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Everything posted by Leviathan31

  1. From what I understand - apparently, there are a lot of perhaps "government-run" bots that are gumming up the site as a deterrent. Note the ads with random, out of the way places listed as the area the provider is serving or completely unrealistic pricing.
  2. Clearly you read my post and went all inward with it. I wasn't completely clear...completely understandable. Humans are known for that ;) My apologies. ....but, when I said, "these girls", I was referring to the "party girl/party friendly" ladies (that was the vein of discussion due to the provider focused on in this thread having a guy hanging around - providers who have guys hiding in closets/waiting outside the room are a different type of provider than yourself or providers like you - we can agree on that, yes?). I didn't mean all providers....just the, well, I won't get into it....but I'm sure you understand what I mean. I'm the last person who would generalize about providers. My best friend and someone I can say out loud that I love is a provider and I am very close with another girl who works. I've met and spent time with quite a few different "levels" of girls in this industry. I apologize because I have seen the bottom of the barrel and the ups and downs some (and I said some - not generalizing lol) of the ladies call their lives. But I have spent enough time in said lives to see, regardless the circumstances, they have family, care about their pets, are incredible people, etc. .......all the "normal stuff" a non-provider is supposed to be. I don't see my friends as providers, I see them as friends. I see their good - but I also see the bad in their lives - their pasts, the people who have used them etc. and there are cases that can be atypical and that is what frustrates me - just the inability to see their actual worth due to the lives they have led (or been led into) so far. I see how much they have to offer and their potentials and it's annoying to watch "these girls" stay in that negative cycle because they don't think they can get out or don't feel they are worth it. That's my beef. :) If you don't fall in that category, then awesome!! ....but "that girl" does exist and ignoring that they do isn't helping either. Now, on the flip side, I can totally feel your frustration when you see some dude "generalize" about escorts. It may be akin to how a African American may feel in today's society. Not ALL African Americans have grills, carry guns and are in a gang - but it is that small % that get all the attention/press - thus a "generalization" may occur. So, Joe Blow Black Guy who is a accountant and doesn't even know what a grill is still has to deal with generalizations and he is usually pissed about that. Just like you in this case. I get it and I apologize. :)
  3. Of course they don't - we don't all have the same idea of ideal body/what our needs are. :) Personally, my ideal body isn't exactly what I described either - I'm more into specific things vs just a plain ol' attractive body. But in this case, it seems the original poster was upset if the provider was "overweight" or "too thin" or lied about their age, so I assumed they were looking for a plain ol' "young hot girl". They didn't specify what body type they liked or were looking for, so I went with what society seems to deem as "hot". ...and I agree, there are some smokin', refined ladies in town (as you mentioned), but based on how "hot" girls are marketed in our society, I used the examples I used. :)
  4. What a shame - she is now a "party girl" and has a guy floating around...not good. Chances are he has a drug problem and has hooked her into that mess and she is working to get them drugs. I'm sure he isn't hanging around for "emotional support". lol I don't get these girls sometimes.....I understand there is a chance they may have low self-esteems, but if the guy you are with is willing to watch you have sex with another guy (or be an escort in general), doesn't that mayyyybe suggest the dude doesn't really care about you? I mean, ya, some couples are into that kinda thing - but come on. I know so many providers who are awesome ladies - smart, articulate, attractive and seem to want to live better lives (I mean, who doesn't?), yet they continue to keep themselves tied down to these low-life guys because they feel they can't do better/need them around. Sad.
  5. She worked Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night this week. She had ads up each night.
  6. Whoa - she is 18? I'd guess she was in her 30's. Thankfully I'm not that guy at the fair who guesses ages/weight - I'd run out of "stuff you can take from the top shelf" really quick lol (reference for the older crowd). :)
  7. There seems to have been a massive influx of fake ad/fake pics since girls (or guys behind the fake ads) moved from Backpage to Leolist. Numerous ads list "Cape Breton/Sydney" as the location - stay away from those for sure. Look for girls with verified pics on Leolist (although, that isn't a sure fire guarantee the pics are not fake) or check Lyla for reviews/threads for the provider. In other words.....SHOP!!! There are lots and lots of girls with real pics. Literally, don't go see a provider until you have done some research and are pretty sure your choice is a good one. Here is a quick check list for you..... 1. First thing - right click on the pic in question and "save as" - then google "Tinyeye" and go to that site. Enter the pic you just saved on that site and see what results pop up. The only results should be from the site they are advertising on. 2. If the ad states the location as Cape Breton, Truro or multi areas all at once.....it's probably fake. 3. Look to see how many views the ad has. If it has under 50 views, it's a new ad. Wait a bit to see if that provider posts again (and the views go up). A lot of fake ads are one-time shot deals - the ad pops up once or twice and you never see it again. Most REAL providers work a few days a week or a month - rarely does a provider just work one time only lol 4. Avoid ads that say "Party Friendly". These are providers who like the coco and they are usually flakey as hell. 5. Avoid any ads that list the hourly rate under $170-180. If you see a provider offering an hour for $100 or something - it's probably fake, and if not, do you really want to see a "$100/hr" provider??? Yikes. 6. Just use your head - if a provider looks like a super model - it's probably pics of an actual super model. Let's be honest here - there are a handful of providers locally who have amazing bodies; if a provider appears to have a hotter body than the aforementioned Addictive Barbie, Ms. Manda, Emily Wilson (and her friend) or some of the ladies that come down from Quebec, chances are they are fake pics. In other words, if a provider looks too good to be true, she probably is. :)
  8. Yes, very lucky. She is one of the top SP's I've seen. :) lol - I should clarify. The leaning thing was my only way to explain to myself the odd lack of "smoothness/flow" I felt. I feel she may not have a "routine", as some girls develop - she seems to just plain ol' have sex and when you get into that realm of physical contact, it may lend itself to a higher chance of two people just not "clicking" sexually....if that makes sense. ...like, if a fella were to find a hook-up after a bar one night, from time to time, no matter how physically attractive they are, it's bopping heads/bodies not meshing kinda sex. It happens. Would I see Diane again? Oh, for sure! Her personality/body totally over-rides the slight lack of connection sexually. I think this is more of a the guy who sees her problems vs a problem with her. :) :)
  9. I also saw her a while back and I echo the statements above. Amazing body - great personality.....but something was just "off". Only thing I can pinpoint is she "has sex to the right", if that makes sense. On top?....she is leaning to the right. Missionary? Leaning to the right. Weird lol
  10. It's not the end of the world. Although, at first I was like, "OMG - there are a LOT of confused/angry ladies in cities allll over North America right now!!" .....but, my friend worked last night - she had just as many, if not more texts than she normally does....and only one was a regular who had her number stored. There are alternative places to put up ads and apparently they are already being used by providers and clients. :)
  11. Seized for me too. There is a replacement site up already....Bedpage. Really??? lol I suspect it won't last long or will crash due to high traffic.
  12. In hanging around a few escorts, I see their routine. As soon as they see your number, they check the location and copy and paste the number into Facebook. A large number of times they have where you live, if you are married, what you do for a living and what you look like in seconds. I can't count how many time I've been in the car and had a phone handed to me with the question... "Does this guy look ok or shaddy?". On the other hand, if you don't pop up on Facebook, they will sometimes ask for a photo if they are getting a weird vibe or are going to an area is that is sketchy. Also, you would be surprised how many guys offer up pics of themselves on their own. :icon_cry:
  13. Should have added this reco to her already existing recommendation thread. :) :) http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=215167
  14. She popped up around the same time as a set of twins and a few other girls (who were linked to her ad). Her Instagram look like it is for a group of girls vs just her. My guess is possible underage/new group of recruits being run by one entity. I'd personally stay away.
  15. "Bedford/Kentville" outcalls are always a flag for me. That's a large area to cover.
  16. Those jeans look pretty tight though. Muffin-top-making tight!! lol Ad still looks sketchy.
  17. *If* it who I think it is, she doesn't advertise on BP, etc. for single calls. I believe she has a few older men/couples she attends to when they are in town, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't do the regular escorting thing.....more into sugary relationships.
  18. I heard from a friend who knows her that she is kinda scammy. The e-transfer isn't a surprise.
  19. Emily Wilson (and perhaps Tallia) allow full filming.
  20. She has a few threads here. Search her name and stuff should pop up. I've seen her. Very pretty girl with a nice body. Service did not match up though. :(
  21. I think the line you quoted above was initially meant for someone who was in the situation I described in that line, if that makes sense. I also think she was with me when I posted that. ...and there is lots wrong with me - I'm human :-P
  22. They are "new" to people who are just visiting that site for the first time. :) Also, you would be amazed at how many clients never even read the ads. They see a pic they like and start texting, usually ignoring all the stated information in that ad. In hanging around a few SP's, I couldn't count the amount of times I've seen them staring at their phones saying ".....did you read my damn ad!!!?" Are you available? What are your rates? What do you offer? Do you have any specials? ....usually all info that is found in many ads/link to websites.
  23. I know Mya does not have male parts. She was wearing an open housecoat when she answered the door.
  24. She had problems with that to the point she posted a pic of her ID in her Lyla profile to help clarify after it was brought up in a thread about her. I also first saw her on Fetlife. She wasn't using the site as advertising for escorting at first, but when that changed and I saw she was working in Halifax, I just had to hire her after seeing her Fetlife pics. She was literally the second girl I ever hired (Vandal Vyxen being the first). She then moved to Toronto and fast forward a year later, I hired her again when she returned to Halifax.
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