is negative they don't call. So hopefully that's why you have not been called.
  10. Amazingly there are sps and pooners who have no idea about this at all. There are going to be a lot of nasty surprises in store.
  11. Wore my old issue web belt with the Regimental crest on the buckle today. Buckle slipped off the belt and the crest broke, crapcrapcrap. Hope they let me have a new one.
  12. This is a CONSTANT problem in Winnipeg. Guys complain about it all the time but it never changes.
  13. "in Gatineau where a recent a major operation found the average age of sex slaves there was 18 years old" Back that up with facts please. Because I don't believe it at all. This is why people do not respect the police. How can you respect someone who makes stuff up like this? An honest person with integrity would present a reasonable argument. These guys are willing to say anything, no matter how absurd, to advance their cause.
  14. Why are these guys so argumentive about an SP not wanting to see them? If you are browbeating a lady into seeing you, or you arrive with a chip on your shoulder it is not going to be a great session. Instead of arguing and insulting a lady because she does not want to see you go see someone who WANTS to see you.
  15. A quick anecdote from my workplace. Three years ago we hired a guy with journeyman skills and papers from a foreign country. He came under a refugee program. He seemed like a pretty decent guy, a good worker and sociable. A week into his employment a female supervisor asked him to do something. I was standing next to him and he said to me, right in front of her, "I'm not taking orders from a woman." No ifs ands or buts. I tried to smooth things over but he was so adamant we ended up having to fire him. He was not willing to compromise and preferred being unemployed to taking orders from a woman. So how many other guys like that are out there? If any of the ladies on here have to deal with guys like him they have my sympathy.
  16. Dont know if it is the same Peyton but she asks for money because she needs a plane ticket back to Winninipeg. Same scam is all over bp in Regina, Stoon, Edmo, Calgary etc. Posted via Mobile Device
  17. Lots of matches for the second pic as well as the KK pic.
  18. No picture n the ad? Forget it. The only bbw to see in Winnipeg is Zoe. (bbw lite)
  19. That sounds a lot like the harm reduction model. The safe injection site in Vancouver is similar and really does work. The really ugly face of street prostitution is the only side most people know. Only a tiny minority of pooners read these boards, let alone the general public. I often get the same come-ons as you, I go to the University of Winnipeg and park in that area. There are a lot of SW's that are obviously on something. I was getting in my car after class and was propositioned by a girl, when I declined she kicked the side of my car. Two doors wrecked! Car break ins are common too. That is a huge money pit for the city, there are always cops, ambulances and fire running around. It is also home for about a third of city gangbangers.
  20. The ones I talked to looked at visiting Canada as a chance to make money without anyone back home ever finding out. They want to do as much as they can while they are here and sometimes work when they are over tired instead of taking time off. There was a second group who would never have doe it back home and never planned to do it here. Now they want to try it since they too think nobody will ever know. Not as a regular job though, just a few times a week on the side.
  21. Sat Oct 18 I cannot make time for an overnight this coming week in Winnipeg. I drove out to Brandon to spend a night with her, probably the opposite of the normal pooner ebb and flow eh. I prefer overnights as they are as close to a real GFE as possible. She is easygoing and always happy, always interested in what I am doing in my life. Obviously time constraints are forgotten. There is time to do almost everything imaginable at least once. So I get there and she is wearing the exact same sexy outfit I loved in August. Sexy little black dress and black stocking with high heels. She greets me with a big hug and my face is buried in her magnificent chest. This is going to be good! We have some chit chat and start kissing with increasing vigour. She is a really good kisser. Pretty soon the clothes come off and she's working me over real good. We also gave each other thorough massages. This went on for several hours! After a few hours sleep we went at it again in the morning. I am an older guy so she had to do most of the work but she never complained. I want to say she is one of the very few women who look just as good in person, without clothes, as she does in her ads. She is really hot. She has really nice curves but is not overweight, she is very fit. Augmented bust, one of the best I have seen. At this time I am not seeing anyone else. Why would I? She knows all my favourite activities (ya that kind) and initiates them before I even ask. I never have to ask if she will do this or that, and she is a sure bet for me. (And cheap too.)
  22. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: I agree with avi.the ones I have spoken to all did this either as a lark ie once in a lifetime, or were very knowledgable about the business. Posted via Mobile Device
  23. Chocolate ice cream on the way home from work. Was in a meeting that was supposed to go from 8am til 10am...it ended up going til 230pm. It was a great one though! I got a sore throat from shouting so much.
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